"Ha ha ha ha, long RI Tian, I can't believe it. This is a beast more powerful than the" ten ", named the blood god. You're going to die here today. "

From the roar of the lion's mouth and the blood of the lion.

When Xie Zhutian laughs, long RI Tian feels his body's blood Unconsciously leaning forward, as if he wants to rush out.

"A little bit of skill."

Long day adds light to say, and then a wave of the hand, the force of space will instantly blood cage in the body.

"It's no use. The power of space can't stop me."

Evil Zhutian laughs, then opens his mouth and sucks.


See long day Tian skin suddenly a red, was pressed in the body of the blood again boiling, a silk spilled out of the body.

Long RI Tian's face remains unchanged and his body disappears in place.

However, the absorption of Xie Zhutian did not stop, but became larger, and the suction effect was in all directions. Although long RI Tian had already flashed away, the blood still overflowed from the air, which was very abnormal.

The next second, ronjitian appeared over him, the ancient halberd was pulled out, and the space suddenly stopped.

But it was just a pause for a moment, the suction came again, evil Zhutian did not have a trace of defense, also did not know who gave him confidence.

Long RI Tian's face was calm. With the influx of mana, the ancient halberd stabbed down with a terrible momentum.


The ancient halberd fell directly on Xie Zhutian's body, and a terrible blood light burst out. The terrible wave swept around, and the surrounding space began to break.

But as the light faded away, a trace of solemnity appeared in long RI Tian's eyes.

"Ha ha ha, surprise, this is the power of your blood."

Xie Zhutian laughed.

On his back, there was a pool of thin blood, which blocked the attack of the ancient halberd.

"Good ability. If you don't have me, you may be able to dominate the heavens."

Long RI Tian said coldly.

"Now that you're tough, go to hell."

Evil Zhutian roared, a terrible energy gushed out from the twelve sharp blood horns on his head, and then a huge blood light column shot out to the long sun.

"Do you want to taste being hit by your own attack?"

Long RI Tian said coldly, and then waved his hand in front of him.

I saw this huge blood light column rushed into the space, and then appeared from the space below the evil Zhu heaven.


This blood light column completely blasted in the evil Zhutian body.

"Ah..." Evil Zhutian's body was directly blown up and sent out a burst of screams.

Long RI Tian coldly watched, this is just a small ability of space Avenue, space reverse folding, want to open a space channel in such a short distance.

Then long RI added a wave of hand, a force of cause and effect on their own blood, the blood will be fixed in it.

The blood control ability of evil killing heaven can ignore space, but not the force of cause and effect.


Evil Zhutian stood up from the ground and shook his head. His red eyes were full of resentment and looked at long RI Tian.

"Blood all over the sky!"

Evil Zhutian roared, and a terrible breath came from his body, and a drop of blood suddenly appeared in the space,

it was not long RI Tian's blood, just like it appeared out of thin air.

Soon, the blood filled the whole sky, covered with blood for ten miles, and long RI Tian was also among them.

Long Ritian looked at the scene, frowned, where did the blood come from.

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