No one knows about the birth of the Tuling people, except longritian. Tianzong people wonder why they mainly make an island to play with. After all, the world is very big, and floating island is not a strange thing.

However, few people will care about the floating island, because the island has too many disadvantages. It is easy to be attacked by flying primordial beasts, and if attacked, it is difficult to defend. Therefore, the cangshijie sect gate is not built on the floating island.

And this floating island was named Tuling island by longri.

Tuling island was directly lifted up to ten thousand meters by long RI, and covered with concealed array. A world gate was opened in the middle of Tuling island to connect the world in his body.

In the door of the world, one by one wearing long sleeve white clothes, carefree and holy people walk out, breath is more than five, some even reached four.

They are the saints.

In Cangshi boundary, if you want to pass the world quickly, it's impossible to rely on this small causal Tianzong. After all, there are too few causal Tianzong people and their strength is too poor. He doesn't have so much time to play with them here.

He has ten thousand realms in his body, and the number of people is a million times more than that of the Cangshi boundary. Why do you have to take it slowly and finish it directly.

The saints went out one by one. Each time they went out, they knelt down in the direction of longritian. The number of saints was increasing, and the people of the Tuling people were all crowded together.

Long Ritian looked up from the cliff below without blinking.

I don't know how long it took.

"Lord, the Lord of Qi clan is visiting." Jade saliva comes to say a way.


Long RI added eyebrows, a little curious.

"See you."


Then they went to the main hall.

Cause and effect.

There were two people sitting, one big and one small, one old and one young.

The old man's face was fierce, but his eyes were surprised.

The old man is the master of Qizong, and the little one is the little one.

After a while, long day Tim and jade saliva appear at the door.

"Strange guest, the Lord of Qizong has come to my cause and effect Tianzong!" Jade saliva is the first to speak.

Zhuba and Zhuyin stood up, not looking at jade saliva, but looking at long RI Tian behind Yu saliva.

"Qizong Yuba took the dog to visit. Please forgive the emperor of Tianzong."

He lowered his head and said.

Long Ritian smiles and nods.

He didn't expect that the leader of the strange clan was so bold and flexible that he directly admitted that he was really a hero.

"I don't know if you're here. What's the matter?"

Ronjitian sat on the seat and asked with a smile.

"Lord, we are here today. First, we want to visit you. Second, we want to know what you think of yutianyu."

He asked with a chuckle.

Yutianyu is the area where the sect of Yushen appeared in the secret realm of Yushen. It is called yutianyu because yushenzong was the largest sect of yutianyu before, so it was named after the jade character of yushenzong.

But since yushenzong has not fallen behind, yutianyu has no top sect, so it is very chaotic, and it is also the weakest one in the twelve domains.

"Yutianyu is too small."

Ronjitian shook his head.

With a stiff body, he recognized the meaning of long RI Tian.

"I see." He nodded and moved.

A five story tower appears in the hand.

"Lord, this is one of the three treasures of our Qizong, Daozhen pagoda. I'd like to give it to the Lord. I hope the Lord can keep my Qizong inherited."

He knew that long Ritian's ambition was so huge that he couldn't fit the jade heaven. Naturally, he would unify the jade heaven.

If there is unity, there will be war. He did not see any chance of winning in long Ritian, so he had better give in.

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