Later, mi you Ning didn't care what Du Xu said.

"Send me the medical record later."

Then miyuning hung up.

Du Xu, who is far away in the United States, shows confusion in his eyes when facing the hung up mobile phone.

So why did Liu Xi ask him to investigate song Yunqing.

Is it because he was amorous before.

Is the person Liu Xi really likes song Yunqing?

Well, this is a no solution problem for the time being.

Now that he has finished his task, it's time for him to return home.


When miyuning came downstairs, the three men downstairs had already talked and laughed.

It seems that the previous unhappiness and subtleties have disappeared.

"Xixi has come down, just in time. Let's eat."

Mi you Ning nodded to Liu Yan Zhe, "OK."

The party moved from the living room to the dining room.

The servants have prepared the meal.

The four of them took their seats one after another, and Liu Yanzhe was in the main position.

Liu Sihan sat under his right hand.

As for mi you Ning and Song Yun Qing, they are seated in turn on the left.

In Liu's family, there are no rules of "no words for food, no words for sleep".

Everyone was very satisfied with the dishes on the table.

However, on the way, Liu Yanzhe announced a news.

For miyuning, it's hard to decide.

"Xixi, in two days, my father will go abroad, and your brother will go to Linshi. There is no one at home. You can live in school temporarily. Mr. Song will take care of you at school. If you have any problems, you can go to Mr. Song."

Miyuning's hand stopped in the void.

She looked at Liu Yanzhe with wide eyes.

The latter gave her a plain smile, as if it was not a big deal.

Look at Liu Sihan again, good guy... The smile on his face is really worse than crying.

It seems that the three men have come to an agreement.

Miyuning looks at Song Yunqing again.

The other side gave her a gentle smile.

Song Yunqing did not expect that he would take over Liu Xi when he came to the Liu family today.

Liu Xi confesses to his family that he likes him.

It's impossible for him to believe it.

This girl he didn't get in touch with at all.

Before the other side to see Du Xu's look, it is clearly to see like talent will show.

It's only a few days. The other party says that they like him.

How can he believe it.

However, since the Liu family and his son have made such a decision, he has no reason to refuse.

In the last holding Liu Xi to the hospital, see each other that vulnerable and helpless appearance, he decided to stop.

She's still a child and there's no need to take advantage of each other.

Unfortunately, Liu family father and son pushed people to him again.

Mi Youning put the dish in his hand into his tableware. "Why are you so busy all of a sudden?"

"Ha ha..." Liu Yanzhe said with a smile, "yes, Mr. Song is a family member of a student whose father used to be a student. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I see, Dad."

Miyuning was half shy and half excited.

Dinner time was very peaceful.

Song Yunqing offered to leave after dinner.

Mi you Ning thought of Du Xu's words and looked at the gentle man.

She also offered to take the initiative.

Liu's father and son have no opinion, but this should ignore Liu Sihan's expression of eating people all night.


Miyuning and song Yunqing left the villa one after another.

They were walking on the path outside the door.

"Mr. Song, I'm going to trouble you next."

Song Yunqing and MI Youning walk side by side. The girls around them are very quiet, which makes people feel very clever.

Hearing the polite words, he turned to look at each other.

"Liu Xi."

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