Staring at the pancakes before her, Moon Jiwoo had no appetite within her, and while she played around with the fork in her hand, she showed no signs of attempting to eat it. Moon Jiwoo could not find herself refuting to Shihyuk's words back then, but now, she found herself being conflicted.  Anxiety bloomed within her at the thought of Sookyung being attacked, and bile rose her throat due to the increasing apprehension. This was enough to indicate that she cared about Sookyung, but she did not understand the reason behind it. There was no reason for her to possess such emotions, and if this was influenced due to her instincts, Jiwoo had to admit that it was quite strong. 'Just a day. After that, there will be no more Sookyung, and you will be free. You won't even need to act on instincts now. You don't know where the man is.  You can't risk your life for him. After he is gone from your life, you will be safe. You never know when you might get yourself killed over him. Think rationally! Think rationally!' Despite of constantly repeating those words inside her mind and trying to convince herself that was actually the way she felt about it, Jiwoo felt sick within herself. Even if she initially thought that she will be able to endure this, it was not possible for her eventually to do so. The time was running, and if something had happened to Sookyung, there will be no turning back. It was not confirmed that Jiwoo would be dying from this, but for Sookyung, this was deadly. Only she would be able to stop it. Pursing both of her lips together, Jiwoo let out a sigh and spoke out, "Aish! I hate being a good person! Shihyuk, I don't think I will be able to do it. I want to go and rescue Sookyung." At her words, Sookyung raised his head and stared at her before saying, "I expected you to speak up any moment now. You were struggling to come up with that answer. Are you sure?" Moon Jiwoo nodded her head and said, "Since this is my job, I don't want to be called irresponsible. That would not reflect well on me." "Is that so? I don't want to help you with this," Shihyuk voiced out before looking down at his meal. Moon Jiwoo's eyes widened due to his words, and as shock displayed in her eyes, she questioned, "What do you mean?" "This is just as it is. If you want to rescue Sookyung, you can go and do it on your own. I will not be keeping you at here," Shihyuk vocalised, "Personally, I would think it would be for the best if he died. I despise him!" Without Shihyuk's help, it would not be possible for her to rescue Oh Sookyung. She knew that he would not be at Hyungwon's place, and it would not be possible for her to find his new place at this short period of time. Creases appeared between both of her eyebrows as she stated, "This is not a time to joke around, Min Shihyuk. I don't know what enmity you might have with him, but isn't wishing for his death too much?" Shrugging his shoulders, Shihyuk spoke out, "Nothing you say will be able to convince me. Even death would not be able to compensate the anger I feel towards him.  His father destroyed the lives of my parents, and now, I can't let his father have the joy of having his son on the throne. I want that Han Sungmin to feel the pain of losing the greatest thing to him." Moon Jiwoo's eyes sharpened at that, and she said, "So, you are going to have someone innocent killed just because of the hatred towards his father? Would not that make you as cruel as him?" "If that's what I need to do in order to gain victory, maybe I will be doing it," Shihyuk said, "Like you, Moon Jiwoo, this is my second chance at life, and maybe I was given this chance in order for my revenge." Moon Jiwoo scoffed and stated, "Thank you for your help and rescuing me. Without your help, I would not be able to be free, so I won't hold anything against you. Since there is no use in me pushing you, I will just search for him on my own.  Just remember about how many lives of the innocent you will be ruining from your decision. You know how the current King is, and if you want to keep supporting him, you are well aware of how the people will be suffering." Moon Jiwoo noticed how the man before her had his eyes widened. But being well aware that there was no use in wasting her life with him, she disappeared into the thin air. Even though she had no idea on where Sookyung could be, she had to at least work hard and try to find him with the little time she got. Maybe she would be lucky and able to find him. °°° Appearing at the place of Hyungwon's house, Moon Jiwoo looked around, but there were no signs of them. The house was now at a broken state. Its ceiling had collapsed, and the doors were broken. The glasses from the window were scattered about the place, and it did not appear to be a place one would be able to reside in. Pursing both of her lips, Moon Jiwoo decided to enter in, in hopes that she will be able to find some clues. Since this was the only place she could think of, she had to give her best. As her heart beat rapidly within her ċhėst, she pushed the door before her, creating a opening for herself, and through that, she walked into the abandoned house. The lighting inside was quite dim, making it difficult for her to make out the things inside the house. From what she could see, Jiwoo noticed that everything was a mess. Hurriedly, she searched around the entire house, and as nervousness rose within her, she prayed to find something that would be helping her. Pursing both of her lips together, Jiwoo fell to her knees unable to keep her balance any longer. This situation was starting to give her a headache, and she had no clue on how to handle it. There was no place she was able to think of. Moon Jiwoo would have called him if it was not for the fact that she had lost his phone, and that's when, it had hit Moon Jiwoo. She recalled his phone number. With that, hope began to rise within her. She remembered about how she had a photographic memory, and due to that, she had no difficulty in remembering his number. Clapping both of her hands together, Jiwoo said, "Why didn't I think of this before?" Without thinking much further about this matter, she teleported out of the place. °°° Taking in a deep breath, Moon Jiwoo opened the glass door and walked into the telephone booth. She noticed how the sun was starting to set by now and realized that she bȧrėly had time in her hand now. Hurriedly, making her way into the booth, she made a call to the number that was stored in her memory and waited for the man in the other side to pick up the call. While anxiety grew within her, she tapped her foot on the ground, and while she waited, she prayed for him to receive the call. Seeing how he did not pick up the call, the apprehension within Jiwoo increased further, and she dialled in his number again. Tears of frustrations began to burn at her eyes as she became desperate for him to receive the call. "Oh Sookyung, you idiot! Where is your phone? Just pick this call up! What are you so busy doing!? I told you to keep your phone close to you, so why are you not doing it? Pick it up! Pick up the call! I am begging you! Please, please, please, just for a minute. Pick up the call! Ah! This is horrible!" A groan escaped from Jiwoo's mouth when the call was not received again, and she tried again. Sweat began to form upon her face, and while tears formed at the corner of her eyes, Jiwoo found herself being utterly helpless. Her mind was out of ideas on what to do anymore, and gripping tightly on to the telephone, she squeezed her eyes close, waiting for a miracle to happen. She had tried around ten times, but up until now, she was met with no response. Her eyes fell on the sky outside, and seeing the sun that had almost disappeared, she stomped the ground on frustration. The hope within her was beginning to lessen every instant, and her ċhėst was starting to get heavier. Maybe she would not be able to save him at the end. "Still no luck with it?"

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