
Long day Tian slowly opened his eyes, because his face to the ground, immediately inhaled dust, cough up.

He thought about it, but found that his body was as heavy as lead water, and his strength could not be used.

"How could..."

He poked into his body and found that the ancient road armor, the ancient road gun and all kinds of Taoist tools were inside, but they seemed to be locked.

Except for yuan Shen's ability to use it a little, the place in fact is covered by a layer of gray runes. His whole body is gray runes, even on Taoist vessels.

The clothes he is wearing now are all worn out, which may have been broken when he was crossing the space passage. As for the other passage device, it should be damaged and returned to his body automatically.

"Why, brother, why is there someone here? What is he doing? It's strange. "

Suddenly, a sweet voice came from long RI's body.

I saw a man and a woman walking 20 meters away from longri. The man was tall and big, with bronze skin, and he was very strong.

The girl is petite and cute, with two horsetails.

But they were only dressed in ordinary grey cloth.

"He may be listening to animals." The man scratched his head and said in a simple voice.

"Oh, oh, maybe."

The woman's eyes bent into crescent, chuckled.

Long Ritian listened to their voice, ignored, and tried hard to hold up.


Just hold up a little, he was pressed down again, gray face.

"Brother, it seems that he can't get up, is he hurt?" The girl stopped and looked at long RI Tian suspiciously.

"His clothes are ragged. He should have been injured."

Murmured the man.

Then ronjitian only felt two huge hands on his waist, then turned over, and he leaned against the man's back.

"Damn it..."

Long Ritian immediately resisted in his heart and tried to shake him off, but the mana in his body couldn't move.

A smell of sweat poured into his nose, and long RI rolled his eyes.

My God, what kind of world is this? Longritian began to wail in his heart.

The world actually pressed him into this way, how to say he is also the great emperor.

I don't know how long he walked. Long RI Tian was carried back to a wooden house and put it on the wooden bed.

"Brother, why can't he move? He is clearly awake."

"Brother, can't he hear us? Why is he looking at us like this? Is he deaf and dumb?"


The sister and the man stood by longritian and looked at him curiously.

"Can you tell me where this is? I don't remember anything. "

Long RI Tian has no choice but to become a person with amnesia. If he wants to recover his strength, he must find out what is here.

"No wonder you didn't speak. It turns out that you lost your memory. Brother, he is so poor."

The sister didn't answer longritian's question. Instead, she held her brother's arm and said with watery eyes.

"Yes, it's pathetic."

Hearing the conversation between the two brothers and sisters, long Ritan wants to hit people and ask you something.

"Brother, this is Zhenshan village, Tianhe Guoling banner. Don't worry. No one will bully you here."

The big one scratched his head and laughed.

"Well, thank you."

Long RI Tian nods helplessly.

The brain circuits of these two brothers and sisters are a little strange. It seems that if you want to understand the rules of the world, you need him to stand up before you can do it.

"I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"

Said ronjitian to them.

"Yes, yes, I'll get it." I saw the girl running out.

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