In the beautiful eyes of Jiuji's enchantment, she looks at Mr. Liu and others, showing some cold light.

The imperial concubines now have nothing to rely on.

When the prime minister was dismissed, the strength behind him was disintegrated.

The imperial concubine caught her at this time, obviously because she was upset and kind-hearted, or wanted to kill her.

Over the past few years, the imperial concubine has been looking down on her.

"Hum!" Jiuji turned and walked towards Qianqing palace.

Now that the other side has made a move, don't blame her for her uneasy kindness.

Instead of going back to Qianqing palace, Jiuji found a few people nearby and pushed Liu Gonggong and others to Qianqing palace.

Liu Gonggong and others woke up on the way, and howled when they saw that they were tied up.

It's too noisy, just like they used to treat her, Jiuji asked people to block their mouths.

"Father Ji, where have you been? After a while, your Kung Fu will be gone. If the emperor can't find you, you'll have to make trouble again."

This is the tea ready to go out looking for people.

Jiuji red tea helplessly smile, "it's not that I don't want to be safe, it's really that some people can't stand me so peaceful."

Red tea know that he has something to say, can't help looking at the people behind the pressure of Liu Gonggong and others.

On the face of the pig liver, tea is not much favor.

Mr. Liu relied on his concubine's power, but he did not give them a look.

Especially the imperial concubine, because she and Tianxiang, Liangchen, Meijing four people in the emperor's side, is intentionally or unintentionally secretly toss.

It's harmless, but it's disgusting.

Red sleeve smile, "some slaves rely on the master's favor, always carrying the master to mess, it's time to let those slaves know their duty."

Nine Ji nods, along the way: "just right, today is a good opportunity."

They walked into Qianqing palace with a smile, and Mr. Liu's face became white.

At this time, if he didn't know what they were doing, he would live in vain.

"Come on! Duke Liu of Youlan palace was disrespectful to Qianqing palace. He pretended to pass on the empress's will, and even started to punish him with a hundred sticks! "


Eunuchs of five big and three rough came forward one after another and put Liu Gonggong and others on the ground for disposal on the spot.

"Oh... Wuwuwuwu..."


They couldn't even shout out the pain because they were gagged.

The pain will double.

If you shout it out, you can reduce the pain a little. If you can't shout it out now, you can't vent it. You can only gnash your teeth and endure the pain.

"It's not easy for the emperor to explain when he goes on fighting like this."

Some people come forward to dissuade, but how can Jiuji not know.

She didn't want to kill Mr. Liu.

Now it's just an order given by Mr. Liu a few years ago.

She almost died at that time.

When the emperor came up, the punishment had already ended.

Now it depends on whether Mr. Liu can survive.

The hundred sticks are not much different from the boards she used to lead in Youlan palace.

Time passed unconsciously, and even the four maids at one side were uncomfortable by the smell of blood around them.

"Jiuji is almost OK."

Liangchen can't help but dissuade him.

Jiuji turns around and looks at Liangchen like a smile.

No, it's not enough.

If not for the rash move of Duke Liu today, if not for the help of Jie Hun.

Today, she has no chance to return to Qianqing palace.

She is very sure that the woman Bai JinSu clearly wants to kill her.

Otherwise, why did the emperor leave with his front foot and tie her with his back foot.

What a coincidence.

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