Jade saliva and clear bud is shocked again, that shock color on the face is very obvious.

"The Dragon at the top of the four realms is coming out of the young master's body!"

"This Who the hell is the young master? "

In addition to the two of them, other people are also very shocking, except for Saku.

As a member of the demonic legion, sargu naturally knew these dragons. These dragons were just ordinary dragons in the Father God world, and there were a lot of dragons that didn't come out.

But no matter how strong these dragons are, they are just brothers in front of their demon army.

Compared with the demon legion, there are only saints.

"Go, show me the way."

Long day adds light to say.


Then they got on the back of the dragon.

With a beat of dragon wings, a strong air current rolled around, and the Dragon rose into the sky and flew out of the abandoned land under the guidance of jade saliva.

Tianhe is the main peak.

In a magnificent palace.

An old man sat in the main seat, and two middle-aged people sat on both sides looking at the big black sky below.

"Well Puff... " The old man spat out old blood.


The middle-aged people on both sides were shocked.

The Lord of Tianhe sect raised his hand and stopped them.

"I can't even figure it out!"

"They are very strong. If we inform them, TIANYAO sect will close down for a hundred years and call back all the disciples."

The old man wiped the blood, his face full of haze, but said decisively.

"Patriarch, even if the other side is more powerful, we TIANYAO sect has been standing in the Cangshi boundary for thousands of years. Why should we be afraid of him? What's more, if we are afraid of closing our sect and being known by other sects, we will lose face."

The middle-aged man on the left murmured, obviously disagreeing.


I saw the emperor's face cold, hum, a strong momentum out.


The momentum pressed on the other three and made them shake.

"I has the final say, you can't listen to the gate, but let's not say it's heaven's sect."

The leader of Tianhe sect said coldly.

The middle-aged man's face was stiff. He didn't expect that the patriarch was so indifferent to his face.

However, although he looked ugly, he did not dare to speak any more. Those who could sit in this position were not fools. All the words of the patriarch said that the other side was really strong, at least better than tianxizong.

"Yes, Lord!"

Three people should say.

Then a top-level order came out from tianjuzong, calling back all the people of tianjuezong.

Let this domain's zongmen have some small turbulence, and they are curious about what happened to TIANYAO sect.

On the back of the purple gold dragon, long RI Tian's closed eyes suddenly open, and the corners of his mouth slowly hook up to see a direction.

"In terms of this strength, you dare to count me. If I go further, you will be destroyed."

Long day adds disdainful mutter way.

Jade saliva sits in the position behind long RI Tian, this sentence he naturally also hears, can't help but think of the patriarch of Tianhe clan.

In this area, the only one who can count heaven and earth is the old guy. Unexpectedly, he was counted on the young master, and it seems that he was bitten back and was seriously injured.

At the thought of this, Yu saliva was in a good mood and put on a smile on his face.

"Lord What makes you so happy? " Next to Qingbei's cold face appeared a puzzled look.

"I'm no longer the patriarch. Call me jade saliva. We'll follow the young master well in the future."

Yu saliva waved his hand and quickly corrected the address of Qingbei.

Qingbei's face flashed some strange colors, but soon disappeared, and nodded.

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