A terrible headache went through her head when as she opened her eyes and welcomed in the light. A groan escaped from her lips while her eyes fell on the bright light.

The pain permeated through her entire head, and she started to scold herself for getting too emotional last night. 

With such a pain in her head, the last thing she wanted to do right now was go to work, but not wanting to be called irresponsible, she decided to suck it up. 

She was an ȧduŀt! Such an amount of pain shouldn't stop her from doing anything.

Pulling the blanket off of her, she sat on the bed, and while she was about to stand up, the door to her room was pushed open. Shocked that someone was in her apartment, she turned her head towards the door.

Her eyes fell on Youngjae, and his smiling face caused relief to spread through her. Then, recalling about all that had happened last night, embarrassment started to fill her. 

Although she was the older one here, she ended up showing such a side of hers to him, and he probably had to end up taking care of her throughout the entire night. 

Moon Jiwoo knew how troublesome she could get when she was drunk, especially yesterday when her emotions was a total mess.

After what had happened yesterday, she was sure that Youngjae's opinion of her changed and did not know how to meet eyes with the younger boy.

Last night, she had thought wrong when she ȧssumed that getting drunk would be making her feel better. Instead of that, it made her feel worse and want to bang her head against the wall.

"Noona, you are awake! Hurry up after washing up! I made some hangover soup for you. You were really drunk yesterday; you might feel better after that," the boy said.

Guilt was clearly visible in her eyes while she voiced out, "I am sorry for yesterday. It must have been hard on you, right?"

"No, I did not mind it. In fact, I was really happy to see that this side of yours exists. You are so mȧturė all the times that it seemed unreal. But it seems that you can get angry and hurt as well, Noona. This was as if I figured out a new side of yours," he vocalised

Moon Jiwoo let out a chuckle and stated, "This makes me wonder about what type of person I was in your eyes beforehand, but I am glad. I kind of blacked out and don't remember half of it. However, I just hope that I didn't do anything terrible."

"Noona, don't worry. You were quite tame. I am used to handling Yura, and you know how terrible her habits are."

Moon Jiwoo simply laughed.


Raising the spoon before her, Moon Jiwoo took a sip out of the soup, and as the content touched her taste buds, she wore a smile on her face.

Staring at the male opposite to her, she spoke out, "Wow! This is really good! This is most definitely better than mine!"

"Being acquainted with Yura for years is the reason behind this," he voiced out, "I don't even know how many hangover soup I made for that girl."

Moon Jiwoo let out a giggle and vocalised, "You really bring Yura into all of the conversations. Although how both of you are at each other's neck all the times, two of you really care for each other. It's cute. I wish I had a friendship like both of you when I was of your age."

"It is nothing to be envious of, and don't you have me right now, Noona? Don't worry! I prefer you over Yura anyday," he stated.


Giggles escaped from Moon Jiwoo's mouth at the joke the boy made while both of them walked into the shop. 

After Moon Jiwoo was done with breakfast, the boy decided to accompany her to the shop, and since she had no problem with it, she allowed the boy to follow her.

As he opened the door before her, she let out a chuckle and walked into the place before saying, "Well then, go back to university now."

He nodded and stated, "My phone will explode from all the messages from Yura if I wait a second longer. She is so troublesome! Bye, Noona!"

As Moon Jiwoo nodded, the male turned her back on her after a wave and started to walk away. Smiling at his distancing back, Moon Jiwoo tilted to face the interior of the shop.

That's when, her eyes fell on Oh Sookyung. The male leaned against the wall while he had his arms folded over his ċhėst. A cold look was present in his eyes as usual while his jaws were slightly clenched. 

"You are late by a minute. Since this is the first time, I will be overlooking it, but from the next time onwards, a portion of your salary will be cut if you are late by a second."

'It's just a second.'

That's what Moon Jiwoo wanted to say and roll her eyes, but she remained silent. Bowing at the man before him, she looked down at the ground while a docile expression sat upon her features.

"I apologise, Boss," she voiced out.

"You are already late. Don't waste anymore trouble, and arrange all the flowers that had just arrived. After you are done for the day, follow me to this place," he ordered.

Moon Jiwoo nodded her head.

The instructions for the day was simple, but she wondered about the place she will be going with him. Since she was not still comfortable with him, it was one of those things she wanted to avoid.

But now that he was her boss, there was no way she would be able to say something like that directly to his face. 

Although he wasn't being professional— at least with how things went yesterday— she knew that she shouldn't be dropping her facade.

Moreover, she was determined to go through all of his torture and get herself to hate him at the end of it. Right now the anger she felt towards him wasn't enough.

She wanted it to be more than the one she had towards him during their early days together; she wanted it to be to the point that she wouldn't regret it after killing him.

"Where will we be going, boss?" She questioned.

She was a young woman, and going late night with a male was most definitely not safe for her. After how she had teleported yesterday, it would not be safe for her to do so again at least for a week.

It's not as if Moon Jiwoo did not trust Oh Sookyung; it was just the fact that she thought that this was a question she deserved an answer to. 

No matter how much Sookyung hated her and wanted to make her suffer, she was aware that he would not be going that low no matter how his personality was.

The most he would do to her is physically wear her down until the point she was unable to lift a finger or anger her with his words.

"You will get to know when you are at that place," he stated.

"I think I have the right to know," Jiwoo said, "After all, there were no talks about me working overtime, and since this is after work, boss, you should let me know about it. I can reject you if I want. This shouldn't relate to work."

Curving the corner of his lips to show mock, he said, "What to do? I am quite petty. Although this might not be in your working time, I will get angry if you reject me, and this will surely be affecting your work. Moreover, since I am the boss at here, I believe that I get to have the final say over all the rules."

Seeing how Moon Jiwoo felt angered after listening to those words of his, she felt a sense of accomplishment go through her. This is how she wanted to feel. 

Although it wasn't enough for her to land a punch on his face right then, it was close enough, and for that moment, this much would be the best for her.

Biting the corner of her lips, she stopped the smile from forming and voiced out, "If you put it that way, there is nothing I will be able to do, Boss! Yes, I will follow you obediently after the work is done."

"I will be leaving now," he stated, "One more thing, there are too many dusts at here. Make sure to clean it all up after closing up the shop. If you do it sloppily, remember that you will not be getting your bonus. In fact, clean the shop daily, and make it spotless."

'That son of a bitch!'

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