Wearing a wide smile upon her face, Jiwoo's eyes held sparkle at them while she stared upon Hyungwon, and she voiced out, "Wow! This is easy!"

Lowering her hand, she attempted to shoot another electric ball, and seeing how it touched the ground made her want to do more.

"That's enough. You will need to use your powers with care or else you will not be able to use them when you need it. Using powers requires energy, and it is not unlimited. I presume that you still haven't had blood," Hyungwon vocalised.

Raising her hand, Jiwoo ran them through her hair and spoke out, "No, I didn't."

"I have no clue on how much longer you will be able to hold on. When you get the ċhėst pains later on, be sure to let me know," he vocalised.

Moon Jiwoo nodded.

That's when, Moon Jiwoo sensed the running figures that came towards her, and before she was able to turn back, she was engulfed into a back hug. The grip was tight.

"Daerin-ah, I missed you so much," Sookyung voiced out, rubbing his nose in her hair.

Irritated by his gesture, Moon Jiwoo raised her hand to grab on to his hand and flipped him over her swiftly. A gasp left Sookyung's mouth, and before he was able to fall on the ground harshly, she reflexively grabbed on to his wrist.

Pulling him closer to her, she grabbed on to his waist to secure him. Moon Jiwoo hated this new body of hers for protecting Sookyung. She would have been deeply pleased if his spine broke from this.

"Omo! Are you alright? This is reflex towards the perverts. I hope you did not mind this," she stated, faking a concerned expression. The mock behind it was not hidden well by Oh Sookyung.

Raising his hand, Oh Sookyung grabbed on to her shoulder and stabilized himself. Then, Moon Jiwoo let go of her hold upon his waist and took couple of steps backward.

"My hands got dirty again," she mumbled, making it loud enough for Oh Sookyung to hear.

"No, I am perfectly fine since you have protected me, Daerin-ssi. Your will to protect me is great," he vocalised, "You act fast."

'Stop! Stop! Stop! Moon Jiwoo, straighten your forehead. You can't let that frown form on your forehead! You can not get irritated! He is a bastard, and you can not lose to him.'

"Thief, you are currently unable to use your powers, right? You should stop slacking off and practice. Being a burden isn't that fun and makes you seem like a loser," she pointed out.

"I am not being a burden though," he spoke out, "And about my practicing, Hyungwon hasn't mentioned anything about it, so I will be fine."

"Sookyung, about that, unlocking your powers will be harder than the one for Daerin," Hyungwon vocalised, "I am unable to train you on that, and soon enough, someone will be coming to teach you. Currently, he is occupied with something."

"So, until that person shows up, Oh Sookyung will continue to be a burden? Ah! That's so troublesome!" she let out a groan.

"Are you getting irritated, Miss Daerin?" Sookyung questioned— showing mock in his voice.

"No," she replied, "When did you see me getting irritated?"

"You just did; you let out that groan. That is suppose to count as you getting irritated," he argued.

"You have misheard. I did not groan," Shin Daerin lied.

"Are you lying now? Wow! You are quite a sore loser! Your face clearly shows how angry you are getting," Sookyung insisted.

Rage within Moon Jiwoo began to rise, and she clenched her hand into a tight fist. Regardless of how hard it was, she forced out a smile on her face.

"Unlike you, I don't have any interest in slacking off. I will go and practice," she said.

Knowing that she would sooner or later blow off of she were to continue this conversation with Oh Sookyung, she turned her back on him and was determined to walk away.

However, Oh Sookyung thought differently for he extended his hand towards her and placed his hand over her shoulder in order to stop her.

He then said, "Are you running away, Shin Daerin? Are you afraid that you will be losing to me? Then again, I guess it is normal when your opponent is as capable as me. But don't you think you are being too cowardly."

Turning her head back— her voice being louder than before— she said, "I am not running away. Didn't I say that I have training to do. I have someone's lazy ȧss to protect, so I can't waste as much as time as you."

"See, you are getting angry. Did you hear yourself now? Geez! I got scared," Sookyung dramatically vocalised.

"I told you that I am not getting angry! The sun is just making me sick, so leave me alone," Jiwoo stated— her eyes glaring at Sookyung. She did not even attempt to conceal that.

"You should look at yourself right now, Shin Daerin-ssi," Sookyung expressed.

Bringing his face over to her ear, he whispered, "You have totally lost in this entire thing. You are such an easy opponent, Daerin-ssi. You make me disappointed, and I don't think there was any thrill in this. You are really boring!"

"Shut up!" she exclaimed— rage dripping out from her voice.

That's when, jolt of electricity came out from her body and hit Sookyung at his leg. Oh Sookyung acted on his reflex and jumped back before it was able to cause more harm to him.

The electric ball still managed to inflict harm on him, and as the clothing on his knee was torn off, a dark bruise was forming on it.

A wince left his mouth due to the pain, and bending his back, he stared at the wound made on his knee. Blood oozed out of it, and extending his hand towards it, Sookyung touched the wound with his palm.

Raising his head, he curved his lips to form a small smirk, and arching his eyebrows, he spoke out, "You have lost, Shin Daerin."

Noticing how terribly his wound was bleeding, a stab of guilt went through Moon Jiwoo, but hearing his voice caused that to be instantly wiped away.

Scoffing at him, she stated, "Whatever. It was a stupid match anyway. I don't care about it. You are the one who ended up with a wound at the end while I am perfectly fine."

Min Hyungwon made his footsteps over to Oh Sookyung and glanced at his wound before looking at Moon Jiwoo.

"Attacks made by electricity takes time to heal even for those from the Red Clan, and judging by the intensity, it will take him at least three days before he is able to walk properly. You should have used your powers more carefully. Although he had provoked you, you—"

"Whatever," Moon Jiwoo said, tucking her hands into her pockets.

Turning her back on them, she were began to walk towards the forest. Moon Jiwoo could not comprehend what she felt this irritated for, but there was a growing annoyance within her. Clenching her hand into a tight fist, she muted away all the words from Hyungwon. 

At that moment, the situation felt quite suffocating to Moon Jiwoo, and she desperately craved to get away from it. She did not understand what aspect of it made her uncomfortable; it was merely that she thought that she will be growing crazy with anger if she stayed here for more than a minute.

Moon Jiwoo had no idea on where her destination was or what she was getting into. Her heavy heart and emotions made it hard for her to think properly.


Moon Jiwoo had no idea on where she was or how long she was walking for. Her legs were starting to get exhausted, and she would not be able to continue much further.

However, the heavy feeling within her ċhėst did not disappear until now, and everything was starting to make her frustrated by now. On her way here, she attacked lots of trees with her powers in order to let out that annoyance, but no matter what she did, it was still there.

Moon Jiwoo did not understand what she wanted, and that only amplified her irritation. Even after trying to think for a while and cursing Oh Sookyung, she did not feel comfort at all. 

A sigh left her mouth.

Under the setting sun, the lake appeared to be beautiful and breathtaking. She found herself unable to take her eyes off of it and leaned down to sit beside it.

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