On the barren field, Han Minhyun, Oh Sookyung, and Min Hyungwon were standing. A solemn atmosphere surrounded them, and before was a huge circle. Various coloured lights emitted from that circle.

"Oh Sookyung, enter in through that portal," Minhyun said, "There will be someone waiting for you at the other side, and I will go to search for Shin Daerin."

Sookyung nodded his head and spoke out, "Alright."

"On that side, things are just going to get harder than they are right now. Take care of yourself, and don't make any reckless decisions. Be careful, and keep all of your senses open," Minhyun advised.

"I understand. Thank you for all your help until now," Sookyung politely voiced out.

Han Minhyun's line of sight fell on the portal before him, and looking at it, Sookyung knew what he had to do. Taking in a deep breath, he made his way towards the portal.

However, as he was walking towards it, Moon Jiwoo and Shihyuk appeared out of the thin air. Her appearance caught the attention of the three of them, and Sookyung turned his head back.

"Daerin," Sookyung said— his voice showing surprise. Relief formed on his face, and with that, most of his worries diminished. He curved his lips to form a small smile.

Before Moon Jiwoo was able to say anything, she noticed how the circle behind Sookyung was expanding, and recalling about the words from those men, Jiwoo ran towards Sookyung.

Sookyung's eyes widened when Jiwoo harshly pushed him away from the circle by holding his shoulder, and the impact caused for him to stumble a few steps forward.

Seeing that he was finally safe from the portal caused relief to spread through Moon Jiwoo; she had finally completed what she had come here for.

When Moon Jiwoo had lost all of her hope in that telephone booth, Min Shihyuk appeared in that place and decided to help her. She had no clue on what changed his mind.

Nonetheless, at that instant, she did not have the time to discuss on that matter, and overjoyed by that fact, she had him teleported here as soon as possible— afraid that he will be changing his mind later on.

"Watch out, Shin Daerin!" 

Hearing horrified cry that left Sookyung's mouth, she looked at him and realized how his eyes had widened. The portal reflected in his eyes, and Jiwoo noticed how close the portal was to exploding.

Seeing that, Jiwoo turned her head back, and a gasp escaped from her mouth when she saw how dangerously close she was to the exploding portal. 

Any second now the portal will be exploding, and she needed to get away from it. But overcome by panic at that moment, she found herself being rooted to that position, and there was no amount of strength within her to get away from that position.

Hearing the loud sound from the explosion caused Moon Jiwoo to squeeze her eyes close as a scream escaped from her mouth. At that moment, Jiwoo found herself being engulfed by someone surprisingly.

After processing the situation, Jiwoo opened her eyes gradually, and they widened when she realized that Min Shihyuk was hugging her. It appeared that he had shielded her from the attack.

"Shin Daerin, are you alright?" Oh Sookyung questioned.

However, she turned a deaf ear to his words, and seeing the pained expression on his face, she knew that he had blocked the attack for her.

"M-Min Shihyuk," she managed to stutter out.

Moon Jiwoo's eyes fell on his back, and seeing his entire back being covered with blood caused panic to go through her entire being. Raising her hand, she touched his back.

Bringing her hand over to her face, she spoke out, "Shihyuk, you are bleeding. Your wounds are not healing. Get up quickly. You need immediate medical care. I am sorry; this is all my fault. But you have to get up now."

Seeing the horrified expression on her face, he chuckled and stated, "My heart is already destroyed. I am already losing my life. At least I managed to complete the task of protecting you until the very end, Moon Jiwoo. This was to compensate for the all the harm I caused you in your last life."

"What do you mean? What type of nonsense is that? You can't give up! I will make sure that you don't die. How can you die? You have to take further care of me," Jiwoo spoke out, turning her head back to stare at them with her pleading eyes.

Moon Jiwoo was not ready to accept that. She believed that something could be done to protect him. There had to be something! He could not die that easily.

A cough escaped from Sookyung's mouth before he said, "Moon Jiwoo, listen, I have no time in my mind. I know you will be hating me if I let you know of my true identity, but I am Ahn Eunwoo. I was probably given this chance to make up for all I have done in my last life to you, and maybe I managed to make up for it. I am sorry."

That word caused Moon Jiwoo's eyes to widen, and she stated, "W-What do you mean?"

Hearing those words, Han Minhyun's face showed as much as shock as hers before he took a step forward, and staring at the bleeding man, he enunciated, "Ahn Eunwoo."

Hearing Han Minhyun's voice, Eunwoo tilted his head his direction and said, "Hyung, it is me, but sadly, I have to leave early again."

Upon hearing those words, Han Minhyun fell on to his knees, and sitting beside him, Minhyun grabbed on to the hand of the bleeding man.

"Eunwoo or Shihyuk, bastard or not, you can't die. Do you always have to make me cry? You did not get repent for all that you did, so wake up, Ahn Eunwoo! I still need to get back at you," Moon Jiwoo said as tears continued to fall down her eyes.

Moon Jiwoo did not expect for Shihyuk to turn out to be Eunwoo. Nonetheless, one similarity between both of them was that they provided her with warmth when there was no one around her to do that. They provided her with company when she was lonely.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry," Shihyuk voiced out.

"I-I don't t-think t-that I-I w-will b-be able to hold on any longer. Let's meet again—"

Before he was able to continue further, Min Shihyuk found his consciousness fading away, and seeing that his eyes had finally closed, a cry escaped from Moon Jiwoo's mouth.

She had lost someone precious someone to her, and Jiwoo did not know how to cope up with that. Tremendous aches went through her ċhėst while tears began to fall down her eyes.

She mocked at people for being attached to people and cry when they lost them. But now, she was exactly at the same place as them. Maybe this was the karma because she was not a decent person.

Her grip on his body loosened, and Jiwoo prayed in her mind for him to wake up. Despite of how that not being possible, she still held on to that hope regardless of how foolish it was. Jiwoo was not willing to let go of him that easily.

A part of Moon Jiwoo blamed herself greatly for what had happened. If she was slightly more cautious, this would not have happened, and at the thought of that, she wanted to punish herself.

Moon Jiwoo felt someone touch her shoulder, and at that, she turned her head back. Seeing that Oh Sookyung was giving her a sympathetic look, Moon Jiwoo had more tears forming in her eyes. Regardless of how hard she tried, she was unable to hold them in.

Extending his hand towards Moon Jiwoo, Sookyung pulled her into a hug, and wrapping his hand around her body, he patted on her back softly in order to comfort her. 

Placing her shoulder at the nape of his shoulder, Moon Jiwoo let more tears to escape from her eyes while her ċhėst throbbed painfully. Accepting that Min Shihyuk was gone was still painful for her.

"There, there, everything will be fine, Shin Daerin. Don't cry," Sookyung spoke out— knowing that none of his words will be bringing any comfort to her. Nonetheless, he did not give up from trying.

Seeing her like this brought pain to him.

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