Mi you Ning watched the insects die.

So bloody dead.

Li Tai Yi looked at Gu Chong's body, and there was no accident in his eyes, even a dead silence.

He sat on the ground all of a sudden, "it's over... Wei Chen can't save you... Gu Wu can't save... Until the Gu of death... Never die..."

Dr. Li sat on the ground with a pale face.

When Xiao Qinzi saw that Li Taiyi was like this, he sat down on the ground.

He followed Dr. Li these days and naturally knew what this scene represented.

Yesterday, Dr. Li also took an insect near the emperor, and the insect died on the way.

Seeing the appearance of Li Taiyi and Xiao Qinzi, MI Youning sighed.

She got up and went to the middle of the camp. She called out to the door: "red sleeves, fragrance, good day, beautiful scenery come in!"

"Yes Four different female voices came from outside the door.

Soon the four maids in the palace came into the camp in men's clothes.

Li Taiyi and Xiao Qinzi were unable to stop them. They couldn't accept the result that emperor Jing didn't save them.

When the four maids came in, they saw the emperor lying on the bed breathing weakly.

Several people have opened their eyes, showing the appearance of disbelief, the worry in the eyes more hi overflow eyes.

"Hongxiu and Tianxiang lead the outside Pro guards and members of xuesha to surround the camp. No one is allowed to get close to the camp. Those who don't listen to the advice will be killed without mercy!"



Hongxiu and Tianxiang are ordered to walk out of the barracks with a serious face.

"Good day and beautiful scenery will help Dr. Li. It's up to you whether the emperor's life can be saved or not.

Miyuning turned and dragged his coat down to the bedside.

It seems that Dr. Li suddenly regained his mind.

He turned to the approaching woman.

As the first person to discover Jiuji's gender, Dr. Li has some subtle feelings about her.

At this time, he did not know why, the other side of the last sentence to stop in the ear.

Even think of many years ago, the other fearless received Tongxin Gu.

Inexplicably there is a feeling that the emperor's life, this woman may really have a way.

Li Tai Yi quickly stood up from the ground, regardless of the dust on his body, and quickly walked two steps to mi you Ning's body.

"Father Ji, you really have a way to save the emperor. Do you know what poison it is?"

The last words are full of unknown temptations and uneasy expectations.

Miyuning took off his coat and lifted the sleeves of his inner shirt.

Heard Li Taiyi's words, raised an eye to Lightly sweep the other side one eye, that charming eye in have a little displeasure.

"Dead bug."

Miyuning's displeasure was not directed at Dr. Li, but because emperor Jing had been poisoned. She didn't know it until she arrived here.

If it's a day or two later, that man's life will be gone.

Li Taiyi's eyes lit up when he heard the two words that miyuning revealed.

He looked surprised. "Father Ji just said he had a way to cure the emperor. I don't know if it is..."

"Dr. Li, don't ask so many questions. Just listen to me. If you want to save the emperor's life, you can only exchange your life for your life. You'd better act quickly."

"Good, good..."

Doctor Li changed his attitude and nodded cautiously.

Now as long as you can save the emperor's life, even let him die immediately.

Once the emperor really happened at the border, his family would not be protected.

Next, Li Taiyi, Liangchen and Meijing took action in no hurry under the command of MI Youning.

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