"This is The voice of the Lord? "

At the bottom of one of the eight trigrams peak of tianxizong, a disciple asked in doubt.

"It seems to be..." The other one couldn't believe it.

"The Lord told us to flee? What happened? "

"I don't know. Some time ago, we were recalled, so now we are allowed to escape. What's wrong with tianjuezong?"

The other disciples looked sad and confused.

"Shall we go or not?"

"Let's go, well, come back later."

"Mm-hmm, together."

"Well, I'll go back and bring some maids."

"Ha ha ha, you know how to enjoy it. I want to bring some."

These disciples went back to their own caves and cleaned up. The whole Tianhe sect's disciples were in chaos.

Some of the disciples didn't understand it, so they were indifferent. They thought that even if tianjuzong appeared, they would not be affected.

As an old saying goes, "when the sky falls, there's still a tall one to hold on to."

At this time, another loud voice came from the air.

"Let's go, everyone. Don't pack up!"

"It's the vice Lord..."

"The vice patriarch has also spoken. It seems that this time there is a great difficulty coming to our Tianyu sect."

"Let's go. Don't clean up."

Just as the crowd was about to leave, an air of terror came down on them like a rainbow.

Everyone looked up.

A hundred meter long Purple Gold Dragon flew to the sky.

Behind the Zijin dragon, there is a lightsaber that covers the sky. There are dense white robed people standing on it.


On a mountain peak, Tianji looked at the mysterious enemy in the sky, and his nervous heart sank completely, just like adding ten thousand tons of dark iron.

As for escape? He does not dare to think about it now. Can he see him from the future when he opens the Tianshui hexagram? Can he escape this strength.

As soon as the natural chance bites its teeth, it flies up.

Above the sky.

Long RI Tian looked at the panic below, without a trace of expression.

At this moment, his eyes glanced, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.


Slowly spit out a word.

The Legion of saints at the back heard the order, and the lightsaber scattered under them, revealing the 400000 legion, falling down like dumplings, with the golden light.

At this time, the sky had already flown in front of ronjitian. He bit his teeth and glanced at the saints. He couldn't bear it, but he couldn't do it.

"Why do you treat me like this Tianji asked with a cold face.

Long RI Tian shook his head: "I am more than that to your Tianzuo sect. In addition to the Qizong, yutianyu can only have one ancestral gate."

Hearing this, his eyes shrank and his breath became heavy.

"Your Excellency, are you not afraid to provoke the forces of other regions?" The sky machine clenched his teeth and said in a cold voice.

"Other domains? I'll find them. " Long RI Tim road.

Arrogant, Tianji heart has been full of fire, but dare not to hand, in front of this man gives him a sense of death.

Tianji took a look at tianjuezong below, and no one could stop the mysterious army. What's more, the power used by the mysterious Legion was actually something he had never seen. The disciples of tianjuezong sect were being slaughtered without any resistance.

Even several elders and vice zongmen were stopped by several people in white, and they were equally beaten.

"Your Excellency, my Heavenly God is willing to submit to you!"

Tianji said, biting his teeth.

Long day adds an eye to squint, the corner of the mouth slightly raises: "has the courage, such a big clan arch hand to send, does not heartache?"

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