"I've met father Ji..."

Jiuji nodded and walked forward.

"Disaster star!"

One of them didn't control it and said what he had in mind.

Jie soul looks at such a flesh and blood host, but it doesn't care.

Such a host is no longer her own.

Only by bullying in this way can we feel more and feel better!

"Jiuji, now you don't want to run away. Next you're going to split your skin."

The word that abstains from a soul, let nine Ji subconsciously shake to shake body.

Things in her mind never threatened her, but she still could not easily believe each other.

Some drops of water fell on her face. Jiuji touched it with her hand.

Sure enough, the weather has changed and the rain has fallen.

She decided not to care about the words of the soul, once again accelerated the pace toward the residence.

Before it rained heavily, Jiuji received the quilt into the room.

However, before she sat down for a cup of tea, someone broke in.

The first person to break in is Youlan palace, the red man Liu Gonggong beside the imperial concubine Bai JinSu.

"What are you doing?"

Mr. Liu said with a smile, "Mr. Ji, your concubine wants to see you!"

This guy is not a good thing. Jiuji has a fake smile on her face. "I still need to clean up my appearance, or I will collide with the empress."

From last night Jiuji didn't wash, now the appearance is really a bit embarrassed.

In principle, she did not ask too much, even as a slave.

Unfortunately, Mr. Liu didn't give her a chance at all.

"Come on! Tie people up

The person behind Liu Gonggong immediately went forward and pressed Jiuji.

Jiuji is just an unarmed "teenager", who is easily held down.

In order to avoid being seen by the people in the Qianqing palace, she put something into Jiuji's mouth and put a sack on her head.

"All told you to hide, you don't listen, this torture can't escape, that woman is going crazy."

Just when Jiuji was carried out of Qianqing palace with a sack in her mouth, Jiehun began to fall into the well.

"If you don't make sarcastic remarks, you will die! What the hell are you

Jiuji was so angry that she didn't care to be afraid of the unknown soul.

The soul of caution is leisurely in the space. It's really cool to see Jiuji like this.

On weekdays, he is such a weak host.

"Shout, father, old father save you."

What does the father in front mean? Jiuji doesn't know.

But the old father behind her made her look a little ugly.

Even if she was a slave, she would not be a father for the sake of survival.

"You dream!"

If you don't want to hear it, you will not do it.

"Call dad, or you'll be in a hurry."

Jiuji felt the pace of the people carrying her quickened.

Qianqing palace is far away from the palace of the imperial concubines. After calculation, it's almost here at this time.

"Ba... Ba?"

"Good, Dad, I'll teach you to get away."

Jiuji is very strange. Why do people call themselves Baba.

It's a mystery.

But the most important thing is to get away.

Suddenly, the people who were carrying her stopped.

Then the rope that bound her broke away.

Jiuji tentatively opens the sack on her head and sees the ground.

She turned over and jumped to the ground rather indecently.

Looking at Liu Gonggong and others, and even keep a posture, Jiuji asked: "what happened to them?"

"They'll recover soon, but you don't run yet?"

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