At the sudden touch of the ice-cold water, Moon Jiwoo let out a groan and instantly sat up on the bed. The cold water seeped in through her clothing.

If it was an usual situation, Moon Jiwoo would have yelled at Oh Sookyung for waking her up so harshly without caring about the challenge. 

However, as she was from the Red Clan, the cold water felt quite pleasant to her in the morning after all the heat, and the annoyance went away immediately.

Turning to look at Sookyung, she smiled at the boy and voiced out, "I really needed that."

Pulling the blanket off of her, she got down from the bed and placed her foot on the ground. Applying force on it, she stood up and took a step closer to him.

There was a slight surprise in Sookyung's eyes due to how joyful Jiwoo seemed due to it. Nonetheless, concealing that, she raised one of her eyebrows.

"You idiot, coldness feel pleasant to those from the Red Clan," she spoke out, "She should have done more studying before coming at here."

Oh Sookyung let out a chuckle and said, "Oh! I will research better for the next one, shorty. I can't disappoint you."

Extending his hand, he rubbed the top of her head, and she clenched her hand into a tight fist. No matter how annoying he was, she could not slap his hand away; that would make her the loser.

"I have to take a bath now, so leave," she spoke out— trying her best to keep the irritation off of her voice.

"You should try to be more polite," he vocalised.

"That is not part of the challenge," she pointed out, "Now, leave and don't ogle at me, You Pervert."

Oh Sookyung chuckled and voiced out, "Aren't you being too ahead of yourself? Do you think you have anything worth ogling? I am not interested in elementary kids."

No matter how much irked she was, she attempted to keep that off of her face while she stated, "That's a funny excuse you have given. Your excuse is not uncommon. It seems that you have watched a lot of drama."

"It appears that you have delusional disorder. I have heard about how dangerous that could be, and if you want, I don't mind contacting a doctor for you. That brain of yours need to be really fixed," he stated.

"I don't think that is any of your business. My brain belongs to me, and I can take care of it fine on my own. I don't believe I will ever have the need to follow your advice," she spoke out.

"Don't be too stubborn. Narcissism can also be considered a disease at some point, and let's just visit a psychologist. Your mental health is really unstable after all," he said.

Taking in a deep breath, she held in her anger and did not allow creases to form between both of her eyebrows. 

"You are really a pervert, right? Or else why are you not leaving the room until now? Do you really enjoy this?" she questioned.

"I am pretty sure I am calmly able to stay at this room until now is because how I feel that you are not a female," he stated, "But I guess, since you are a female genetically, I have to leave."

Turning his back on her, he began to walk towards the door, and raising her leg, she kicked the air behind him— finding it difficult to control the impact from touching his back.

After he had left the room, Moon Jiwoo was on the verge of exploding, and holding the door, she slammed it close loudly. 

Realizing that this was caused due to her, Jiwoo mumbled, "Calm down, Jiwoo. You can do it. You can't definitely lose to that bastard! Anger? You can't let such a silly thing bother you. Just ignore that bastard! 

That's all. Pretend as if he doesn't exist. That will be easy. You are not a loser. Think about the inflated ego that thief will be having after you lose, and that can not happen."


However, some things were easier sad than done.

Resolutely, Moon Jiwoo managed to ignore Oh Sookyung's presence until now regardless of all the annoying words she had spouted. She treated as if those words were not directed at her, and despite her growing irked, she believed that she was doing a decent job at this so far.

But Oh Sookyung was not the one to give up this easily. Although Jiwoo was ignoring his presence, he had more ideas in his head in order to catch her attention.

Holding the fork in his hand, he moved it towards Jiwoo's plate and dug it inside her pancake. Noticing that, Moon Jiwoo dug her fork into the back of his hand, making sure that it pierced through his skin.

A wince left Sookyung's mouth.

After that, she put her best acting skills to use— although they were bȧrėly decent— and let out a gasp while her eyes widened.

Pulling back her fork, she said, "Oops! That was my mistake. You see, I have this reflex towards thieves, and I hope that you would not be minding this."

A forced smile sat on her face, and retracting his hand, Sookyung let out a chuckle. The pain did not last for long before the bruise on his hand disappeared due to his accelerated healing abilities.

Before Sookyung was able to respond, Jiwoo pushed her chair back, and standing up, she flashed a small smile at the boy.

Then, she added, "If you want the pancakes, you can have them. I will be going outside for some fresh air."

Moon Jiwoo's eyes then fell on Min Hyungwon who was concentrated on his meal before turning her back and walking away. 

She did not let Oh Sookyung have an opportunity to say anything for she was afraid that it would not be ending quickly.


Moon Jiwoo stood at the same clearing from yesterday, and her eyes stared at her surroundings. The afternoon sun shine brightly from above her, and the heat was starting to feel unbearable for her.

Although the heat was annoying, Moon Jiwoo still wanted to put in effort into practicing. She did not believe that her training with Sookyung will be efficient— judging by how both of them argue— and it would be smart of her to start practicing on her own.

This was not due to her determination to protect. She had almost had a idea on how dangerous the situations can potentially get for her and wanted to keep herself safe. To stay alive, she was willing to go through the trouble of practicing extra.

However, the problem with them was that she had no clue on how she did them yesterday. She merely wanted to attack Sookyung desperately yesterday, and that just happened.

Now, she was stuck on that, and no matter what she tried to do, those sparks from yesterday did not appear. 

After ten minutes of standing under the sun and with no progress was making her annoyed, and opening her eyes, she let out a groan.

Raising her hand, she slapped her warm cheeks and vocalised, "Concentrate, Moon Jiwoo! Fighting! You will be able to do it."

Staring at the giant tree before her, she took that to be her target, and Moon Jiwoo slowly raised her hand towards it. Closing her eyes tightly, she attempted to let the energy emit out from her. However, nothing like that had happened.

Creases began to form between both of her eyebrows as she bit on to her lips. Sucking in the hot air, she tried to do it again.

"That tree— try to imagine it as something you really hate, and then, using your determination to destroy it, release the power within you. Clear your mind of other thoughts; they will be merely distracting you."

Upon hearing those instructions from Min Hyungwon, she nodded her head and did as she was instructed.

Oh Sookyung's face came into her mind in that instant, and at the thought of that, a rush of energy instantly went over her body. Feeling the sparks all over her body, she opened her eyes.

Then, absorbing in the situation, she raised her hand and stared at her palm. Although she had just done it, the situation still felt strange and unfamiliar to her.

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