"Yes, yes, I know." After hanging up the phone, the ticket collector seriously said: "I'm sorry Madam, please call the police. Our amusement park will take full responsibility for this matter. We will definitely cooperate with the police and save your child."

Xu Xinyan knew that although amusement park was responsible for this, it was not. If the other party had come for Mengmeng, they would not be able to escape no matter where they were.

Now they had to call the police. She took out her cell phone and was about to call the police when she heard a commotion in front of her and heard the sound of sirens ringing rhythmically through the crowd.

Xu Xinyan saw that many people had gathered, so she followed along. Through the crowd, he saw a woman lying face down on the ground. Two policemen stopped the crowd from getting close to her, while the other carefully probed the woman's nose.

It was only when the woman was still breathing that the police picked her up and woke her up.

Xu Xinyan who seemed to know something from everyone's discussion frowned. Was Mengmeng's disappearance related to this person?

"Where's my son?" The moment the woman opened her eyes, the first thing she said was this. She sat up and looked around in panic, her eyes filled with panic: "Those people took him away!"

"Who is it?" Can you explain it a little more clearly? "

The policemen looked at each other silently, and one of them asked.

"Wuwuwu …" I shouldn't have helped that girl... It's all my fault! If it wasn't to help her, Little Fan wouldn't have been kidnapped … Hurry and save my son! " The woman said incoherently as she held onto a policeman's clothes with tears in her eyes.

"Don't be in such a hurry, explain the situation slowly …" The police began to disperse the crowd, and an older policeman whispered comfort to her.

Xu Xinyan's heart thumped in the crowd. Sure enough, that group of people's goal was Mengmeng!

She stepped out of the crowd and stood in front of the police. "I'm the mother of that girl. I'm calling the police!"

The car had already driven out of the city area, and it was surrounded by large tracts of farmland.

The men laughed loudly, the noise hiding the little boy's soft sobbing. He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to see her die, but it seemed that there was no better way now, those people didn't even care about him.

"Wuwuwu …" He was still a child after all. The more he thought about it, the more upset he became. The more he felt that he was useless. Finally, he began to cry.

Suddenly, he felt someone touch his hand. He opened his eyes wide and looked down, only to see the unconscious girl open her eyes slightly and slowly wink at him.

"…!" The little boy was so surprised that he was about to cry out, but the girl quickly shook her head to stop him. She mouthed something to him, and the little boy looked carefully and saw that she was saying "get out of the car."

Get off, why get off? However, the little boy was smart enough not to say anything. He knew that the girl had been pretending to be unconscious, so he was happy.

After some thought, he came up with a solution. When he looked again, the girl had already closed her eyes and was feigning unconsciousness.

The man in front suddenly turned around. The little boy bent his body in panic, with tears in his eyes. He cried softly, "Wuwuwu …" "Wuuu …."

"Kid, what are you doing?" the man asked in annoyance as he looked at the boy bent over in a weird posture.

The boy's crying made him feel extremely uncomfortable. If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to make a profit out of him, he would have already thrown him down.

"Wuuu …" I want to shit... My stomach hurts! " He had a pained expression on his face as he obediently curled up his body and leaned against the back of the chair.

"What the hell are you doing!?" "Endure it!" The man shouted impatiently.

"No …" I'm going to pull it up in my pants! " The little boy's face was red from holding back his tears as he said sorrowfully.

Tang Xiaotang's eyes narrowed, just in time to see the little boy's performance, and she became speechless.

It seems like this little boy is also someone with a lot of power. He must have used this trick quite a few times to deceive his teachers and parents!

"How troublesome …" Brother Zhang, what do we do? " Can't really let him pull the car, the man asked.

"Never mind, stop the car and let him shit." The man frowned and replied impatiently.

So many things happen to children!

The car squeaked and quickly stopped by the roadside.

"Third Bro, go."

Ol 'Three was a tall and sturdy man. Although he had indignation in his eyes, he obediently complied and got out of the car with the little boy who was still moving.

"Also, find a canal or lake nearby and throw her down as well." The man pointed at Tang Xiaotang and said.

Hearing those words, the little boy's face turned slightly pale and he wanted to throw her into the water … However, everyone took the change in his face as a sign that he could not hold it in and did not pay attention.

Tang Xiaotang cursed in her heart, she had a promise to give to these few people. She gently shook her finger at the boy, and the boy obediently let the man untie his hands and feet.

"Go!" "What bad luck!" A man carried the boy in one hand, while carrying Tang Xiaotang, and brought him to a distant place: "Go find a random place to squat, I'm telling you, don't even think about running! You can't outrun a car! "

There was cornfields all around, the green leaves of the tall corn stalks reflected silver in the sun, and the boy found a spot in the backlight and squatted down with his pants down.

They were already far away from the car. At least the little boy couldn't see the car. Perhaps those people were afraid of being infected, so they specifically asked Ol 'Three to take them to a place further away.

"F * ck!" You only know how to order me around! "

The man continued to carry Tang Xiaotang while cursing, and continued to look for a place to throw him away. "Just randomly look for a place to throw him away, what kind of place to find a river or lake?"

The sound of the cicadas in the surroundings was loud. Tang Xiaotang reckoned that he would not be able to hear anything, so she slowly rubbed the rope off her hand.

When they were tying her up, she had been prepared. She clenched her hands into fists so that there was a gap between her wrists. Now, as long as she let go of her hands, she could easily untie the rope.

After walking for a while, the man saw two rows of poplar trees. He knew that they were either a path or an embankment, so he walked straight up to them.

Sure enough, there was a small canal in the field under the tree. There was half a canal in the canal.

The water was muddy, but it was just what he wanted. The body would not be easy to find.

"Don't blame me. If you want to blame someone, blame your mother for offending someone you shouldn't have offended." The man muttered a few sentences to himself before throwing Tang Xiaotang into the water.

After seeing Tang Xiaotang sink with his own eyes, only then did he clap her hands in satisfaction and began to walk back. What he did not notice was that after he threw the girl down, the water rippled again and the girl's head slowly emerged from the water, staring coldly at his back.

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