At night, it is usually the quietest time. Many people also go to sleep or practice.

But the city of light is not quiet at this time. Maybe the goddess of light no longer cares about it.


A loud noise awakens all the light people, and they wake up from their confusion.

But the next moment, the earth came a violent vibration, the earth was shaking.

"Boom, boom..."

Then came the sound of running.

"The beast is coming!"

People near the city wall looked at the terrible scene, their eyes showed the color of fear, but they still used all their strength to shout.


As soon as he finished shouting, he was covered by the sea of beasts and trampled into scum, but his words also spread out.

"The beast is coming..."

"The beast is coming..."

There were shouts.

But at this time, the sea of beasts has quickly rushed in.

"Boom, boom..."

Rows of stone houses were knocked down, and a large number of Guangzu people were directly trampled to death.


Behind the sea of beasts, a huge dark shadow came slowly and roared.

The two huge pupils of the "ten" are hanging in the sky like the blood moon, and the sound is like thunder in this holy city of light.

It's head, standing a figure, is the evil Zhutian.

At this time, however, his breath was more terrible than before. His body was full of dark red blood lights. His hair was long and his head was windless. A pair of scarlet blood pupils were ferocious. His twelve long horns seemed to break the sky.

He broke through to the beginning of Tao.

"I It's invincible. "

Evil Zhutian is wearing a confident and arrogant smile. Now even long RI Tian doesn't pay attention to it.

At this time, they knew that the figure appeared ten kilometers away.

Seeing the "ten" and the man standing on it, their heart sank.

"Go to the city of cause and effect and ask the Lord of cause and effect."

Lingshushen voice said to Tianji.

"Be careful."

Tianji bit his teeth and looked at them.


The gods nodded and weapons appeared in their hands.

Then Tianji disappeared into the air.

"Roar..." "Ten" found them and roared. The blood beam on his head shot directly at them.


With one sword and one fist, Ming Shen scattered the two blood lights, but they also stepped back.

"Stronger again." Such an idea arose between the two of them.

However, no matter what they think, they kick their hind legs and rush to them. A huge pit appears in the ground instantly, and a huge crack sweeps around.

The two of them dodged in a flash, but also separated.

The ten great claws beat to the Ming God, and the tail swept away to the spirit.

"Boom..." The two took the blow, but were also photographed flying out.

After all, they delay time until the arrival of the causal City Lord, and everything will reverse.

"Want to delay time?"

All of a sudden, Xie Zhutian said that he didn't go into the body of ten this time. Instead, he stood firmly on the body of ten and looked at them with an evil smile on his face.

They looked up and saw that the Ming God had stretched out his hand to them.

A sense of crisis welled up in him.

All of a sudden, he felt that his blood was out of his control, and he was slowly drifting towards the "ten.".


Ming Shen roared, and his mana controlled the blood in his body.

Just after the sense of control was removed, a huge claw came to him.


Ming God directly flies out, blood vomit.

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