"Let's go!"

Big black sky's face is completely black, he just calculated, unexpectedly can't calculate the strength of the master of this hand, and almost be eaten back.

But he didn't worry. They still had a way to go. After all, tianxizong had many ways to protect his life.


Black chess and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, they were almost unable to withstand, but fortunately, adults did not let them hold on.

Just when they want to increase their strength and shake off the jade hand, the jade hand suddenly appears in the golden sky. Its strength is like a huge tsunami and breaks through the golden dragon imperial array in one fell swoop.



Black, they cry out in despair.

In the big black sky eye, a touch of golden light quickly magnified, and his face became whiter and whiter.

But he didn't stop. He appeared in his hand and quickly sketched on it. Then he threw it in the direction of the explosion. Then he rushed out of the jade God's secret place without looking back.

This array disk is to control the sealed sky array. He pressed the power of the sealed sky array to a piece, just to block the jade hand and buy time for his escape.

Although the ability of Tianhe sect is to calculate heaven and earth, there are countless treasures. This array plate is one of them.


The jade hand explodes the golden dragon imperial array. Once again, the terrifying shock wave sweeps around crazily. It is more powerful than the one before. The land has been cut off.

But when the jade hand moves forward, it comes across a layer of space, directly blocking the jade hand.


Long RI Tian's eyes narrowed and his mouth slightly raised.

"It's interesting. It's good at escaping."

With that, long RI added a little more strength and directly blasted the space in front of him, and a plate fell down.

Ronjitian blinked his gray eyes, and then took his hand back from the void, and the gray light of his eyes slowly dissipated.

"Let's go. Let's go to yushenzong."

Long day adds light to say.

"Yes, young master." Jade saliva is a bit excited to answer a way.

When they came to the exit, Yu saliva saw the situation here and the breath that had not yet dissipated. He was shocked.

When I saw the ring and array plate on the ground, my eyes were bright.

Long day adds a glance at him, light way: "want to go to collect."

"Thank you very much."

Jade saliva quickly nods, and then goes to pick up the equipment.

In my heart, I can't help feeling that I'm a treasure. In this eye, I'm afraid it's just a bit of high-end garbage.

A moment later, they are out of the jade God's secret place.

"Young master, I have a flying boat here."

Jade saliva quickly forward, a wave of the hand, a small treasure boat appeared in the hand.

Long Ritian took a look and shook his head: "it's too low."

Then he stroked his left chest, and a strong suction came.


A long line of Longxing spread out, sweeping away the ancient and modern momentum.

I saw a huge purple and gold dragon rushed out, and then rose to the sky and swam in the air, as if this was its heaven and earth.

"Come down!"

Long day adds light to say, the voice is very light, seem to talk to oneself.

At the next moment, the purple dragon swooped down and fell to the ground with a sound of "bang". It raised a cloud of dust, and the dragon head was lowered to longri.

"Father God!"

The sound of the purple and golden dragon was loud.


Long RI Tim nodded.

This purple gold dragon is the living creature in his world. Its strength has reached the peak of the heavenly realm, equivalent to the top of the four realms.

But it will not lose to the ordinary three situations.

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