Under the sky, black clouds were thick.

Long RI Tian, who was dressed in silver and white armor and held a domineering ancient halberd, was in opposition to the huge evil Zhutian and looked at each other.


Evil Zhutian roars, and then pats to longri Tian. The giant hand touches the black cloud and drives the whole sky with blood.

Long Ritian's face has become majestic, his hair is still, his pupils are grey, and his body disappears.


A bright light flashed on the Giant Claw of evil killing heaven, and a stream of blood gushed out. The huge claw was suddenly disconnected and fell downward.

"Roar..." Evil Zhutian roared, the Giant Claw fell to a stop, and then flew back, trying to connect.


Long day Tian light said a, the broken claw immediately stopped, and then was isolated in a time and space he created.

Then longri Tian's figure disappeared again, appeared in front of the evil Zhutian body and ran into him.


Long RI Tian, who has the blessing of ancient road armor, directly rushes into the body of Xie Zhutian and rushes out from his back.


Evil Zhutian screamed.


At this time, a strange cry came from the sky, and then a dark shadow covered the sky and earth.

Long Ritian looked up and saw a huge ant biting its head down.

His body quickly dodged.


The purple bite that becomes startling day big bit on the body of evil Zhu Tian.

"Ka Click Poof

With the strength of purple phage, the body of evil Zhutian is slowly bitten open, and finally directly cut off.

Suddenly a lot of blood fell down.

"Roar..." Evil Zhutian screams again.

Although he was bitten in two, he was still alive. A lot of blood mist was connected around him. The two parts of his body began to close and wanted to recover.


A bright light flashed by, and the evil Zhutian was separated again before he could close the cage. Then long RI added his hand, and two separate spaces were separated, and the two parts of the body were installed. At the same time, the time was adjusted to 100000 times.

At the same time, he broke the causal line between the two parts of the body, so that they could no longer be connected.

Under long Ritian's eyes, I saw that the two parts of the body slowly deformed, one into the shape of a human, the other into the shape of a beast.

It is the evil that kills the heaven and the ten.

"I can't believe You are the emperor, but I don't want to be reincarnated. "

Evil Zhu Tian looks at long RI Tian, eyes a little complicated said.

"You shouldn't have come out."

Long day adds light to say, the tone is full of dignity and oppressive feeling.

"If I don't come out, will I stay in it all my life? Hehe Evil Zhutian mocks the way, the breath is very weak.

Long Ritian didn't speak any more. He held his hand to him and closed the cage slowly.

Everyone has his own destiny. If he takes a wrong step on the road of fate, it is difficult to turn back. Therefore, this is the way that evil Zhu Tian has chosen, and the only way to end it is like this.

Long Jitian can't seal him, not because he can't do it, but because he is afraid that he will run out again.

He will leave the heavens.

Yes, he will leave the heavens.

After awakening the memory of the great emperors of the heavens, he knew that there was a world beyond the boundaries of the heavens, and the erotic world was one of them.

However, the former Emperor of heaven could not break the world wall of the high world, so he studied a artifact that could break the world wall.

That is to break through the world wall of the unknown world with the help of the power of the whole universe.

The carrier of this artifact is the ancient road armor and the ancient road halberd.

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