"How, how can you do this!" The boy's anger made him forget his fear. "If you do this, she will die!"

"So what if she's dead? We never wanted her to live." The man ruthlessly said, "Brat, you better worry about yourself. If your parents don't give you the money, you'll end up like her." These people were originally desperate criminals, and they had quite a bit of blood on their hands. Killing a few more children was nothing in their eyes.

Tang Xiaotang was pretending to be unconscious so she naturally heard their words clearly. This little boy was kind-hearted and her soul was much cleaner than others. It was rare for him to not have any prejudices in his heart when she was born into a society like this. She would definitely have some achievements in the future.

But for these few people, Tang Xiaotang did not plan to let them go. It sounded like they had a lot of lives on their hands. Tang Xiaotang did not want to let them go and harm even more people.

At the same time, at the amusement park.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Xinyan could no longer see the shadow of her daughter. The place where she used to play with the sand had been occupied by other children. She searched everywhere but couldn't find her daughter.

"Mengmeng's gone!" Her heart skipped a beat, and she rushed into the children's playground. Qin Qingchen who was by her side did not know what happened, so she quickly said that, before he rushed to the entrance.

"What?" Qin Qingchen was also surprised in his heart. After carefully searching once, he indeed could not find the little demon.

But in the end, he was calmer than Xu Xinyan. After pondering for a moment, he turned around and walked towards the amusement park's surveillance room. That little brat was always sensible, so it was impossible for him to run around and make her mother worry. The only explanation was that she might really encounter some trouble.

While walking, he called Lv Jie: "Quickly find someone to call out all the surveillance cameras around the amusement park and find anyone that has children and looks suspicious."

"What's the matter with you again?" Lv Jie was extremely gloomy, he was so busy that his feet almost touched the ground, this man had thrown all the matters of the company onto him and started chasing after his girlfriend.

"The kid is gone."

"Isn't that the same as going missing? Are you looking for an amusement park? Why are you looking for the surrounding surveillance cameras?" Lv Jie casually replied while looking through the documents.

"This is different. Also, investigate An Lin and Song Zeyuan thoroughly for me."

Xu Xinyan almost never made enemies, the only people who had enmity with her were these two people. After all, he was Song Mengmeng's biological father. If Song Mengmeng could possibly leave with someone without any defenses, then that person must have a deep relationship with her. Furthermore, no matter what, Song Zeyuan shouldn't even be able to harm her.

The thing he was most afraid of was that An Lin would send people to capture her. He knew An Lin's personality the best. In order to reach her goal, she could use any means at her disposal to kidnap a seriously ill seven year old child.

His senses told him that An Lin had sent someone to take her away! If it was Song Zeyuan, Song Mengmeng would definitely tell Xu Xinyan. Only when she is taken away and is unable to control herself, will she be able to ask for help!

Qin Qingchen had long legs, so he had already reached the security room during their conversation. After hanging up the phone, he pushed open the door. Under the surprised gaze of the security guards inside, he pushed away a person sitting in front of the security monitor.

Only after a long while did he realize that he couldn't control his movements. He hurriedly glared at the person who was staring at him with wide eyes and said, "Change the monitor!"

The other party started to unwittingly switch on the surveillance camera under his ice-cold gaze. It took him a long time before he managed to react.

Wait, who is this person? Why did he listen to him?

However, under his icy-cold command, he retreated without any backbone. This person's vision was too terrifying, it made him tremble with fear.

The technician obediently adjusted the monitoring data while silently crying. Why was he unable to defy his orders? This was not scientific!

A few security guards who wanted to stop Qin Qingchen were also coldly glared at by him. He coldly said: "My daughter was lost in your amusement park, quickly look for her! "If you can't find her, then I won't let you continue on here!"

He told the few security guards who were frightened by him to look for Song Mengmeng as well, and told them about Song Mengmeng's characteristics once. Then, he pushed open the door and walked out.

Xu Xinyan heard from the ticket collector at the door that a man had left with two children and a woman. The little girl was similar to what she described, but she didn't know if it was exactly.

Xu Xinyan was almost certain that it was Meng Meng! However, Meng Meng had always been a good girl, so how could she just leave with a stranger?

"Who are you to her?" The ticket collector looked at her curiously with sympathy in his eyes. "That little girl's mother seemed to have left and entrusted her to that man. However, the little girl was quite cautious and wasn't willing to leave with him."

"If it wasn't for the fact that the little boy and her mother were willing to call her mother, it would have been impossible for the boy to leave."

"What?" I am her mother, but I have never left! " Xu Xinyan was anxious and afraid. Mengmeng had always been the most obedient, how could she leave without finding her? How could she not see her when she was there?

Wait … Xu Xinyan suddenly thought of the two figurines who were suspected to be giving out balloons. If she remembered correctly, at that time, their balloons would be able to obstruct her line of sight. And then, why were those two missing?

"What about the two figurines? The two who came in with a bunch of balloons! And how did that man get into the children's amusement park? " Xu Xinyan forced herself to calm down, and started to carefully analyze the clues that she missed.

With this string, she had a bad premonition. If that person was an ordinary trafficker, there was no need for him to involve another stranger. Furthermore, Mengmeng would not easily believe a stranger's words, so the only possibility was that he was here for Mengmeng!

"What you said makes sense. I'll contact the security room right away!" He said that he felt that it was weird to see that man back then, but he couldn't say that something was wrong. Now that he thought about it, how did an adult get into this amusement park that didn't allow adults to enter?

Also, two figurines went in and only one came out in the end. Where did the other one go?

When he thought about the possible impact this could have on the amusement park, his expression turned serious. He immediately took out his phone and made a call. Right … "I'd like to ask, was there a balloon delivery activity in the amusement park today?"

After saying a few words on the other end, the ticket collector's face immediately darkened: "No …. Something has happened here. Two people pretended to be members of our amusement park's staff to enter the children's park. They even brought two children with them. "

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