The huge city of light, no one at this time, silent.

"Dad, why How is it different from our city, people? "

Long Zhi Mu doubts to ask a way.

No one. How can he find his little sister.

"You see, there is a huge blood evil spirit. There must have been a great war."

Long RI Tian pointed to the direction of the battlefield and said softly.

Ling Ni's eyes also revealed worry, she can feel how cruel there is, the war must be earth shaking.

"Let's go."

Without saying much, ronjitian took her hand and flew to the other side of the battlefield.

Snow and Long Zhi Mu also quickly followed up.

On the battlefield, there are huge cracks in the earth, and there is a dead body, blood flowing into a river, thousands of miles around, emitting a strong smell of blood.

Originally, when the tide of animals was back, the people of Guang were very excited, and they were jumping and crying and laughing.

But now, there was silence, and there was a tinge of despair on their faces.

In front of them, a large number of road animals appeared, and one by one came to them unhurt, and each step seemed to step on their heart.

Don't they go? They thought together.

"Are we really going to destroy the clan?"

The three men thought at the same time, and despair rose in their hearts.

But at this time, there are twelve figures on these beasts, and they slowly float over.


Suddenly, Pangu's eyes suddenly opened, and then slowly stood up, lifting a piece of dust.

"Brother Pangu, are you ok?"

When the old man saw Pangu awake, he was overjoyed. He felt that life was rekindled.

"They It's the enemy

Pangu did not answer his words, but looked at the twelve colorful figures and said in a deep voice. His voice was full of fatigue, and you can imagine how tired he was.

"Brother Pangu knows them?"

Several people looked at each other and asked.

"Erotic Lust king

Pan Gu said in a deep voice and then called out angrily, "axe

Pan Gu's axe trembled on the ground for a moment, then flew up and fell into his hands.


Pangu held up Pangu's axe and roared into the sky with a big battle word.

The light clan seems to have been infected by Pangu and raised their weapons one after another.




The voice spread all over the world, resounding through the heaven and earth, between the heaven and the earth, their voices are constantly ringing, and the infinite fighting spirit rises on them.

They looked at each other, and the fighting spirit rose in their eyes, as if they were young and fearless.

"BAM, BAM, BAM..."

Pangu was the first to rush to the twelve lust kings.

Before he arrived, Pangu's axe came out.

A few thousand meters axe awn flies out and smashes into the sea of beasts.


Thousands of beasts died directly in front of them. Some of them were smashed into meat paste. Some of them were split into two parts. A huge crack was cut on the ground. The terrifying air wave blew all the beasts around.

Then Pangu jumped up fiercely, and then the axe fell to the bottom.

"Boom, boom..."

Pangu's axe fell to the ground, and a loud sound sounded. All the beasts around were shocked and exploded. Then a crack on the ground quickly cracked forward. The speed was very fast, and the crack continued to expand, reaching more than ten meters wide and thousands of meters long. Many animals fell down.

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