Transmigration: The Narcissistic Cinderella

Chapter 59 - Being Captivated [2]

Bringing his hand closer to her, Oh Sookyung wiped away the crumbs of the cookie from the corner of her mouth while Jiwoo kept on staring at him— unable to process the current situation. When she noticed how seductively Sookyung licked thoss crumbs from his finger, her eyes widened as the realization dawned upon her, and while her cheeks were getting slightly heated, she instantly rose to her feet. Pushing his backwards by his shoulders, she jumped away from him and stared at him warily. Then, she exclaimed, "Yah! You thief, what type of gross thing are you doing?" Winking at Jiwoo, Sookyung vocalised, "Girls always told me about how they like it when I do this to them. I am merely trying to please you." Coughing, Jiwoo attempted to compose herself and spoke out, "Those girls must be really plain. Someone as attractive as me would definitely be disgusted by this!" She then, in a loud voice, added, "I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO NOT TOUCH ME!" "If I had not removed those crumbs from your mouth, you would have looked like a joke. So, I helped you in this case," he pointed out. "You could have just told me about it. I am perfectly capable of doing this on my own," she justified, folding her arms across her ċhėst and glaring at him. "Are you a prude?" he asked. "Are you a pervert?" she retorted, refusing to answer his question. "I asked you first," he vocalised, standing up and taking a step closer to her. "Do you think I care about that?" she raised one of her eyebrows. "You would not expect to get an answer for your question without giving a reply to mine," he voiced out. "Well, the truth is I don't need your reply; I know for a fact that you're a pervert," she stated. "If that's the case, then I believe that you are attracted to me as well. You did not push me away when you saw me coming close to you," he stated. His words were true and left Moon Jiwoo wondering on how she did not react fast at that situation. Nevertheless, she was well aware of it was not the appropriate time to contemplate about that. "I was just curious to see what antics you were up to. Who would have expected that you would turn out to be a pervert, who likes to indirectly kiss unwilling ladies?" she spoke out. "Indirectly kiss? Isn't that a big accusation you are placing on me? When did I do that?" he vocalised. "Those crumbs touched my lips, and then, you out them inside your mouth. Was that your motive the entire time? Did you want to kiss me this badly?" she spoke out, staring at him challengingly and bringing her face closer to him. "Yes, yes, yes, I want to kiss you. What are you going to do about it?" Sookyung spoke out while the corner of his lips curved to form a small smirk. Upon hearing those words, Moon Jiwoo let out a chuckle and took a step back. Then, flipping her hair back, she stared at him smugly. "Well, I am not surprised; after all, I am a charming girl. You can be in love with me as long as it doesn't bring trouble to me." "Heol! How much ahead of yourself are you? I am not interested in little girls like you, and I was just doing this to tease you. Your foolish self actually believed my words." Oh Sookyung laughed and turning his back on Moon Jiwoo, he walked out towards the direction of the door. Clenching her hand into a tight fist and finding her pride being hurt, she exclaimed, "Well, if this is your way of pretending to not be charmed by me so that you don't get rejected, I can say that you are acting quite decent." °°° "Hyungwon-ssi, I thought that the bodyguard would be someone intimidating and with a big build typically. I did not expect such a small and frail girl to be a bodyguard," Sookyung commented. Oh Sookyung and Moon Jiwoo were currently having their meals while Min Hyungwon stood at one side, watching them. Staring at the delicious meal in front of her, Moon Jiwoo did not waste a second before digging in and began to stuff herself with the food. However, those words from Oh Sookyung caught her attention, and raising her head, she stared at the boy, trying to guess what he was thinking. Before Min Hyungwon was able to reply to that, Moon Jiwoo added, "This actually doesn't make sense. Whoever made me a bodyguard must be really heartless. Who can put someone as lovely as me to protect such a thief?" "Watch your words, Shin Daerin, and up until now, the fate had done lots of surprising things, so I am not sure of the answer," he vocalised. Sookyung spoke out, "I am just afraid that such a high maintenance girl like her will be holding us back. She is someone who can not bear any trouble after all." "Yah! What do you mean by hold you back? If I did not save your cowardly ȧss back then, you would have been dead meat by now," she stated, "You don't know how many people begged me to save your cowardly ȧss, and that's why, since I am kindhearted, I am here to protect you." Min Hyungwon was about to comment on Moon Jiwoo's chosen words but held himself back against it— afraid that it will be worsening her mood further and make her take impulsive actions. Regardless of how Moon Jiwoo was, she had qualities suitable for protecting the Prince even though she easily got annoyed. As long as someone used sugarcoated words on her, she will end up doing lots of things for them. In other words, even if her temper went off easily, she was very much simple and easily pleased as well.  "Shin Daerin-ssi, you will surely be compensated accordingly if you do the job properly," he stated, "That's why, please don't abandon your job." "Do I look like someone who will be doing something as cowardly as that? Just pray that the Prince of yours doesn't go back crying on how he doesn't want his post," she vocalised arrogantly before adding, "And make sure that compensation is not less. Moreover, after this is done, I don't want to be involved with your damned clan anymore." "I make sure of that, Shin Daerin-ssi, so I will be placing the Prince in your hands," he vocalised. "Since he is leaving me in your hands, make sure that no harm comes to me. As I don't belong to you, you can't cause any harm to me," Sookyung vocalised. "As I am like a parent to you right now, I am pretty sure he would not mind if I discipline you. After all, you need to correct some habits of yours if you want to be the Prince," Jiwoo vocalised, forcing out a smile on her face. "Are you sure you are in the right position to say that? You have the ability to make other people instantly detest you the moment you meet them. I don't want to learn how to quarrel," he vocalised, picking up his chopsticks and placing some of the meat inside his mouth. Those words of his managed to shoot an arrow at the her sore point, and taking in a deep breath, she tried to hold in her anger. "At least I don't act as submissive as you. Doesn't a king need to be all domineering? I don't see any of that quality within you. Instead of you ruling, it will be other people ruling over you," Jiwoo vocalised, pointing her fork at him.  It was getting difficult for her to maintain her composure and not to attack him with the fork. The idea of that was very much tempting to her, but the bloodshed in front of the food would not be a pleasing sight to one. Noticing how the fight between them were getting worse, Min Hyungwon decided to interfere— realizing how childish the two of them were. "Since it is important for the two of you to cooperate, it would be for the best if you don't argue, and Shin Daerin, you need to learn to control your anger better. It seems as if you are only seconds away from stabbing the Prince with that fork," Hyungwon expressed. "You are really violent lady. How are you going to protect me with those tendencies of yours? You are the person I need more protection from," Sookyung spoke out, attempting to rile Jiwoo up further. Upon hearing those words from him, Moon Jiwoo found herself being provoked, and as she stood up, the chair behind her was pushed back. "Yah! You bastard, instead of saying those words, try to fight against me if you dare!" she exclaimed, extending the fork within her hand at him, while her eyes glowered at him.

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