Pangu's two strikes killed tens of thousands of beasts and opened a gap for the Guangzu people.

Then he rushed to the twelve lust kings.

"You are the bow of the strong end, why not let us control and share prosperity?"

Siwang's voice came out faintly, and instantly passed into Pangu's ears.

"Hum, dare to come to heaven, you are looking for death!"

At the thought of tea, Pangu's hatred rose, and his body was filled with infinite strength, and Pangu's axe cleaved to them.

Although Pangu was already very weak, they still did not dare to be careless. After all, their fighting strength was not particularly strong.

I saw the twelve of them rise with colorful lights, and then they jointly bombard Pangu axe.


When the two collide, the color light of terror shines on the world, and a terrible ability sweeps around.

Pangu was knocked back by this energy by dozens of meters.

Although he was very angry, he almost exhausted his fighting power in the war with "ten". Now he really can't give full play to his strength.

At this time, Ming God and they rushed to attack the lust king.

If they had been able to fight lust king one to two to three, but now they are reluctant to fight the last one, and they are all seriously injured.

All of a sudden, four of them against four lust kings, and Pangu, against eight lust kings.

However, this greatly reduced the pressure on Pangu.


Pangu roared and his axe cut through the void and hit them.


The eight colored lights came together and hit Pangu axe, which made Pangu axe stop in an instant.

Another wave of terrifying energy swept around.

But this time it was the eight lust queens who withdrew.

Then the lust kings looked at each other, nodded, and then a stream of color fog spread out of their bodies, instantly covering all the people in Pangu.

For a moment, all Pangu people felt dizzy.

Then they were hit with colorful lights.

"Puff, puff..."

Dazzle dizzy for a second, the Ming gods and their names fly out one by one, and the blood spurts out one after another.

Even Pangu turned pale and stepped back.

At the same time, they wake up.

"Watch out for their magic!"

For a moment, Ming Shen cried out.

They had been seriously injured, but they were even more injured. At the same time, they also concentrated on protecting their souls.

But in this way, they are even more suppressed.

"Surrender, surrender to us, and you will survive."

The angry king said to Pangu with a smile.

"No way!"

Pangu roared and continued to rush up.

"Boom, boom..."

In the realm of lust king, they are oppressed to death and can only defend passively.

But lust king they are not hurt at all, and physical strength is also intact, so they are not compared.

Half an hour later, they couldn't hold on any longer, and were blown out one by one.

"Puff, puff..."

A man fell on the ground and spat with blood.

But this time, they can't stand up again.


Pangu roared and hit the king of food with one blow, and he flew out.

But the next second, seven colored lights also hit him.

"Poof..." I can't bear it. I can't help it. I can't help it. I can't help it.


Pangu's huge body directly knelt down on one knee. Pangu's axe was broken again and scattered around.

"I didn't expect that I would die here! Lady I'm here to accompany you. "

Pangu is a little reluctant to low road.

It's a pity that he can kill them all if he has the strength.

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