"Dragon lady, I'll take priority."

Qingbei also came out and said.

"No, I'm the highest. I should take it first."

"I have a high seniority..."

They quarreled one after another.

Looking at their appearance, long RI added a faint smile and said: "the blood of the golden dragon is not comparable to the other nine, but its strength is still good."

Indeed, in terms of blood, the blood of the golden dragon can grow to the peak of the four realms at most, because the blood of the Golden Dragon in its body is thin, while the others are complete.

However, if there is a higher level of blood to the golden dragon, it can still be advanced.

Long RI Tian Yi said that ten people immediately stopped, and no one was robbing the Golden Dragon.

"Cough, if you want so much, the Golden Dragon will give it to you. I will choose the jade Qilin to match with me."

Yu saliva said, and without waiting for them to speak, he went to Yu Qilin.

"Well, I'll choose something else. This blood scale lion is good." The elder also went to the blood scale lion.

For a while, nine war beasts were selected, and finally left a golden dragon, feeling a little lonely.

Those who didn't choose also left eight elder jade gold.

Yujin elder smiles bitterly, but chooses the Golden Dragon.

"Well, you choose."

Long Jitian looked at ten people and then looked at the Taoist beast in the sky.

He said it to these beasts.

"Yes, father

Many animals return to the road.

I saw a head of beast flying out, chose their lifetime fighting partner.

"Ha ha ha, my jade scale Jiao."

"Cut, golden roc, get to know it."

"Ha ha, all of you can't do it. My land turtles can grow up to a hundred Li, and their shells can be beaten with you."

"Let's try. Who can't talk big? My golden rat can ignore your defense."

"Try and try. Come on."

The students who have signed the contract show off one after another, so they are very lively.

The elders saw a smile on their mouths, as if to see the glory of the jade God sect.


Long Ritian said, the voice came into the ears of all the disciples, so that they all stopped and looked at him quietly.

"In the future, the jade God sect will no longer exist, only causal heaven."

The sound is like the sound of heaven, echoing through the whole land.

Then, with a big wave of long RI Tian's hand, several lights rose to the sky and shot around.

The jade God lives in the mountain gate.

A huge light rushed down and directly covered the mountain gate.

After a while, the light scattered, and the three big characters of yushenzong had become the four big characters of causal Tianzong, emitting the breath of shaking ancient and modern.

In the four directions of this mountain range, four columns of light burst down, taking the southeast and northwest as the position, forming a huge circular pillar with a height of 1000 meters and a width of 10 meters.

After that, an animal shadow appeared at the top of the four pillars, including Qinglong, Baihu, Zhuque and Xuanwu.

Guard the four sides with the array of four elephants.





Four startling roars rang through the cause and effect Tianzong, and an invisible wave swept around.

Then the four giant roots disappeared and the four elephants disappeared.

These four images are transformed by longritian's energy. His energy is so powerful that those who are strong in a situation dare not take his energy. Therefore, once the array of four images is triggered, the enemies in each situation must be accounted for here.

Although there is a cause and effect of him, Tianzong will not have any problems, but in case he may leave.

The beginning of the world is also very big. This place is just a small place. The real big people haven't come out yet, so make a first-hand preparation.

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