
However, just after entering the camp, Xiao Qinzi knelt down on the ground with a bang, his eyes instantly wet.

"I didn't protect the emperor. Now the emperor is in a coma..."

Without waiting for Xiao Qinzi to finish, MI Youning went straight past him.

However, as soon as the tent became clear, the bedside Doctor Li was frowning and dispensing.

Even when he learned that miyuning was coming, he didn't look up and seriously tampered with the medicine in his hand.

Over Li Taiyi, soon saw the man lying on the bed.

Nearly a month no see, that man looks very bad, pale out of shape.

Looking at the other side lying peacefully on the bed, MI Youning felt uncomfortable for a while.

Before the other party left, he was so lively.

Now it's like lying there without breathing.

Step by step, miyuning went to the bed and looked at Jingdi's face.

"Why are you so thin?"

With the medicine in his hand, Dr. Li was very upset when he heard what mi Youning said. He said, "I can't eat anything. How can I not be thin? It's not easy to hang now."

Li Taiyi didn't elaborate on what he said, but mi Youning understood what he meant.

Miyuning sat by the bed and touched the emperor's cheek.

The temperature on the other side is warm and cool. The situation is really serious.

While stroking emperor Jing, the power of the soul in mi you Ning's hand has been slowly transmitted to each other.

"Why is the emperor like this?"

Xiao Qinzi crawled and knelt down in front of MI Youning. Hearing the words, he immediately said: "that day, the emperor took the left wing army to the battlefield, but he was defeated by the barbarian army. When the emperor took the left wing army to break through the siege of the barbarian army, most of the left wing army had been killed.

Back in the barracks, the emperor also fell into a coma, and has not woken up yet... "

He told the story with a cry.

Miyuning touched the emperor's cheek, slowly withdrew his hand and narrowed his eyes.

She knows why emperor Jingdi is like this, but the situation is a little serious.

"Little soul, why didn't you tell me it was a dead bug?"

What is the dead poison? It lives in the human body and never dies.

"Host, all I can receive is the way of heaven to show me."

In a word, miyuning's anger rose to a higher level.

The way of heaven is the way of heaven.

Miyuning knew that she was not in a stable mood and should not blame everything on the way of heaven.

But she suffered several times in the world of mission because of the way of heaven.

"How to crack it? Can you save his life? "

Miyuning narrowed his eyes, and his beautiful face gradually became solemn.

Even so, it has no influence on her appearance, on the contrary, it sets off her coldness and loneliness.

"Yes!" Little soul answered cheerfully.

But miyuning heard something unusual in his tone.

"What can I do?" But I have to ask.

"Life for life!"


She knew it!

"Pa!" There was a loud noise.

Mi you Ning raises an eye to look, see Li Tai Yi's face iron green of smash the medicine jar in the hand.

His face was very ugly.

Suddenly, he bent over and took out a wooden box from the medicine box. Mi Youning saw that it was inexplicably familiar.

When Dr. Li opened the wooden box, he knew why he was familiar with it.

It was a few years ago that Dr. Li himself planted the same heart poison on her.

Li Taiyi took out the last poisonous insect in the wooden box and approached the king.

However, as we approached the last two steps of emperor Jing, something happened.

Li Tai Yi's poisonous insects suddenly burst and died.

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