Jade God in the secret realm.

The chant, which had come out of the seventh secret place, looked at the ground at the exit and pondered for a long time.

"Little Lord, there has been a great war here."

A middle-aged elder said in a deep voice.


He nodded his head with a dignified expression.

"When we went back to our ancestral home, we asked my father to visit the jade God sect."

He said in a low voice, squinting his eyes.

"Why? Little Lord, what if they find out that we have entered the secret place of jade God? "

Asked an elder, frowning.

Zhuyin shook his head: "they have found out that we are in the seventh space, but they don't pay attention to us. Maybe they can't see the things inside.

And if I'm not wrong, now the jade God sect has changed its owner, but anyway, we have to visit, if we don't want to be destroyed in the future. "

He spoke very heavily, as if like a big stone heavy pressure on the people.

"Little Lord, is it really that serious? Our Qizong is one of the best in this area

The middle-aged man couldn't believe it.

Although the cultivation of Qi clan's disciples is not as good as that of other schools, there are many ways to kill people. It is impossible to be destroyed by a defeated sect.

"True or false, we'll know when we go out. Let's go."

Then he went to the exit.

At this time, the jade God sect had completely changed its name to cause and effect Tianzong, and the disciples and servants of other schools all knew about it. Although they were surprised, they could only become stronger, regardless of whether they changed their names.

However, the outer disciples were still very excited, because they had seen the inner elder martial brothers showing off with their powerful war animal welfare.

Moreover, the new patriarch said that as long as you ascend to the inner gate, you can choose a war beast as your partner.

It gives them a lot of motivation.

Because the Tianhe sect was closed, and there were several sects where a large number of people and horses died in the secret place of jade God, which shocked the area and made it a little chaotic.

On top of a sky boat, he stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the front with a dignified face, as if he had seen the chaos of heaven and earth.

"Little master..."

The middle-aged elder looked at Zhuyin with a trace of disbelief.

He had already got the news, knew about this sect, and knew that the jade God sect had changed its owner.

In these clans, there are their secret chess, so it is not difficult to know these.

It is knowing this that makes me feel heavy.

"Huizong must persuade his father to go to jade Cause and effect, Tianzong, can only make friends He took a deep breath and said.


Causality is the main peak of Tianzong.

Standing on the back cliff, long Ritan is in front of him controlling a huge soil, forming an island in the air, emitting a faint light.

As the island grew larger and larger, it soon reached a hundred Li range, directly covered by the mountains below, becoming a dark.

Then he played a few charms to shape the island.

But long Ritian did not stop, but with a big wave of his hand, a huge mass of natural sands appeared in front of him, and then directly hit the island.

The sands of nature melt directly into the island and disperse rapidly, emitting a strong light.

And because of the ability to create Jinsha, some plants, trees and headstones on the island are rapidly mutating and producing life.

"Thank you, father, for your spirit."

The living creatures kneel down to longritian one after another, just like all the spirits facing the God.

"Get up."

With a wave of long RI's hand, countless lights fell into the bodies of these creatures. At the same time, he left enlightenment stones everywhere on the island, so that they could grow rapidly.

"From now on, you will be the Tuling people."

"Yes, father

A breath of soil rose from the sky and rippled in the air.

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