"Moon Jiwoo, wake up!"

The pleasant dreams Moon Jiwoo was having was disrupted by the loud scream, and startled, she woke up. A groan escaped from her mouth as she opened her eyes, and she stretched her hands upwards.

"What the fuċk do you want so early in the morning?" she questioned as she turned her head to face Oh Sookyung.

Her eyes were squinted, and creases appeared between both of her eyebrows while they were furrowed. The displeasure she felt was clearly visible upon her face.

"You are really lazy, Moon Jiwoo. Quickly wake up from the bed and have breakfast. After that, we have lots of things to do together," Sookyung enthusiastically vocalised.

"What the hell do you mean by things to do with you? I don't want to do anything with you, so let me sleep," Jiwoo vocalised, closing her eyes tightly.

A yawn escaped from her mouth while she let herself drift off to her Dreamland.

However, determined to wake Moon Jiwoo up, Oh Sookyung made his way towards her, and wearing a smile on his face, he extended his hands towards her. Gripping on to the material of her blanket, he pulled it off of her and threw it towards the lower edge of the bed.

Upon that motion, Moon Jiwoo sprung up and sat on the bed. Raising her hand, she ran it through her hair as her eyes glared at him.

"Yah! What are you doing? Get lost before I beat you up!" she exclaimed before turning her head to face her blanket.

Moving her hand towards it, Jiwoo was about to grab it when Oh Sookyung slapped her hands away from it and vocalised, "Geez! I am leaving after four days, and what you can think about is sleeping? We should spend as much as time as we can with both each other. You don't know how long it will be taking for us before we are able to meet each other."

"As if that bullshit matters to me. You can keep the blanket," Jiwoo said, falling back to her bed— her tone being gruff.

As her back touched the soft surface, she found the sleep enveloping her. Yesterday, she spent the entire day accompanying Oh Sookyung at his request, and after that, coupled with the intense practice, her body felt quite exhausted. She did not consider herself to be at a state to be able to get off of that bed.

Seeing the stubborn girl who was laying on the bed, Oh Sookyung's determination to wake her up increased, and treating this as a challenge, Sookyung had another idea in his mind.

Sensing that she was being lifted up by someone all of a sudden caused a gasp to escape from Moon Jiwoo's mouth, and opening her eyes, she stared at Oh Sookyung's face with a startled expression.

Noticing that she was carried in princess style by him caused a gasp to escape from her mouth, and she exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing, You Bastard!"

"Seeing how loud you are being, it shows that you are completely awake. Despite being chat strong, you are not that heavy. You lean more to the lighter side. You should start to eat more," he spoke out.

"I don't care whether or not you think I should eat, but let go of me. I am still sleepy, You Bastard. It is not even time for breakfast yet," Jiwoo vocalised while she struggled at Oh Sookyung's hold.

"Oh! Don't worry about that. I told Hyungwon to prepare the breakfast early, and stop moving around or else both of us will be falling down," he stated.

Moon Jiwoo was no longer sleepy, but Sookyung's actions managed to provoke her, causing her to be determined to go against him. She doubted she will be able to return to sleep if she laid on her bed, but at this moment, this was not her concern. All she wanted to do was win from Oh Sookyung.

"Let go of me then!" she exclaimed, as she thrashed in his hold.

Oh Sookyung's back faced her bed while Moon Jiwoo tried to get him to place her down. She did not care if she will be getting injured by this; she merely wanted to get away from him now.

"Jiwoo! Hold on! Don't move around—"

Moon Jiwoo, on the other hand, laid beside him, and her head was top of his hand. Turning his head, Sookyung faced Moon Jiwoo and stared at her.

Under Sookyung's unwavering gaze, Jiwoo felt a certain type of nervousness rise within her, and she gulped. She could not understand his intention behind staring at her like that, but it was making her feel quite uneasy.

Having Oh Sookyung make her feel like this sounded peculiar to Moon Jiwoo. She thought that she would feel irritated, but that was not the case.

Even if she had slight amount of annoyance within her, in that moment, it was overpowered by some other emotion she was incapable of naming.

His face appeared quite ethereal at that instant, and looking at him from this angle made him appear extremely attractive. Her eye began to take in every small features of his, and she had a hard time tearing her eyes off of him.

Extending his hand towards her, Oh Sookyung touched her cheeks and trailed his hand down to her lips. His sudden touched caused her eyes to widen, and no words were able to leave her mouth.

"Cute," Sookyung said as chuckle escaped from his mouth.

Hearing his voice lead to her snapping out to her senses, and raising her hand, she slapped his hand away while her eyes glared at him.

"What the hell are you doing, You Pervert!" Moon Jiwoo exclaimed— her voice sounding more high-pitched then she had originally intended.

Sookyung's eyes fell on how Jiwoo's eyes were slowly turning red, and that made him want to do something reckless and impulsive.

Bringing his face over to her, he parted his lips slightly and connected his lips with her reddened cheeks. After leaving a gentle peck, he moved his head backward and flashed her a smile.

These days, he had been pecking her a lot. Oh Sookyung did not understand why he did that. Was it because he enjoyed her expression after everytime he did it or because he genuinely liked pecking her?

Nonetheless, he found fun in the moment and did not try to think much further about it. Maybe that was because of how scared he was to find out the answer to it. He had an inkling that would cause many things to alter, and that's why, he wanted things to be as they were right now.

Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened at his actions before she yelled, "Yah! You pervert! I told you to stop doing that! I will really strangle you the next time you do this! Being kissed by you is really gross, and thinking about it gives me chills."

"Even if you are saying that, you are blushing red, Shin Daerin. Your current expression is going to make me misunderstand the situation," he pointed out.

"Fuck off, You Bastard! I am red with fury currently, and I am very close to breaking that nose of yours," she vocalised.

"Aigoo! Don't be so mean. Let me kiss you all I can right now. After I leave, it would not be possible for us to kiss each other. So, let's compromise, alright?" Sookyung stated, flashing Moon Jiwoo one of his wide smiles.

"What compromise? I don't want to do anything like that with you, You Bastard, and now, quit irritating me!" she spoke out.

"Oh well! At least you are wide awake now. I don't believe that you will be able to go back to sleep in that state," Sookyung pointed out.

Staring at the hateful man before her, she vocalised, "Even if I am awake or not doesn't mean that I will be spending my entire time with you. Now, get lost. I have to wash up."

"Shin Daerin," he spoke out in a soft tone, catching her by surprise. No words left her mouth after that, and she stared at him silently, waiting for him to continue his words.

"I am sorry for being a burden to you, and thank you very much for protecting me the entire time. After I come back from the training, I will make sure to be strong enough, so that I don't be a burden on you. I promise you that," Sookyung earnestly confessed.


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