Ming Shen flies out upside down, and before he can adjust his body, a big mouth appears above him.


Ming God is unwilling to shout.

"Ming Shen..."

Lingshu also cried out in a hurry.

"Poof..." But "ten" won't listen to them. He will eat him in one bite, and drop by drop of golden blood will flow down.

This scene happened to be seen by the light clansmen below. For a time, the breath of despair spread, and many of them felt hopeless.

"Don't worry. It's your turn soon."

Evil Zhutian narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.


Lingshu's eyes were bloodshot and roared, and a giant of light appeared behind him and threw it at him.

Evil Zhutian looked at him like this, his eyes full of contempt and disdain, his hands toward him, five fingers open.


Evil Zhutian slowly spit out a word, a flash of blood on his hand.

"Hum..." Lingshuo only felt that all the blood on his body was a meal, which made his body feel congested and dizzy.

Then the giant of light behind it disappears.


A thick tail patted on Lingshu's body, which made his eyes stare and a big mouthful of blood spurted out. His eyes were full of despair and powerlessness.

This blow directly injured him.

Then, his body slowly flew up, not under his control, flew to the front of the evil Zhu heaven, and looked at him.

"Don't worry, your saviors will come soon, and they will die as well."

Evil kill heaven, evil said, full of arrogance.

This body was cast with the turbid blood of long RI Tian. It contained the road of blood and the blood of the king of beasts, which he thought was invincible.

"Is it?"

Suddenly, a voice came to him from the side.

Evil Zhu Tianshun reputation to see long day Tim floating in the air light looking at him, Tianji is behind him.

"Ha ha ha, just in time. Let you experience my power."

Evil Zhutian laughs, and then hands to Lingshu, trying to kill him first.

Long day Tim mouth slightly a Yang, a wave of the hand, lingshuo appeared behind him.

"Stay well."

After long RI Tian finished, he tore his hand at the space in front of him

Evil Zhutian only felt that his eyes were a flower and appeared on the open mountains.

And long Ritian also slowly appeared in front of him.

"Let me see your strength here."

Long Ritian said with a smile.

"Hum, even if you have a good space Road, the light" ten "can tear down the city of light."

Evil Zhu Tian Leng Sheng Dao, is not as mad as before.

"Is it?"

Long Ritian is still that unfathomable smile, very mysterious.

"Play tricks!"

Evil Zhutian roared, two blood claws appeared on his hand, and rushed to longri Tian.

In Shengguang City, because of the disappearance of Xie Zhutian and longri Tian, the "ten" and Tianji Lingshu are blowing in the breeze.

They were stunned for a moment, then their hearts sank.

What kind of operation is this, leaving "ten" to them? Does long Jitian think that they are the opponents of "ten"?

Just then, a strange sound came, and it grew louder and louder.

They looked at the place where the sound was, and suddenly their eyes widened and they couldn't believe it.

See the sky ahead, a piece of black insects flying, some people have small, dense, let their scalp numb.


"Ten" looked at the insects and immediately roared, but he stepped back a few steps.

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