There is no detour, no repetition, or encounter ghosts.

She just lost her way

It's strange that she got lost. She could see the direction of the bamboo building in the back mountain wherever she went.

But I just can't find the way down the mountain.

Miyuning took a rest for a while and went on without believing in evil.

And even called up the real picture, opened the golden finger to find the way down the mountain.

After walking for half an hour, miyuning finally realized something.

There is something strange about this mountain forest.

It's clear that the exit is just ahead, but it's a dead end.

She even thought it was some kind of cover up. She wanted to break through, but she found that there were real things in front of her.

It's not a border or a cover up at all.

When he found out this, miyuning's face sank.

After such a long walk, she was already hungry.

I haven't eaten since the morning when my stomach has begun to protest.

Looked around, and found nothing to eat.

Miyuning simply sat down in the same place and took out a piece of chocolate from the soul space and put it in his mouth.

Sweet rich taste in the mouth of the open, so that the gloomy mood better.

Now that we can't get out of the mountain forest and can't leave the mountain, miyuning feels that we need to think of other ways.

Although the surrounding villages are famous, few people go up the mountain into the forest.

But it doesn't mean that there is no one. Maybe some people will leave with them.

In case... In case

Miyuning raised his head and looked in the direction of Houshan bamboo house.

Strange to say, wherever she went, she could vaguely see the location of the bamboo house.

In case of inseparable, she can only find the man named Ao Tian.

If the other party has lived here for a long time, he will be able to go out.

After eating the chocolate in his mouth, miyuning gets up and plans to try again.

If you can't go out again, go to the back mountain and ask for help.

However, the accident happened this time.

Miyuning walked on for a short time, and met the snakes.

A green snake and a black snake entangled together, blocking the road ahead.

It's not a spacious road. It's OK to walk a few adults.

The two snakes in front of us are more than two meters long. Sheng Sheng blocks the road.

Miyuning did not intend to watch their snake making process.

She walked around the grass and moved on.

A few meters ahead, she found several pairs of snakes entwined together.

I even saw other moves of pressing up and down together.

Today's season is not like the season of action. Why are so many animals here

Suddenly, miyuning sniffed the air, smelling a sweet and greasy aroma.

It seems to be a kind of flower fragrance, which makes people can't help sinking.

Feeling something bad, she immediately shook her head hard.

The situation here is not right. There are all kinds of things in the deep mountains and forests. Maybe there are some confusing plants or other things around here.

Mi you Ning turns around and is about to leave, only to find an enchanting woman standing behind her.

There is no shelter on the other side's upper body, and the big tail is supporting it.

Miyuning pressed his forehead and looked at each other in bewilderment.

Next, she watched with her own eyes a black snake standing up slowly, changing a man's appearance.

The other side, like the woman, had no shelter on her upper body, and the snake tail was painted black below.

This is... Demon?

Miyuning couldn't think, but he didn't feel very clear in his mind.

Even in front of the two snake demons, there was no fear in her eyes.

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