"A cake?" Oh Sookyung enunciated, staring at the dessert placed in front of him.

The strawberry cake was beautifully decorated, and it emitted a mouthwatering odor. One could easily see how meticulously it had been made.

Curving her lips to form a smile upon her face, Moon Jiwoo nodded her head and said, "Yeah, for you."

Her words caused Oh Sookyung to let out a chuckle and stated, "You made it just for me? Why do I find it so hard to believe? Is this a prank or something?"

Shaking her head, Jiwoo answered, "Nope, this cake was made because of you since I wanted to celebrate you leaving with this. I wanted to originally have this on my own, but I will never be able to finish it. I did not want to waste any food."

"You are clearly lying," Sookyung said, "You are so transparent. Since when did you even care about wasting food? But as it is made for me, I will be enjoying the cake. It looks great."

"Of course it does. Who do you think has made it? Everything done by me is amazing, and bȧrėly anyone is allowed to have the privilege to eat anything I make. That's why, you should he grateful for this opportunity," Jiwoo smugly stated, folding her arms across her ċhėst.

Extending his hand towards her, he patted the top of her head and said, "I never had expected for you to know how to cook. Even if the cake tastes bad, I would not mind it since it's you. It was decorated beautifully, and you get all—"

Before Oh Sookyung was able to continue further, Moon Jiwoo raised her hand and slapped his hand away from her. Looking up at Sookyung, her eyes glared at her.

"Are you ȧssuming that the cake I made tastes bad? If that's what you think, then there is no way in hell I am giving my cake to you. I would rather waste it," Jiwoo spoke out.

"Silly, that's not what I am saying," he stated, "I am saying that I will be satisfied even if it tastes bad because it is from you."

"See, once again you are pointing out on how the cake might taste bad. I am telling you that there is no way my cake will be tasting bad!" she said, "You are clearly insulting my cooking abilities."

"Alright, alright, you win. I won't argue with you further. Let's eat the cake now. I am starving," he vocalised.

"Sure! But you can only have one slice. The rest are for me. Even if you beg me, I won't give you more," Jiwoo vocalised while extending her hand towards the candle and lighting it up.

"I can always steal it," he commented.

"If you dare those ways of yours here, I will kill you," she vocalised, "Now, since it is for you, I will give you the courtesy to blow off the candle and make your wish."

"Make wish? At which age are you to believe that?" Sookyung questioned as mock was present within his eyes.

Hearing his words, Jiwoo raised her fist and voiced out, "You sure you want to get punched the day before you leave? I don't have a problem creating some new bruises upon your face."

Shaking his head, his face was adorned with a small smile while he faced the cake and closed his eyes. Although Sookyung doubted that this would work, he made his wish, listening to the childish words of Moon Jiwoo.

'Please let Moon Jiwoo be alive after all of this is over. I don't want her to die for my sake.'

He blew the fire off the candle then. After Oh Sookyung had opened his eyes, Moon Jiwoo stared at him with curiosity in his eyes and had one of her eyebrows raised.

"What did you wish for?" Jiwoo asked.

Oh Sookyung scoffed and stated, "What makes you think that I wished for something in the first place? This was utterly silly, and there is no way I am going to wish something on this. Even five year olds these day don't believe in this."

"Yah! You bastard, how can you not wish on it? Since you didn't do it, I will light it up and make a wish on it," she spoke out, "You are really hateful, You Jerk!"

As Moon Jiwoo was able to light the candle up again, Sookyung chuckled, and moving his hand towards her, he gripped her wrist in order to pull it back.

"I am joking; I am joking. I really made a wish, but the contents of it is a secret. Don't you know that your wish won't come true if you let others know the content of it."

Taking her hand back, Moon Jiwoo scoffed at him and vocalised, "And after that, you call me childish."

Shaking her head, Jiwoo picked up the knife from the table and pressing the soft cake with the knife, she dug deeper into it. After that, she cut a slice of it, and raising it, she placed the slice of cake before Oh Sookyung.

"Taste it," she ordered.

Oh Sookyung nodded.

Pulling the chair before him, Sookyung sat down on it, and picking up the fork before him, he cut a portion of the cake with it.

As Sookyung placed the cake inside his mouth, Moon Jiwoo stared at him with anticipation and slightly tapped her foot against the ground repetitively.

"How is it? Isn't this the best cake you have ever tasted? Isn't it good to the point that you want to start crying? I know how good of a cake I can make, so no matter what compliments you give me, it would not be able to make up for it," Jiwoo arrogantly stated.

Placing on a stoic expression upon his face, Oh Sookyung turned to look at Moon Jiwoo and gave her a bored expression.

He then said, "Wow! I am really disappointed. I knew that it would not taste all that good, but this is just way worse than what I had expected. Is this your first time baking or are you naturally bad at it?"

Oh Sookyung's words caused her eyes to widen for a second before Jiwoo stated, "There is nothing wrong with my cake. Your taste bud has a problem. I know that my cake tastes absolutely amazing."

"Tch! Don't you seem too much confident about it?" Sookyung asked.

"If you don't like it, then get lost. I am perfectly capable of finishing it on my own. I don't even know what my stupid mind was thinking when I have invited you," Jiwoo vocalised— her voice showing how upset she felt at that moment.

Extending her hand towards the table, Jiwoo picked up the plate with the cake from it, and grabbing the fork from Sookyung's eyes, she scoffed at the boy.

Cutting a piece of that slice with her fork, she raised it up and placed it inside her mouth. The soft texture of the cake melted in her mouth, and she found absolutely nothing being wrong with it.

Moon Jiwoo's mood went slightly down when Sookyung mentioned on how the cake tasted bad and almost believed his words. But after having a piece of the cake, she could see how that was not the case, and looking at him, she fiercely glared at her.

"I knew that there was nothing wrong with my cake, You Bastard!" she exclaimed.

"Of course there was nothing wrong with it. I was merely kidding with you. But at least, due to this, we shared an indirect kiss. I am really happy for that," he vocalised.

Realization dawned upon her after listening to those words of his, and after she stared down at the fork in her eyes, her eyes widened due to the shock.

Then, glowering at Oh Sookyung, she exclaimed, "Yah! You pervert! How could you!"

"Hold on a second! Aren't you blaming the innocent? It was you who took the slice of cake and the fork before eating it. I did not hand either of them to you. I did not expect for you to be this sly, Moon Jiwoo. 

It appears that you have some skills as well. If you have such feelings towards me, I don't have any problems on accepting you. After all, I find you to be a little cute as well," Sookyung confessed as a teasing smirk formed on his face.

"What the fuċk are you saying, You Bastard! This was clearly a mistake!" Jiwoo exclaimed, "You teased me, and then, I just took it without a second thought. This is completely disgusting. I have to rinse my mouth hundred times after this."

"Aigoo! Daerin-ah, you don't need to act to this point. It's normal to have such feelings towards me. After all, I am a handsome man, and I will reluctantly accept you if those feelings of yours run deep."

His words caused the anger within her to rise, and raising the plate inside her hand, she slammed it upon his face. 

As the contents of the cakes came in touch with his face, she vocalised, "Die!"

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