Moon Jiwoo was starting to regret her decision of teleporting all the way back.

Fortunately, she just had blood yesterday, and therefore, it wasn't that bad. However, with all those exhaustion, it was a foolish idea for her to teleport all the way at here.

But taking a cab would be only taking long, seeing how far that place was from her apartment, and therefore, although it was more or less risky, she decided to teleport all the way here.

Falling back on her couch, Jiwoo leaned against the soft material, and all the muscles in her body ached terribly. All the joy she felt back then was erased while groans escaped from her mouth.

Hearing her stomach growl, she extended her hand towards it and patted on the flat surface. Hunger was crawling in her stomach, and she better eat something before she collapsed due to the hunger.

That's then, her phone started to ring, and she wondered who the call possibly could be from. Raising her phone, she saw Youngjae's name on top of the screen, and letting out a sigh, she received his call.

"Hello," she voiced out, placing the phone beside her ear. Closing her eyes, she tried to relax herself.

"Noona, are you back?" he questioned.

"Yeah," she answered, "I just returned now."

"Did you have dinner?" he enthusiastically asked.

"No, I was about to have dinner. Why?" she questioned.

"That's great! Open your door, Noona. I am waiting under your apartment with dinner," he vocalized.

Hearing those words of his caused her to open her eyes, and a smile formed on her face at that. She was starving, and there was no food in her house. She thought of ordering some food, but now that he was here with dinner, there was no need for that.

"Oh! Really!? You didn't have to do that, but I am really grateful! You are the best!" she exclaimed.


Picking up the glass of soju, she wondered for about a minute whether or not to drink it. Creases formed between both of her eyebrows she did that.

There was a high possibility that she would be ending up with a headache, and seeing how she had to go to work tomorrow, that was most definitely not a smart decision.

But then, today, she was too stressed, and she needed alcohol to release herself. Without the liquor, she did not think that she would be able to get herself to sleep.

Now that Sookyung was here, she was starting to suffer from insomnia since she spent most of her night, thinking of the male, and that's why, drinking alcohol might help her to distract herself from the male.

Even if it was for an hour or so, she wanted to forget about the male although she might regret in the morning when it would feel as if pounds of bricks attacked her.

"What are you thinking too much about, Noona?" he questioned. "Just drink it."

"Right, I should just drink this. Let's think about tomorrow later on. Even ȧduŀts have the right to be irresponsible."

With that, she gulped down the drink in her glass, and creases appears between both of her eyebrows as the sharp taste hit her tongue. She placed down the glass on top of the table and let out a chuckle.

Soju in her system would surely make her feel better!

Raising the green glass bottle, Youngjae poured some of the drink on the glass before her, and Jiwoo raised it, he asked, "Did something happen, Noona?"

He then added, "You seem to be in a bad mood. Did anything go wrong during that trip?"

Drinking that glass of soju, she vocalised, "It's an ȧduŀt matter. A kid like you won't understand, but thanks for the concern."


Around an hour had passed since both of them had started to drink, and by now, they have finished couple of bottles of soju. 

Tears streamed down both of Moon Jiwoo's eyes as she slammed the glass on top of the table, and raising her head, she stared at Sookyung. A pout formed on her face.

Moon Jiwoo was completely drunk due to the alcohol she had. Once she started to drink, she lost all of her control, and by now, she wasn't sure of how much she drank.

As for Youngjae, he was much more sober compared to her, and it seemed that he hadn't lost his senses until now. With a smile on his face, he watched the girl before.

However, seeing those tears in her eyes caused him to raise one of his eyebrows while he waited for the girl to start speaking.

"He is such a scumbag. I know that it was my fault to leave him that cruelly, but I didn't have any choice you know. It's not like I wanted to leave him.

I was ready to accept him being cold to me, but he is crossing the line now! He is being too mean, and I want to kill him so badly! He is such an ȧsshole! Why can't he just fuċkɨnġ die? That son of a bitch!

Hush. You can't say this to anyone, alright? It really hurts me when he looks at me like that. Why can't he just normally talk to me? Why does he have to treat me this way? Is it bad for me to expect for him to love me after all that had happened?"

More tears started to flow down both of her eyes, and it was clear to him on how the girl before her was heartbroken. All the pain she felt was clearly shown on her face, and in that moment, she was absolutely vulnerable.

Standing up, Youngjae made his way over to the girl and sat down beside her. Extending his hand towards her, he held her shoulder and patted it softly. While a downcast expression sat on his face, he wore a small smile on his face.

"Whoever that jerk is, I will beat him up for you, alright? Don't cry," he voiced out.

Moon Jiwoo raised her head to stare at him and stated, "Really? You will beat him up for me? Promise? You can't go back on your word, alright?"

"Yeah, I will do that for you," he answered.

Giggles escaped from Moon Jiwoo's mouth once she heard those words from him, and tears stopped flowing down her eyes. A smile formed on her face.

"Thank you, Youngjae! You are really the best little brother! Sometimes I feel as if both of us are connected by blood!" she enthusiastically said.

"Little brother hmm," he spoke out.

"Let's drink more, alright!" she exclaimed.

Seeing how Moon Jiwoo was about to touch the soju bottle, he extended his hand towards her and pulled away the bottle from her. 

Shaking his head, he voiced out, "No more drinking for you, now, Noona, or else you will be regretting it tomorrow morning. Now, get to bed. You look exhausted."

"No, I am not exhausted. I can drink more. Give that to me," she vocalised while she was about to take the bottle from him.

However, Youngjae raised the bottle, making it out of her reach, and noticing that, Moon Jiwoo stretched her back and hand so that she will be able to take the bottle from him.

But her height was quite low compared to the male, and no matter how hard she tried, her hand wasn't able to touch that bottle.

However, before she was able to do that, she stumbled in her steps slightly, and as she was unable to maintain her balance, she fell forward.

Noticing that, Youngjae's eyes widened, and he grabbed her waist in order to secure the girl. But due to her weight, both of them fell towards the ground, and she laid on top of the male.

A wince escaped from her mouth due to the pain, and as Moon Jiwoo raised her head, her eyes met with the ones of the boy's. Seeing that, giggles was starting to escape from her mouth.

"You are so cute, Youngjae-ah," she confessed.

Her concentration was removed from the alcohol, and she continued to stare at Youngjae's face. Youngjae did the same as well. Both of them did not move their gazes from each other before Moon Jiwoo let out a yawn.

"I am sleepy," she commented before placing her head on his ċhėst.

After that, she closed her eyes and let herself drift into the Dreamland while a smile sat on her face. Seeing how the things progressed managed to surprise the male.

"Are you asleep, Noona?" He asked.

Seeing how he wasn't getting any response to those words of his, he ȧssumed that she had fallen asleep, and raising his head, he patted her head before saying, "Why can't you forget that person and fall for me, Noona? I won't give you any pain. I promise."

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