"Song Yunqing's character in the U.S. state of stant university is exactly the same as that in China. There is no big problem.

But yesterday I met a teacher in stant, who was an alumnus of song Yunqing.

I heard that song Yunqing often went to see a psychologist, and even went to the underground boxing ring of the United States. Every time he came out, he was scarred.

Even the psychiatrist I saw before was introduced by the teacher I met yesterday. "

Miyuning sat on the balcony of his bedroom, looking at the dark street lamp downstairs.

There is something wrong with song Yunqing. She always knows.

When Du Xu said that the psychologist, MI Youning narrowed his eyes.

She felt that was the key.

"Did the psychologist find it?"


Du Xu fell into silence.

Listening to the gasp from the phone, miyuning felt something wrong.

"Found, also got song Yunqing's case!"

It was a gnashing of teeth, obviously a little resistant.

"Oh? I don't know how Mr. Du got it? "

Miyuning is curious about how Du Xu can get song Yunqing's medical records.

Generally, this kind of medical record needs confidentiality agreement.

Hearing mi you Ning mention this, Du Xu, who is far away from the U.S. Hotel, has a pain in his heart, liver, spleen and lung.

When he met song Yunqing's alumni, he intended to get closer to each other.

Even the topic always to song Yunqing.

Unexpectedly, the other party misunderstood.

In the United States, male relations are very normal.

The other party thinks that he is song Yunqing's boyfriend.

Song Yunqing is not interested in women.

Also said he looks good, and song Yunqing very match.

That made Du Xu sick and didn't eat all night.

It's not that he repels men, but that he and song Yunqing put together.

The picture was so beautiful that it gave him goose bumps.

Du Xu didn't want to tell mi you Ning about this, but he thought of the twists and turns and said it.

"Ha ha ha..."

Mi you Ning never thought that Du Xu would encounter such a thing again.

"So later, you let the other party misunderstand, and even sold a miserable wave, let that person find a relationship for you and get song Yunqing's medical record?"


Du Xu couldn't find his own voice for a long time.

"How do you know?"

Mi you Ning shakes his head and laughs, "except for the old story, I really can't imagine how you got Song Yun Qing's medical record when you were alone abroad.

General hospitals, even private clinics, need to keep secrets from patients, unless they have acquaintances

Du Xu was speechless about mi you Ning's logic.

Because she's very right.

"Well, Mr. Du, have you read the medical records?"

Miyuning rose from the deck chair on the balcony.

"... yes."

It was because he saw it that Du Xu made this call to mi you Ning.

"There seems to be something wrong with the medical record."

Miyuning walked towards the bedroom door.

If there is no problem, Du Xu's tone will not be so strange.

"Yes, song Yunqing's physical condition is not very good. He seems to have mental illness... No, it's a mental illness with dual personality."

Du Xu's tone was a little urgent. He felt that saying mental illness was like swearing, so he immediately changed his words.

It's a mental illness.

"The medical record also shows that song Yunqing has a irascible personality and needs to vent to relieve it. I really didn't expect that he would have such an extreme side when he looked at such a gentle person..."

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