Hearing this, Tianji wants to shoot him with an arrow. Heartache, heartache. If you don't submit, you will be killed.

But he did not dare to say so.

"Your strength is strong, and it may be an opportunity for tianjizong, who has not made progress for a long time."

Said the mystery, bowing his head.

Ronjitian squinted and touched his chin.

A few seconds later.

"Stop it."

With the fall of his voice, the Legion of saints stopped attacking and retreated to one side and surrounded the disciples of Tianzuo sect.

Tianjuzong's disciples were frightened back-to-back, and their weapons were shaking. They did not dare to wipe the blood on their faces.

At least the injured disciples were ignored.

Tianji took a look at the rest of the disciples, but his heart ached. After a while, 20% of the tianjizong disciples died, and the others were injured.

We should know that Tianzuo sect has existed for tens of thousands of years, with millions of disciples. Although it is a little scattered, 200000 people died this time. We can imagine how strong this mysterious army is.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Take a deep breath and add Gongshou road to longri.

"Don't thank me. I didn't let you go."

Long day adds the corner of the mouth to hook up a evil spirit smile, light voice way.

Tianji's eyes shrank and stepped back: "what do you mean, sir?"

What do you mean? I've been hitting me many times, but it's not just surrender. "

"What do you want?"

The sky has been tense and the body is tense.

"Take me and let you go if you don't die." Long RI Tian said with a smile.


Tianji's eyes brightened. At the same time, he felt that long RI Tian was too arrogant. Even if he was powerful, he could not kill him with one move.

"Of course."

"Well, I hope you will not go back on your word."

A smile appeared on Tianji's face.

Then a scroll appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the scroll flew up on his head, and a force of space was thrown down to form the defense of space.

It's not over.

Then he took out eight tortoise shells with water in them.

A few rays of light from heaven will instantly activate the array pattern on the turtle shell to form a Xuanwu eight trigrams array with strong defense.

Then a powerful light column rose from the eight peaks below, echoing the Xuanwu eight trigrams array, and forming a large eight diagrams diagram outside the Xuanwu eight trigrams array.

This kind of defense is even worse than the tortoise.

"Thank you for your time."

Tianji finally showed a confident smile on his face and said to long RI Tian with ease.

He is very confident that the triple protection can definitely defend against one attack, even two strikes and three strikes. After all, this array can defend against the attack of the strong in the second place.


Long Ritian looked at his shells and made a disdainful noise.

It's not that he looks down upon it, but the array of the world is really rubbish.

You should know that the array method of the cause and effect world of the heavens can reach its peak. Anything can be set up. It is extremely powerful.

And the world also needs to rely on the array disk, and the big array is also very ordinary.

Then long RI Tian's eyes changed, with a trace of gold, instantly saw the flaws of these arrays.


A time force appeared in his palm, forming a round ball, with gray light flowing in it, like a chaotic world hidden inside, and the surrounding time seemed to stop.


With a push from long RI, the ball flew out slowly.

Where the ball passes, time stops, and soon comes to the eight diagrams.

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