In the city of cause and effect, there is a spectacle.

The sky is full of insects, large and small, these insects in line to rush to the transmission array, thousands of them at a time, like a huge black column pouring into the transmission array.

The people of cause and effect city were very afraid at the beginning, but they found that these insects did not attack people, so they didn't feel anything. Some people even boldly approached the transmission array. When they saw these strange insects, they just needed spicy strips and melon seeds.

In the city of light.


A strange cry came from the insect sea, and everyone felt a pain in the eardrum.

Then the insect sea separated and became two sides. A purple gold ant with big fist flew out.

The king of purple is growing up.


"Ten" looked at Zipi and roared. The sound shook the space ahead.

"Ah..." Purple phage also not willing to be outdone called, although the voice is not big, but the penetration is very strong.

Then, the insect sea pounced on the road beast in the lower beast sea, and a large number of insects also rushed to the "ten".

"The people of the light clan, help the insects kill the beast."

Tianji saw that these insects were saviors, so he yelled at the bottom.

The light clansman below was stunned and then reacted.


The hope of a new life of the Guangzu surged to the Taoist beast.

And these insects are more vicious. There are hundreds of insects on each Dao beast, and then they drill into the body of Dao beast.


A head of the road beast began to jump wildly, issued a sound of scream.

Although a lot of insects were shaken off and trampled to death, most of them were OK.

"Puff, puff..."

With the help of the Guangzu people, a sword passed through the hopping insects.

Suddenly, a large number of Taoist beasts were killed.

On the "ten" side, there are also a lot of insects.


As soon as the "ten" hit the ground, all the insects around him fell like rain.

But there are not many insects. The number of them is the most. When one group dies, another comes up.


With a roar, the huge sound wave swept forward, and the insects in front fell to the ground again.

At this time, purple phage is no longer a light to look at, thin wings move, instantly disappeared in place, the speed is too fast.

The next second, it has reached the back of "ten", and then open its mouth and bite down.


I saw the hard black armor of "ten" in front of the purple, just like a biscuit, directly biting out a small mouth.

"Roar..." Ten body also beat up, want to leave purple phage.

But purple phage as long as in the above, do not move, but the mouth does not stop moving, that small gap continues to expand, soon there is blood.


"Ten" did not jump, the ten sharp corners became blood color, and blood light shot to purple.

Purple phage immediately flew away, all of these blood light on their own body.

"Boom, boom..."

The blood light hit him, and the ten almost fell.

But the next second, it turns around and runs.


Purple phage called out, and then again jumped up, steadily fell on the body of ten, and then a bite down.


Ten can only scream, and then keep running, and soon disappeared in the city of light, but it did not stop, or ran in a direction quickly.

And longritian.


The evil that long RI Tian faces has changed.

In front of him was a hundred meter beast, blood red, like a mad lion, with twelve huge sharp horns on its head emitting a breath of terror.

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