Moon Jiwoo's hand hasn't healed properly yet, but even with that, she managed to stand up. It was mostly because she needed physical pain to distract her from the emotional turmoil she was going through inside in that moment.

Maybe she will be able to convince herself that the urge to cry she had in that moment was due to the immense pain. 

As Moon Jiwoo attempted to stand up on her own, she found herself stumbling backwards. As Oh Sookyung extended his hand towards her in order to help her, she moved away from it, avoiding it completely.

"Are you alright?" Oh Sookyung questioned.

Although it seemed that he was confused by her actions, that was overshadowed by the worry in his eyes. As long as she was doing fine, he could think about the other things later on.

"I-I can't do this anymore, Oh Sookyung. Let go of me now. I can't wait for two months. I was almost about to die today. I would have died for real if you were a second late today.

This is not the first time this had been happening. Do I have to live my life in fear now? Maybe few days are left, but that doesn't mean it is not dangerous. I don't want to die for your sake, Oh Sookyung.

Everyday is making me anxious, and this is not how I plan to live my life. You already failed in protecting me couple of times despite giving your words to me.

I get that love you me, but don't put my life in danger because of your love. You are too selfish! Just fuċkɨnġ let go of me. Do you know how disgusting your obsession is? 

I don't know what you are expecting me to do. I know that I have some feelings towards you, but do you seriously think I would love someone who is forcing himself on me? You are such a pathetic loser!

The only reason I agreed along with this was because of how I can get rid of you after two months. But it seems that I can't do it anymore. My life is literally in danger, and you are utterly incapable of protecting me.

I don't know why I should follow your words and stay here anymore when you have failed to keep yours and protect. I personally find you disturbing."

It seemed that her words managed to take Oh Sookyung completely aback, and the shock was completely shown on his face. She could clearly see how much he was struggling to deal with the situation.

But there was nothing Moon Jiwoo was able to do about it. This had to be done, and things would turn out for the best if she was crueler.

She expected herself to break down in middle of saying those words, but it seemed that she was stronger than what she had originally thought. With a cold facade, she was able to say all of that, and unlike the previous times, she sounded dead serious.

"You really don't mean those words of yours, right, Shin Daerin? Look, I know that I have failed this time around as well, but just a week more. That's how long you have to wait for. You have been really patient throughout this entire time. That's why, don't give up now.

Shin Daerin, I know that I have failed your trust multiple number of times and you have reasons to be angry at me. But I beg of you to bear through this time. Please can't you do that for me."

Moon Jiwoo was able to see how desperate the man before her was. Before when she used to mention this matter, all he did was brush it off or treat it casually. But it appeared that this time around he was able to see how dead serious she was over the entire matter.

It appeared that he truly knew how to read her. Maybe in all those times, she had bȧrėly any dėsɨrės to leave the man, but it was different this time. She had to leave, and she wasn't going to let the man before her stop her.

"Why should I? Don't you get me? Two months or not, I still would not be choose to you. Why do you need to be this obstinate? This is pathetic. I had fun playing around with you, and now that my life is on the line, I don't want to do this anymore. 

I am sorry, but you are not worth for me to give up my life on. Let's deal with this mȧturėly. If you still insist on keeping me locked at here, I can't ȧssure you that I won't be creating a commotion at here.

I have played along with your love games long enough, and now, I have grown to become bored of it. You can't even protect the woman you love. How do you even expect me to grow feelings for you?

Maybe I will grow some feelings for you when you learn to do that. Now, don't make a fool of yourself anymore. Why would you even want to hang around with someone who treated you like a toy?

You are still a handsome face though. I might take you in if you come to later on and beg for me. But before that of course, I need all the danger to be removed. Now, let go of me, you loser."

Moon Jiwoo was disgusted by how she sounded right then. Her tone was completely cold, and it was filled with mock towards the man before her contrary to how she felt.

Moon Jiwoo had millions of people criticizing her acting skills in her last life, but now she believed that even they will be impressed by this. Even she did not have this much talent within herself.

It was just as she had thought; she was able to do anything once she put in her effort into, just like how she was doing so.

"Shin Daerin, please don't say it like that. I know that you are hurt and confused. You are even scared, but please don't do this irrationally. I know how you are feeling right now, but everything will be fine just like how they have been until now."

"Everything will be fine just like how they have been until now? Who are you implying that about? Oh Sookyung, it's not you who is in fear for your life. How will you even understand how I am feeling when you are this obsessed with me?

I am hurt and scared. That's why I want to get away from here. But I don't think I am confused. In fact, I don't think I have been more sure in my life. I am pretty sure you can read me perfectly and see that," Moon Jiwoo vocalised before questioning, "Are you sure that my life wouldn't be endangered again?"

Seeing how Oh Sookyung had gone to become silent at that, Moon Jiwoo scoffed and said, "See this, even you are not sure of it. One week may seem small for you, but it's not the same for me. How can you even understand when it's not you who is surrounded from danger all side?

I made sure to protect you perfectly when it was my turn to do so, but it seems that you are incapable of doing something like that on your own. That's why, do me a favour for those time and let me live.

Already my life had been endangered due to you before, and now, don't ruin it and make it dangerous again. There is a limit to how selfish one can be. 

Didn't you say that you love me? Is this what your love is about? At this rate, I even doubt that you even feelings for me. You can clearly see that I am in danger because of you and how you can't protect me yet you keep me close to you.

Do you actually want for me to die, Oh Sookyung?"

Moon Jiwoo was aware of how she was able to get harsher than this, but she was sure that she was able to hit all of his sore points with all of that. If this wasn't enough to get him convinced, she had more to say to him although going that far would even make her greatly displeased.

'This has to be done, Moon Jiwoo! You can't back down from this. You can do it, Moon Jiwoo. You have gone through worse. You were evil woman in other's eyes always. There is nothing wrong with one more person thinking that.'

Moon Jiwoo noticed how Oh Sookyung kept on staring at the ground, and it appeared that he was contemplating hard on the entire matter. Seeing how tensed he was made guilt rise up within Moon Jiwoo.

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