Xie Zhutian is dead, and the "ten" is also dead, and most of the beast tide in Shengguang city is also dead. The Dao beast clan should not be able to recover to the peak peak period in tens of billions of years.

However, the light clan is also seriously damaged. It is estimated that after tens of millions of years, it will not recover to its peak.

And now in the erotic world.

In a huge Valley, there is a huge floating altar with 13 figures in a circle. Among the 13 figures, there is a jade bed on which the corpses of tea and tea lie.

I saw twelve lust kings and Pangu, who gradually poured out a colorful light, and then rose to the sky.


Thirteen pillars of light rose from the sky, the energy of terror was vast, just like the power of heaven. The strong breath swept around, and the heaven and earth changed color.

Thirteen beams of light have been going on, and this one is releasing energy.

And around the altar, there was a vast light, echoing with 13 light pillars.

Then, a terrible column of color light came down from the sky, directly on the body of tea tea.


The terror of the color light column instantly submerged tea, some ability want to rush out, but by the altar dead in the tea in that area.

Pangu's eyes were fixed on the middle of the colorful light column, and the lust energy in his body was pouring out wildly.

At this time, the body of tea tea, 13 different erotic energy into the body, and then scattered around her body, absorbed by the cells.

As the cells absorb cellular and cellular energy, the 13 erotic energies interweave and swim into the sea of her soul, and then slowly rotate.

Gradually, a group of fist big villains slowly congealed, the appearance is also slowly clear.

Half a month later, the twelve lust kings and Pangu outside the altar turned pale, and the lust energy in their bodies was almost exhausted.

All of a sudden, a strong momentum came out of tea.


For a moment, this momentum will be the color beam scattered, at the same time, the thirteen of them were blasted out.

Then a strange smell rose from the tea.

"It worked."

The angry King breathed a sigh of relief, and his face was very pale.

Pangu looked at the body of tea, his face appeared excited color, and stood up with strong support.

After a while, tea tea eyes slowly opened, eyes full of confusion.

But then it became clear.


Pangu's shaking voice came.

Hearing Pangu's voice, tea tea's body became stiff, then her eyes turned red and her body stood up.

All of a sudden, their eyes were on each other.

The angry king looked at them with a sigh of relief. At the same time, his heart was filled with happiness.

It seems that the beauty trick will work.

Such thoughts arose in the twelve lust kings.

They look at each other, and then slowly retreat, leaving them two worlds.


Among the heavenly realms, longritian came to the heavenly cities.

As the main city of the heavenly cities, its functions are more than other cities.

However, the role of these cities is only one, that is to control the heaven and the world, so that they can use the power of the heaven and the world.

In addition to the crystal of the heavenly cities, there are 18 crystal cities, only six of them are now, and there are twelve.

But now the twelve crystal cities are in his hands.

Long RI Tian hands a turn, a city crystal appeared in the air.

Then, the fingers gently paddle, a piece of City Crystal immediately shot to all directions.

For a moment, all the city crystal disappeared in front of the body.

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