On the line of sight, mi you Ning's smile remained unchanged.


With a low and commanding tone, MI Youning frowned slightly, which was a little fleeting.

"Huang Ying." She gave her original name.

The man looks at mi you Ning coldly.

"Ao Tian."

Then he turned and walked to the back bookshelf.

Before that, the other side was searching for something there. Mi Youning saw that the other side didn't pay attention to it, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

Ao Tian?

Is that a man's name?

It's kind of weird, but it seems to fit each other.

Miyuning shook his head and walked towards the door.

"Excuse me last night. I'll leave first."

Mi you Ning looked at the other party's tall figure, and did not get a response.

He's really a freak.

This man is not a hunter.

Just now, the other side stood in front of her at a close distance. Although her hands were not delicate, they didn't work.

Sharp eyes, indifferent expression, a momentum, people feel the oppression.

This is no ordinary person.

Miyuning stepped out of the threshold.

It has nothing to do with her.

Out of this door, they are each other's passers-by after all.

When miyuning left, the man standing in front of the bookshelf did not look back.

The other person's attitude is like she doesn't exist.

Miyuning walked out of the bamboo building and took a deep breath.

The morning air in the mountains is really comfortable.

She opened her arms and gave a slight stretch.

Looking at the dense woods around, as well as the flowing stream, and the early bird calls, I feel better.

Miyuning went to the stream and washed his face.

See the clear stream, wash your face when inadvertently touched the lips, tasted quite sweet.

She reached for it and took a big drink.

From time to time, fish swam across the clear stream, and MI Youning raised his lips.

Although she was hungry, she was not very intolerable.

While it was still early, she wanted to go down the mountain and get out of here.

I got up and walked towards the way I came last night. There was a way down the mountain.

Miyuning is full of confidence and leaves in a very good mood.

After she left for a while, the man in the hall under the bamboo building put down the book.

He raised his feet and walked out of the main building.

She glanced at the position where miyuning was standing by the stream before, then looked in the direction where she left.

His strong and handsome face showed an evil smile.

Smile is clearly with a bit of schadenfreude.

When he came back early in the morning, he found that someone had broken into the bamboo building at the door.

The original unhappy mood is even worse.

At that time, he was still impressed by the killing in his heart.

However, when he pushed the door open, he saw the woman lying on the couch where he usually rested. His killing intention dissipated in an instant.

Ao Tian stares at mi you Ning's back as he leaves, and his eyes become strange.

He waited for the other party to come back again.

No one can walk out of the mountain as long as he wants.

This time, see where she's going.

Ao Tian turned and walked back to his room. Instead of staying on the first floor, he went up to the second floor.


Miyuning had been walking for a long time, but when he was in the sky, he still couldn't find his way down the mountain.

"Little soul, I'm lost in your home..."

She murmured to herself.

Of course, the soul will not respond to her.

Miyuning went to an old tree and took a rest with some trunks that adults could hold.

She has been walking for a long time, so far she has not found the way down the mountain.

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