Mi Youning did not respond to Han Yun.

She also got up and wiped the herbal juice from her hands, turned and walked to the place where Ganoderma lucidum was.

She picked up the huge Ganoderma lucidum, which was not light in weight.

It's worth money. I think she doesn't have to do anything. As long as she sells Ganoderma lucidum, the Wang family will not worry about food and drink in the future.

Han Yun arranges his clothes. He turns around because he doesn't hear the response from his descendants.

Mi you Ning has already held the Ganoderma lucidum in his arms.

Seeing Han Yun turn around, mi you Ning seems as if nothing happened.

Give him a gentle smile, "this thing is too big, you take it."

Han Yun seriously looked at her gentle face, did not find a trace of embarrassment or other exposed emotions.

At this time, he was not sure whether he was more fortunate or more lost.

However, as soon as miyuning's words came to an end, Han Yun immediately went forward and took Ganoderma lucidum in his hand.

Then go to pick up the rope on the cliff.

As he tidied up the rope, he asked casually, "do you want to find other herbs?"

Miyuning goes to the big tree not far away and unties the rope tied by Han Yun.

When I heard what he said, I didn't answer immediately.

It's just browsing through the actual picture in my mind to see if there are any other herbs around.

Soon found, not far from here is a piece of land, where there is a treasure.

Mi you Ning takes the Untied rope and goes to Han Yun.

When you come to the other side again, put the rope in his hand.

She turned and looked not far away, and there was a distance of several hundred meters.

Miyuning held out his hand and pointed to the place like a scallion finger. "I want to go there and have a look."

Han Yun carries the rope to his shoulder with the guy, and the Ganoderma lucidum in his hand has never let go.

Hearing mi you Ning's words, I looked along her hand.

It was plain and there was no other danger. After thinking about it, he agreed, "well, let's go."

He went to miyuning and held his soft little hand in his big one again.

As for Han Yun's movements, mi you Ning doesn't pay attention to Emmi.

Even have been used to, this way up the mountain, the other side has been holding her hand.

At this time, in her eyes, there was only a treasure not far away, all of which were treasures.

Mi you Ning can't wait to go. Han Yun follows her.

There were many thoughts in his heart, but his face was calm.

Finally, he went to the place where miyuning pointed out. Looking at the green plants with small red beads on the top, Han Yun was still puzzled.

He has been here before. Although he is not familiar with this area, he knows that there are many weeds here.

However, looking at the amazing light in the eyes of the little women around him, he was puzzled.

I don't understand what's going on.

"What's wrong here?" We can only ask each other.

Miyuning turned his head, with a brilliant smile on his beautiful little face.

A pair of eyes 4 smile like crescent, the joy of the beautiful eyes, Han Yun is an eye.

She was very happy, happy as if she had got some treasure.

Looking around again, except for the plant with red string beads and the indistinguishable weeds around, he didn't find anything rare.

Mi you Ning sees that Han Yun still can't see anything. She releases her opponent's hand and steps forward.

Looking at the treasure in front of me, the smile on my face became deeper.

"It's all babies."

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