The huge Ganoderma lucidum on the cliff is hundreds of years old.

Such Ganoderma lucidum is hard to find.

Miyuning's eyes show amazing light, as if she had seen the task of the world completed, and she is about to leave the last step of the task world.

Even further away from her return to the great Xia Dynasty.

Han Yun goes to mi you Ning and breaks all her fantasies.

"What are you looking at?" A low, oppressive voice sounded.

Han Yun is not happy. The little lady is too headstrong. She doesn't know that she is in danger at any time.

Not to mention that there will be a beast, she walked so carelessly to the front of the cliff, in case she accidentally fell down, it's not for fun.

Miyuning doesn't recognize Han Yun's displeasure at all. She holds his arm in surprise and points to the location of Ganoderma lucidum.

Excited: "you see, there are Ganoderma lucidum!"

Han Yun followed the place she pointed out and found Ganoderma lucidum.

Naturally, he knew it was hard to buy.

These things are not necessarily in the families of princes and nobles.

See Ganoderma lucidum, Han Yun is not happy, but thoughtful looking at the woman around.

Last time he passed by, he didn't find Ganoderma lucidum.

How come the first time she came here, she went straight here, as if she knew there was Ganoderma lucidum in advance.

Thinking of the mystery of the woman around him, Han Yun disperses all his thoughts. He takes out a rope and ties it to himself.

Then he took the other end of the rope and went to the ancient tree not far away. He wound the rope around it and tied a knot.

Mi you Ning turns to see Han Yun's action.

She knew what the man wanted to do.

If you want Ganoderma lucidum, you have to go down. She can go down and bring it up with her bare hands.

But with Han Yun around, it's not convenient for her to expose her skills.

Han Yun comes to the cliff, stands beside mi you Ning, takes a dagger out of his arms and puts it into her hand.

"I'll pick Ganoderma lucidum first. You wait for me on it. If anything comes up, protect yourself. "

Miyuning, holding a sharp dagger, nodded seriously, "you also pay attention to safety."

Seeing that she cares about herself, Han Yun steps forward and holds people in his arms.

Warm and cool lips, regardless of the pressure on the lips.

Kiss hard, taste sweet taste.

The kiss didn't last long.

Even if miyuning did not resist, Han Yun left soon.

Wonderful taste, let him remember in mind, but also a profound understanding of the original she was so sweet.

Han Yun stepped back two steps and went to the cliff without lifting his head. He slid down the rope.

In the twinkling of an eye, the figure of the other party disappeared.

Mi you Ning steps forward and watches Han Yun boldly slide down.

In the twinkling of an eye, the other party arrived at the location of Ganoderma lucidum.

This Ganoderma lucidum is also a good place to grow. It is in the biggest gap of the cliff. Otherwise, such a large Ganoderma lucidum would have fallen to the bottom of the cliff.

Han Yun carefully picked off the Ganoderma lucidum, so big Ganoderma lucidum he held in one hand, dare not touch the rope.

I'm afraid that if I bump it, it will make Ganoderma lucidum lose its value.

He pulled the rope with one hand and climbed up little by little. The action seemed slow, but it was also very neat.

When he climbed up, miyuning did not go to guanlingzhi for the first time. Instead, he untied the rope around Hanyun's waist.

"Are you all right? Did you knock on it? "

A pair of slender jade fingers, constantly groping in the body, even if Han Yun is a gentleman, can not help but react.

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