Transmigration: The Narcissistic Cinderella

Chapter 58 - Being Captivated [1]

While Min Hyungwon blankly stared at Moon Jiwoo's face, Sookyung let out a chuckle. Keeping himself from retorting at Moon Jiwoo, he looked towards Sookyung and questioned, "Your High— Sookyung, would you prefer to have your meals now?" "Of course! Both of us are starving! It's not you that had to walk through that dense forest and got almost bitten by a deadly snake," Jiwoo spoke out. Not paying any attention to Jiwoo's words, Sookyung answered, "I am not that hungry currently, so Hyungwon-ssi, let's discuss about some matters before having food." "Then, let's do that, Your Highness," Hyungwon replied. Realizing how the two of them were disregarding her opinion, she scowled at the both of them and stated, "Hey! Are you seriously going to ignore my words!? I would not be in my right mind if I am not given food." "Your job is to accompany the Prince. If he doesn't want to eat the food, that means you have to wait for when he has it either," Hyungwon spoke out. "Geez! You Bastard, after putting my life into risk for this, now, you are making me starve as well. You won't feed me? Cool! But I won't wait for that thief to start eating," she vocalised. "It's not appropriate to address the prince in this way; maintain your manners," Hyungwon stated. "He did not shy away from stealing from me, so I don't think he minds being called a thief," she said, "I can't believe that I have to guard such a thief like him. He—" Extending his hand towards her, On Sookyung placed his palm around Jiwoo's mouth, and wearing a wide smile on his face, he said, "Hyungwon-ssi, I want her to be comfortable around me, so please don't mind how she addresses me. This is something I am used to, so it doesn't bother." °°° Moon Jiwoo had eyes in her direction, but she did not pay any attention to them. Tearing open the packet, she reached her hand into it and took out a cookie from inside of it. Laid on the table in front of her was more packets of snacks, which she was adamant on finishing. Fortunately enough, she had come prepared, and for this, she did not have to starve, waiting for Oh Sookyung to get hungry. "Shin Daerin, what do you think you are doing now?" Min Hyungwon asked— his voice clearly displaying his anger. "Eating food," she answered, "Didn't you have some important matters to discuss about? Go on about that." "Do you think it's an appropriate moment to eat now?" the man questioned. "I told you previously that I am starving, and since you haven't given me any food, I am eating my own snacks. If you have any more problem with me, I don't mind leaving the room, so that the two of you can discuss about your things together. I did not want to be involved in this in the first place," she voiced out. "I think it's okay, Hyungwon-ssi," Sookyung stated while extending his hand towards the packet of cookie.  Moon Jiwoo's eyes did not miss the hand that was coming towards hers, and finding that hand to be unpleasant, she raised her hand to slap it away. "Stay away from my food. If you are hungry, say that devoted slave of yours to give you food. I am merely your bodyguard, not your food provider," she vocalised. "This is just some food. Do you need to be so rude about it, Shin Daerin? You are really uncultured," Hyungwon spoke out while his eyes glared at Moon Jiwoo. Moon Jiwoo noticed the small smirk on Sookyung's face from the corner of her eyes, and she realized that he had done this on purpose in order to make her Hyungwon's target. "I earned the food with my own money. Do you know how difficult it was for me? This money from me was what that Prince of yours wanted to steal from me. So, I believe he is the worst one for stealing other—" Before Moon Jiwoo was able to continue further, Oh Sookyung placed his hand around Moon Jiwoo's face, preventing her from speaking further. "Hyungwon-ssi, let's just ignore her— whatever she says or does. She is a little too naive and unlearned about many things," he vocalised. Raising her hand, Moon Jiwoo gripped on Oh Sookyung's wrist and pulled his hand away from her face. Then, turning her head to glare at him, she had creases between both of her eyebrows. "Didn't I tell you before to not touch me? I feel disgusted due to it," she vocalised. Although Min Hyungwon was displeased by those words from Moon Jiwoo, after a glance from Oh Sookyung, he understood on how he should remain quiet. Clearing his throat, Hyungwon started, "Sookyung, as much as you're aware of your current situation, I am pretty sure you know up to the point that you're the prince to the Red Clan, and you have people sent after you in order to prevent you from being the next Prince." Oh Sookyung nodded. "Your enemy is the current King, Kim Namhyuk," Hyungwon stated, "He doesn't want to give up his position to anyone. That's why, your father, along with Han Minhyun— that's not his real name— tried to protect you by hiding your identity and by ȧssigning Oh Chaeyoung to you until you reach an age to rule over." "Han Minhyun?" Jiwoo mumbled, "That name sounds awfully familiar." "So, those people were sent by the current King in order to ȧssassinate me?" Sookyung questioned, raising one of his eyebrows. Min Hyungwon nodded and spoke out, "Although this might appear to be overwhelming to you at this moment, it is not that difficult to take down the current King if you put in a lot of hard work. You have a lot of allies rooting for you as well." "Is there no way for me to back out from this?" Sookyung asked. "I am afraid not, Sookyung," Hyungwon answered, "You were ȧssigned to this by fate, and there is no way you will be able to run away from this destiny. If you want to go into hiding, it doesn't matter. You will be eventually found out by the current King and be killed by him because he doesn't care about whether or not you want to be the King. For him, you are an obstacle that he has to remove. No matter how your protector, Shin Daerin, might seem, she was sent to keep you protected, and fate had definitely chosen her for a reason. That's why, don't try to send her away, and keep her beside you at all times. As much as I don't want to say this words in her presence, only she will be able to keep you protected. Her full potential is frighteningly powerful; she might even pass you in terms of her strength." "You better respect me more or else I will be using these powers of mine to destroy all of you," Jiwoo mumbled to herself— feeling pleased deep inside after knowing that she had this much influence over them. "About my skills, when will I be able to use them?" Oh Sookyung asked. "Your abilities are being currently locked on, but don't worry about it. I will be mentoring you on how to unleash your true potential, and as long as you keep working hard, you will be able to accomplish a lot," Hyungwon stated before standing up. He then added, "This is enough information for now. I have something to do now, so I will be coming here after. Do you have any problems with that, Sookyung?" Shaking his head, Oh Sookyung answered, "No, that's absolutely fine. You can go and carry on whatever you want to do. Thanks for everything until now." Before a polite bow, Hyungwon said, "You're really polite, Prince. This is merely my duty." "Polite? He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and thief, it's his duty. He is not doing because he likes it," Jiwoo muttered. "I absolutely am fond my duty," Hyungwon stated.  Then, turning his back on them, Min Hyungwon began to walk towards the door, and opening the door to the room, he left the room. Looking at Oh Sookyung, Moon Jiwoo curved her lips to a small smirk and stated, "You are quite calm about the situation. I thought you will be cowering and crying in fear after this." Bringing his face closer to Jiwoo's, Sookyung smiled at her and said, "I am good at coping up with different kinds of situations no matter how unbelievable they are." "Good for you then," she stated. Seeing that he was bringing his face nearer to hers, Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened, and she attempted to move her head back. However, placing his hand on the back of her head, he prevented her from moving further. From such a distance, Moon Jiwoo found herself being captivated by his appearance for a second before she blinked her eyes. She definitely could not think in that way!

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