With each passing second, anxiety began to rise within Moon Jiwoo. Although it came off as a surprise to her in the beginning, it seemed that Oh Sookyung had agreed to her words after all those insults she had directed towards her.

He tried to argue and convince her to stay at here, but seeing how adamant Moon Jiwoo was— coupled with how she caused him to feel guilty— he agreed along with her request in the beginning.

Moon Jiwoo was satisfied and content with how the things turned out to be, but that did not mean that she was actually happy with it. 

It caused her heart to squeeze, and she was bȧrėly holding in the tears within herself. Knowing that breaking down right now would only put her efforts to waste, she put in her best to hold in.

Wearing on a cold face, she confronted Oh Sookyung regardless of how much seeing the pained expression on Sookyung's face tore her heart apart. After this, Moon Jiwoo was sure that Sookyung would be hating her.

Making him feel guilty was one thing, but she had gone too far with the words although it was necessary for her to do so in that situation.

She had mentioned to him on how she was merely playing with him and how pathetic he appeared to her. She literally stomped upon the love he held for her, and after this, there was no way she would not hold any resentment towards her.

Moon Jiwoo clearly was able to see how the boy was feeling right now, but she knew that she was in no place to comfort him regardless of how much she wanted to do it. This was not her place.

Hearing the knocks on the door, Moon Jiwoo raised her head to look at it, and she had already guessed on who it possibly could be. There is only one person who would be meeting her in this moment— someone she hadn't yet met with after taking that decision.

"Come in," Moon Jiwoo said.

She pulled on that cold mask upon her face, and mock was shown on her eyes. There was a slight haughtiness visible upon her features as the door before her opened.

Seeing Lee Eunmi walk into the room came as no surprise to her for she had been expecting from the female to show up sooner or later. 

She must have heard about what had happened from Oh Sookyung, and after helping with the entire thing, Eunmi was surely curious to know why Moon Jiwoo was doing this.

As much as Moon Jiwoo did not want to do this, she was aware that she had to face with something like us.

After all that Eunmi did for her, Jiwoo wasn't able to repay her for all of them, and now, she was letting all of the efforts she had put in to waste as well.

Guilt stabbed her heart at the thought of that, but there was nothing that could be done in order to prevent. This was meant to happen.

Lee Eunmi would surely be hating her after the entire thing, and it would be a lie to say this didn't affect her mood. Having someone she considered as a friend hate her was something Moon Jiwoo desperately did not want.

She hoped that she was able to say the girl before her about the entire thing, but that was not possible. As much she did not want for the girl to hate her, this was inevitable. This was one of those pains Moon Jiwoo had to go through whether or not she found in pleasant.

Closing the door behind her, Eunmi stepped further into the room, and crossing her legs, Jiwoo raised one of her eyebrows at the female before her. The corner of her lips were curved to form a smug smile.

Although Moon Jiwoo tend to be arrogant at times, she did not come off as cold and haughty as she seemed now. This was something Eunmi found herself being confused about.

"Ah! So you have heard about all that happened. So, what are you here for? Do you want to know about why I did all that? Are you here to question me? Too bad, I have no time for someone like you. Now, when can I leave? I don't think I will be able to stay at here for a second longer. Ah! This is frustrating!"

"Why are you acting this way all of a sudden, Shin Daerin? Did something happen or is it because of that attack? Is this the effect of you being scared? Look, I know that this palace might seem dangerous to you right now, but can't you reconsider about the entire thing? His Majesty is—"

"Can you please not talk about all that? I already had this conversation with Oh Sookyung, and I don't want to do this with you. This will just ruin my mood further. Yes, I want to leave this place because I am scared, but even without that, I was planning to leave in the first place.

I can't believe you all thought that I will be choosing Oh Sookyung. Aren't you thinking too far? That's why, you shouldn't have high hopes. It hurts when the reality hits you."

"Sorry. I know that you were almost about to lose your life in this, but aren't you going too far with this? You have every right to be angry, but this is going too far."

"I don't need you to lecture me on this. I don't care about whether or not I am going too far. Maybe you should try to hold on to Oh Sookyung instead of trying to act like some cupid. Honestly, you are so pathetic.

Your fated one loves someone else, and you are accepting it so wholeheartedly. You think that I will be happy since you are doing all of this. I would have been happier if you tried to hold on to him.

That would have taken a burden off my back. But it seemed that you too incapable. You weren't even able to keep your fated one. I doubt that you will be able—"

"I can't ȧssure you that I won't be getting violent if you continue further. That's why, it better for you to quieten down. Since Oh Sookyung would not be liking it if I attack you, I am holding myself back, but if you continue further, I won't be care about you as well," Eunmi said.

The anger in Lee Eunmi's voice was clearly visible to Moon Jiwoo, and regardless of how painful it felt to her, she did not allow that to translate that upon her features.

"Whatever," she replied.

"I wanted to convince you to stay at here, but seeing how you are, I lost all the interest in that. His Majesty will not be coming to see you. I will take you to the portal."

Moon Jiwoo felt as if knives stabbed her ċhėst as she had heard those words. She expected to see him for the last time before she left, but it seemed that would not be possible. 

It was understandable to her that Oh Sookyung would not be able to see her after all that she had done, but she still held on to the hope of seeing him at least one time more.

Moon Jiwoo scoffed and commented, "What a loser! I thought that he will be seeing me for one last time after how attached he was to me, but it seems that he is too much of a coward."


Seeing how Moon Jiwoo had disappeared into the portal, Lee Eunmi watched as the portal started to close off. A sigh escaped from her mouth as that happened.

Oh Sookyung came out from behind of the tree, and she turned back to face the man. The pensive expression on the man's face reflected how he felt in that moment.

"I don't know how things turned out to be in this way, but do you want to go out for a drink? You can curse her out as much as you like, and I will be pleased to hear all of them."

"Thanks about that, but I think I want to be alone for tonight. I need to think about everything. This just happened all of a sudden, and I need time to myself," he stated.

"You look better than I have expected. I thought that you will be breaking down completely, but you seem to be holding on fine."

"I guess that the entire thing hadn't sunk into me completely yet. It still feels unrealistic to me. You can say that."

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