In the end, only the angry king and the food king remained, and they would lead their people to the heavens.

"Has it been decided?"

Long day Tim swept twelve lust king, in the food king body stopped for two seconds, light said.

"It's decided, Lord of cause and effect."

They said in unison.

"Well, in half a month, the heavens and the universe will be closed. Take people away as soon as possible."

Long day adds light to say.


Then they all left.

When the time came, long Ritian arranged everything. As for the two cities of the lust clan, he separated them, one in the extreme East and the other in the extreme West.

And the food king's city is next door to the demon city.

Long Ritian also told the demon that if the food king had any abnormal behavior, he would kill him.

With the strength of the people and demons at the beginning of the Taoist realm, he has the ability to kill the king of food alone. Now the man devil is just a little worse than Pangu, but not much.

During this trip to the unknown world, I don't know whether I can come in again, so he can't let the turmoil be found in the celestial world.

And he went out this time, did not tell the family, but left a body to accompany them.

This point can have the power of his full blow, but only once, and it will dissipate after one time.

But if you don't attack, it's not a problem if you can't attack.

The sky above the city of heaven, longri Tian floats in the air, looking at the huge heaven with emotion.

"Time to go!"

The voice of Cang rang out between heaven and earth.

Long RI Tian turned his hand, and a red crystal appeared in his hand. At the same time, ancient road armor and ancient road halberd appeared on his body. A terrible momentum rolled over the earth.

He looked at the land and pressed the red crystal toward the groove in the middle of the ancient road armor.


The red crystal is embedded.


See a ray of light out of the vast, quickly swept his body, to the whole land, the whole world of heaven.

With the passing of the light, the towers of the 18 cities were lit up, and then the world below rose one after another to rush to the towers.

Long Ritian in the sky of zhutiancheng instantly felt a terrible energy bestowed on him. This energy is incomparably powerful, which is many times stronger than his own strength.

But instead of being surprised, he looked into the sky.

He's waiting, waiting for the power to reach its limit.

As time went on, the space around his body had been crushed, and a terrible space cyclone was spinning.

Then a light flashed through long RI Tian's eyes, and his body burst into the sky.


All the space he flew through was broken.

Long RI Tian's eyes have become gray. Looking at a point above, the breath of ancient halberd in his hand is more and more terrible.


One word rings through the whole universe.

The ancient halberd hit that spot.


The energy of terror rolls around, tearing everything apart, and the space collapses where the energy wave passes.

"Click Click... "

The space at that point suddenly broke like a mirror, with more and more cracks.


Long day Tim low roar, on the hand blue muscle burst, the terror energy crazy gushes out.


Finally, the space finally broke up, revealing a huge dark space channel with terrible energy.

Long Ritian looked back and looked at the earth of the heavens.

Then a dazzling light was emitted from the red crystal, shining on the whole universe in an instant.

As the light flashed by, the earth disappeared, and there was only a dark space in front of longri Tian.

But in the red crystal, is full of stars, one of the largest in the middle.

Ronjitian touches the red crystal and then moves towards the space passage.

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