
"Ten" stared at Pangu with his eyes fixed on Pangu and roared. His momentum also slowly regressed, not as powerful as before.

Looking at this, they didn't kill it, and their hearts were filled with despair.

There's no way. If you can't kill them, they will die. They have no power to fight again.


Pangu also roared and raised his hands.

With the fall of his voice, those pieces of Pangu axe on the ground trembled one after another, then flew to the sky quickly, closed the axe, and slowly fell into Pangu's hands.

Seeing this scene, Shi's eyes suddenly shrunk and then slowly retreated.

When Pangu made a manual move, "ten" immediately roared into the sky.


The cry spread all over the battlefield, and then it suddenly turned around and ran back quickly.

The speed of the "ten" is very fast and disappeared in a moment.

And the killing road beast sea stopped one after another, and then all turned around and ran.

This kind of situation makes the people of Guang be stunned, and then know what the situation is.

"Oh Oh... "

"Win, we hold on!"

"Ah We won

The people of Guangzu cried out one after another, ignoring their injuries.

They were also relieved and looked at the huge Pangu in awe.

"The eyes of the old horse are dark, and his eyes are full of anger.


The huge Pangu axe fell on the ground, a huge pit was smashed out, and a huge air wave burst out.

And Pangu slowly fell forward.


The figure of 4000 meters covered the sky and fell to the ground. The ground was shaken several times, and a strong air wave swept around.

"Brother Pangu..."

The old man of tomb shouts and runs to Pangu.

If it wasn't for Pangu, most of them would have died here, so they know how to be grateful.


On a high mountain ten thousand miles away from the battlefield, twelve figures all looked at the direction of the battlefield.

"Now that they are both defeated, shall we take action?"

Thought Wang light said.

They have controlled more than seven million Taoist beasts, although not many, but for the present holy light city, it is a huge pressure, and maybe the holy light city will be lost.

"I think I can do it."

"That's right."

"The man who killed the pure old devil also appeared."

The king said softly.

"He's not dead yet. His life is great."

"But this time, it just killed him."

"Well, that's right. Let's go. Attack."

And then they disappear.


In the city of cause and effect.

Within the stone house space.

"Sister Ling Ni, what's the matter?"

Xuexue walks to Ling Ni and looks at her curiously.

Ling Ni looks sad and tangled.

"The city of light is in a life and death crisis. I don't know if I should go back and help."

Lingni said softly.

Lingshuo and Mingshen wanted to take her back, so they had a fight with long RI Tian. Now they don't know whether they should go back or not.

"Go ahead. After all, you are the people of light. They are always your people."

Snow smile and whisper.

Ling Ni raised her head and looked at her with big eyes.

"Yes, I'm worried about him day by day..."

"Don't worry. You haven't understood him for so long. He won't be angry with you if he knows which is lighter or which is heavier."

Xue Xue laughs.

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