In the city of light, the people who had almost won just wanted to cheer, and a terrible attraction came from the space.


"My blood..."

They were frightened and began to scream.

Their blood starts to get out of control, spills out, and then goes into space.

Even the blood from the dead bodies was sucked out and poured into the space.

Those who have eaten the flesh and blood of Dao beast also float out quickly.

After a while, the suction stopped.

The location of long RI Tian has become a sea of blood, and long RI Tian is in the sea of blood.

The blood in the sea of blood became a person, or a Taoist beast, and then rushed to longri Tian.

Long RI frowned slightly, but not worried.

With a stroke of the ancient halberd, the blood beast will be split in two in an instant.

But in the next second, the blood beast split in two fused again and became a brand new blood beast.

"Kill it, ha ha ha."

Evil Zhutian laughed, and then his body melted into the sea of blood.

But long day Tian face a cold, pupil turned gray, quickly swept around a circle, the figure quickly disappeared.


The figure of evil Zhu Tian was smashed out in an instant, the powerful waves swept around, and the sea of blood trembled.

Long RI Tian did not stop, his body disappeared again, appeared on the head of evil Zhu heaven, and the ancient halberd stabbed at the corner of his head.


The ancient halberd fell on these corners, but they were not cut off. This shocked longritian.

But fortunately, the next moment there was a click.


A blood horn suddenly broke off.

"Roar!" Evil Zhutian sent out a scream, the breath on his body dropped a point.

But ronjitian didn't stop. He cut it off again.

This time, evil Zhu Tian endured great pain, forced to shake open long RI Tian, and then flashed to a direction.

And the blood sea did not cause any damage to longritian, and then began to dissipate.

"BAM, BAM, BAM..."

As soon as long RI Tian rushed out of the sea of blood, he saw that "ten" was coming at a very fast speed on the opposite land.

And evil Zhutian also met with a very fast speed.


The violent collision of imagination did not happen, but evil Zhu Tian's mouth suddenly became very large and swallowed the "ten" in one mouthful.

At the moment ten was swallowed, a purple light flashed out.


After swallowing the "ten", Xie Zhutian raised his voice and roared, and then a stream of blood flowed out of his body, and then became bigger and swollen.


His body is getting bigger and bigger, kilometer, 2000m, 3000m, 5000m.

And the blood horn that had just been cut off on his head grew out again.

"Puff, puff..."

Immediately after the blood corner, another blood corner burst out. Soon, the blood angle on the head of evil Zhu heaven reached 22.

Every time he added a blood horn, his breath doubled, and when he got 22, his momentum soared ten times.


Evil Zhutian roared, all the surrounding space was shattered, the sky was covered by black clouds, the terrible snake rolled.

All the thousand miles were covered in his momentum. The powerful storm destroyed the earth, and the trees burst like the end of the day.

Long RI Tian was in the middle of the storm, his face was dignified, and he had no idea that he had such a move.


Long day Tian finally serious, cold drink a, with boundless momentum to evil Zhutian huge body cut.

Evil Zhutian's huge eyes turned and his huge blood claw turned and patted him.


The two collide and a wave of terror spreads.

There is a huge wound on the blood claw, and there is the power of time on the wound, which makes the blood claw wound age instantly.

But a blood light flows through the blood claw, and the aging wound instantly turns into blood scab, then turns into dust, and the wound has become better.

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