"So, Noona, what are you telling me that is I am the Prince of this Red Clan and currently, there are some people after my life?" he questioned.

Oh Chaeyoung was seated beside Oh Sookyung, and the two of them were inside the lobby of the hotel. There were bȧrėly any staffs in sight, and other than the two of them, there was no one present at there.

Chaeyoung had a tense expression upon her face while she nodded her head and said, "Yes, that's how it is. Since that girl is sent to you, my time to protect you is up, and it is her duty to do so. Sookyung-ah, don't make any reckless decision in this."

"You are sending someone like that girl to protect me? Are you actually kidding me?" he scoffed before adding, "Whatever this position is, I am fine with it. That's why, don't force me into it, Noona."

Extending her hand towards Sookyung, Chaeyoung placed her palm on top of the back of his hand in order to provide him with comfort.

Giving him a small smile, she said, "Noona knows that this is difficult for you to accept and even might feel overwhelming for you. But this is your destiny. You are fated to be the King, and the King can't escape from his position. 

There are lots of person hoping for you to be the next King. Watching you grow up, I never wanted you to go after this lifestyle, but this can not be helped. However, this is unavoidable. I hope you deal mȧturėly with this."

Oh Sookyung fell silent. A distant look settled in his eyes while he stared down at his knee. Raising her hand, Chaeyoung patted on his shoulder softly.

"I believe in you, Sookyung-ah," Chaeyoung verbalised.


The appetizing scent of the food attracted her attention and put her into a better mood. Last night's ordeal made her skip the dinner, and patting on her stomach, she walked towards the living room.

On the glass table was various kinds of food, and seeing the food packaging, it appeared that they have been ordered. The brand did not seem familiar to Jiwoo.

Nonetheless, not minding that, she stared at Sookyung, who was eating his stir-fried noodles, and said, "Wow! I did not expect you to spend money on this."

Bending her knees, she sat on the ground and picked up her chopsticks. Although Jiwoo liked being slim, this body was too skinny for her liking, and Jiwoo believed that she would be looking better if she fattened up slightly.

Staring at the hearty breakfast before her, she could not stop herself from starting. Raising some noodles with her chopsticks, she placed it inside her mouth.

"It's absurd of you to think that I have used my money. When did I turn that generous? The money is obviously from you," he stated.

"Wow! You are really a thief," she voiced out, "You better compensate me handsomely for all the trouble I am going through."

"Is that why you are protecting me?" he questioned, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Of course! That Weird Being told me that I will be getting wealthy after I protect you," she said, "Although the entire thing is troublesome, it will be over soon, and I can enjoy a lavish lifestyle."

Curving his lips to form a smile, he vocalised, "Then, you treat me better. After all, if you end up upsetting me, I might not compensate you."

"I will kill you if you don't," she stated, "Do you know all the troubles I am going through to keep your weak ȧss protected?"

She shot a glare at him before going back to devouring the food.

Recalling about something, Jiwoo raised her head and vocalised, "Oh right! That Minnie mentioned to me about this person I need to search for. You will be helping me search for that person. After all, it is because of you I need that person."

Making no retort to those words, Sookyung asked, "Aren't I the Prince? If that's the case, should not I be having some magical powers?"

"Right? You should have them; that would be taking away half of my responsibilities, and I can easily abandon you. But that damned Minnie did not say anything about this," she voiced out, "So, I guess you are powerless now."

"Who was that man from yesterday then? He seemed way more skilled than you," Sookyung teased, emphasising the word 'skilled'.

He then added, "I believe that they have misplaced you."

Taking in a deep breath, Jiwoo slammed the chopsticks on top of the table, creating a loud sound, and glowering at Sookyung, she said, "Why do you talk too much? Can't you let me at least eat at peace!? After all, I am the one paying for this!"

Sookyung shrugged his shoulders at her temper.

Removing her hand from the chopsticks, Jiwoo's eyes widened when she had noticed something. It seemed that due to her slam, she had accidently broken her chopsticks.

Irritated, she hissed and angrily exclaimed, "Aish! This is really horrible! Ugh!"

Seeing that caused a laugh to escape from Sookyung's mouth, and he voiced out, "It seems that you have broken it? Do you want me to feed you with mine? There are no extra chopsticks."

Slamming her hand on top of the table, Jiwoo stood up and said, "Are you insulting me? You thief, if it was not for you, I would not have gotten into this mess in the first place."

Losing her appetite entirely, Jiwoo stomped angrily on the ground while she walked towards her room. The fury within her was something she was finding difficult to calm.

Sookyung released a chuckle and placed a piece of beef in his mouth.

"At least I have all of this to myself now," he commented.


Clutching on to the stand of the lamp, she raised it up and voiced out, "That bastard, I am doing this much for him yet he acts in such a way. Maybe I should kill him, so that I would not have to deal with him! Ugh! I really want to make scars on that face of his badly! That ȧsshat—"

Jiwoo was about to throw the lamp in her hand down when Minnie vocalised, "Stop, Jiwoo, and calm yourself down. You can't let yourself get this emotional over such a small matter. You know things get crazy when you get angry, and just keep that lamp down for safety purpose."

"THAT FUCKED UP PRINCE OF YOURS! Who was in the right mind to put such a dude as the Prince? I sincerely want to provide him with help yet that ȧsshole mocks me?" she vocalised, sitting back on the bed.

"It's not like I can do anything about it; this is just merely fated. Just like how I did not choose him to be the Prince, I didn't select you to be his protector as well. You—"

Before Minnie was able to continue, she spoke out, "So, he did imply that he doesn't need my help."

"No, no, no, you are misunderstanding the situation. He is just a little immature and shaken up by the situation. That's why, he reacted in that way. Moreover, you are just a little weak. But after you meet that Master, you will be really strong, and he will have to acknowledge you."

However, those words of Minnie fell into the deaf ears, and she mumbled, "Right, so he doesn't want my help. Well, that doesn't matter to me. If he doesn't want me to help him, then I would not be forcing as well. 

He can stay at this hotel alone. I will be leaving him, and let's see how that jerk survives on his own. It's not like I wanted to protect him in the first place. Since we went into a mutual agreement, it's better that we don't trouble each other."

"No, Moon Jiwoo, wait! Don't be this foolish!"

However, paying no mind to Minnie's words, Moon Jiwoo stood up and walked towards the door. Extending her hand, she clutched on to the door knob and pulled open the door.

Brushing off the anger from her face, confidently, she strided towards the living room, and arrogance covered her face.

Seeing that he was still eating those food, she smiled at him and voiced out, "Since you don't need my help, let's not trouble each other. You can stay at this hotel room until it is paid for. I will be leaving then. Bye."

Turning her back on him, she walked towards the door before he was able to say something, and staring at her distant back, he shook his head.

After she had closed the door with a loud noise, he voiced out, "Yes, yes, don't come back. It's not like I wanted you to protect me in the first place. Aish! So arrogant!"

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