"This is perfect! This is how life should be led without worrying about any trivial matters," she voiced out while she walked through the streets of Seoul.  Shopping bags were there in one of her hands while she suċkėd on to the lollipop. The cool breeze brightened up her mood further. However, this perfect moment for her was destroyed when she realized that the sky above her started to darken, and people around her— those without the umbrellas— began to scurry around for shelter. When couple of droplets of water fell on to her head, the realization that it would be raining dawned upon Jiwoo, and her eyes widened. Looking around, she instantly searched for a cover. "Shit!" she exclaimed. That's when, a tent fell into her side, and immediately, she rushed in that direction. Before she could get more wet, she tossed off the lollipop into the nearest trash can, and pushing open the door, she entered into the tent. As she stepped inside, all of a sudden, the surrounding around her fell solemn. Other than the noises of the ran hitting the surface of the tent, nothing else could be heard by her. Nevertheless, the constant pitter patter seemed melodious and calming at the same time. She then looked at the desk, and behind that, an old man was seated. A dark, intimidating stare was given off by him, and there was something about him that made him stand out. Even someone as oblivious as Moon Jiwoo was able to notice that. Tarot cards were laid as a stack on top of the table, and raising his head, the man stared Jiwoo. All of a sudden, Jiwoo grew cautious of her surroundings and wondered whether or not the old man was someone suspicious. "Young Lady, would you want to get a reading?" he questioned. "No, not interested," Moon Jiwoo answered. Moon Jiwoo did not believe in superstitious things such as fortune telling, and the man in front of her felt strange to her. "Young Lady, aren't you currently stuck in a dilemma? The world suddenly turned strange for you, and there are lots of answers you are searching for. It seems that currently you are looking for someone— the one who can probably guide you," the old man spoke out while his lips curved slightly upwards at the end. "No, you have guessed wrong," Jiwoo vocalised, "It seems that your prediction was wrong this time around." As much as Moon Jiwoo was baffled by how he was able to guess it accurately, she was not willing to believe or acknowledge such a thing as fortune telling; it sounded way too unbelievable for her. "What if I tell you that I have a way to find that man you are looking for?" he asked as he tapped on the tarot cards. That offer sounded attractive to Moon Jiwoo. Nevertheless, composing herself, she folded her arms across her ċhėst and raised one of her eyebrows. Then she asked, "Why should I believe those words of yours?" "You would have nothing to lose if my words are wrong, but you will be gaining when I am correct," he pointed out. "I will be losing my precious time," she vocalised, "And there is no need for me to find that person because I decided to not take that path." The Old Man chuckled and explained, "You are young. That's why, you think that like that. However, there are some responsibilities you can't escape from. This is one of those." "I don't believe that. I will not be protecting that damned ȧsshole if I don't wish to do it," she vocalised, "I will be escaping that damned thing called fate, and I will prove it." "It seems that you are really immature and have a lot to learn. Things would have been better if you're the obedient and quiet type, but I guess, some things done by the fate will always be left as a wonder to us. You will be trained to become obedient later on and be able to do your job properly if you fix that temper of yours." Those words of the Old Man managed to raise fury within Moon Jiwoo, and tightening her jaws, she gritted her teeth. Stomping at the Old Man, she glared at him and banged her fist against the table. She then voiced out, "This is my life, and I am not going to devote it to protecting some damned Prince. I will stay just the way I am, and that's why, don't even think about—" However, before she was able to continue further, she realized that the table had snapped into those parts, and it collapsed down due to losing it's stability. The motion of the table falling down caused her eyes to widen, and she took a step back. She was shocked to see how much strength she used subconscious in that bang. The Old Man stood up and spoke out, "Although there is a problem with your attitude, you are really talented. Find me at this same place tomorrow. I will be training you." With that, the Old Man had disappeared into the thin air, and Jiwoo mumbled, "What was that about?" "Moon Jiwoo, you have incredible luck! You managed to find the one that will be teaching you this fast! This is great! You can start your training from tomorrow onwards! This is going perfectly," Minnie gushed on inside her head. "That rude old man is the one who will be teaching me?" She mumbled. 'My luck just can't get worse. What do you mean by incredible? Didn't you see how rude that damned old man was? I have a horrible attitude and become obedient? I have to devote my life to that damned prince? Hell! I am doing anything like that! I am priority.' "Aish! Moon Jiwoo, don't get this much angry about a trivial matter, and the rain had stopped already. I think you should check up on the Prince once. What if he had gotten into some serious trouble? A small check would not hurt you," Minnie said in hopes that he would be able to convince Jiwoo. 'Even if you say it so nicely, I am not going to check up on that ungrateful brat!' °°° 'Listen, You Weird Creature, the only reason I am at here is because of how you forced me. That's all. I absolutely did not want to be at here, but she to you annoying me, I am here. Geez! Thinking about that brat is pissing me off.' Moon Jiwoo stood in front of the grand building of the hotel, where she stayed at previously, and her eyes stared up at where the room Sookyung was residing at was. "Yes, you're absolutely at here because I urged you to although I have just mentioned it to you one time," Minnie said. 'You did not have to end the unnecessary part of one time!' A sudden gasp left Moon Jiwoo's mouth when she noticed something, and her eyes widened. A loud sound followed after it, and the sound of the fire alarm could be heard from the outside of the hotel. In that instant, Jiwoo's mind went blank when she realized how there was a explosion inside the room Sookyung was at. The bright flames would be seen from the outside. Before she was able to process the entire event, she found herself running into the hotel room and towards the room. Her heart was beating rapidly within her while she started to panic. Her palms started to sweat, and she was not able to decipher whether that was for the nervousness or heat. The people inside the hotel grew instantly alarmed at the noise, and everyone started to run towards the exit. Pushing through the crowd of people, Jiwoo made her way to the staircase and started running through. Although she was currently at the dishevelled state, it did not matter to her at that moment, and as she continued to bump against people, the annoyance within her began to increase for she was afraid of being slowed down. The loud screams were let out by people all around her, but Jiwoo had muted all of it down. Scanning her eyes through the crowd around, she tried to search for any signs of Oh Sookyung, but there was none of that. The fire soon had started to spread out throughout the hotel, and if it was not for the fact that everyone was panicking currently, they would have shot weird gazes at Jiwoo for running further into the building. The fire had started to wear her down, and Jiwoo began to find her sight getting slightly blurry. The heat was difficult for her to bear, but for the sake of finding Oh Sookyung, she did not put her mind into it. As she had finally finished walking through the staircase and reached the hallway, she was about to go towards the direction of Sookyung's room. However, the fire began to spread at her direction, and Moon Jiwoo's body gave out in that instant. Her knees gave out, and she collapsed down on the floor. Tears began to form at the edge of her eyes, and slowly, her consciousness began to drift away from her.

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