Just as the main hall fell silent, housekeeper Liu came in.

"Master, master Han, the carriage is ready, ready to go."

Rui Wang Wen Yan, waved to Han Yun, "you go, what need to say with Lao Liu, he can do."

Han Yun did not leave, but stepped forward.

He reached out and patted Rui Wang on the shoulder. "Everything is over, and some things can't be over after all."

Rui Wang gave him a sad smile, "I know."

Han Yunxin couldn't bear his sad expression.

After all, it was he who watched the children grow up.

Han Yun sighed in a low voice and turned to leave.

As he stepped out of the main hall, miyuning looked back at the gentle and elegant man sitting on the throne.

Rui Wang's appearance to tell the truth, the skin bag is still good, and there is a breath of books all over him.

It's just that the color of his face doesn't look very healthy, as if he was ill.

Especially now, his lonely and sad expression makes him look more... Pity.

Miyuning hesitated a little before using the word pity.

At this time, Rui Wang looks very fragile, it is hurt by love, full of injuries, people look very unbearable.

I just don't know which woman hurt him by love.

Mi you Ning and Han Yun walk out of the main gate of Rui Wang's mansion, where a gorgeous and exquisite carriage stops.

"Mr. Han, madam, please get on the carriage. Now we are going to Liu Yuan's house. They are going to Shanxi. Now they are living in the house..."

They got into the carriage and listened to housekeeper Liu's introduction of several houses.

They went to Liu's house first.

Mi Youning shook his head when he saw the magnificent house and the luxurious dress in it.

The environment here is not what she likes, and even if it is bought and refitted, it will take some time, money and manpower.

However, the residence outside Liu Yuan is the closest to the residence of King Rui.

After that, I continued to look at several places.

Mi you Ning and Han Yun finally decided to choose the most prosperous area in Luoyang.

Not far from the house is the restaurant. According to housekeeper Liu, the business of the restaurant is very good.

Unfortunately, the owner of the restaurant died a few months ago, leaving two sons behind.

In order to inherit the restaurant, they had a big fight. The eldest son killed the younger son.

The eldest son was arrested. Although he was killed by mistake, he would never get out of prison.

Nowadays, restaurants are managed by housekeepers, and their business is getting worse and worse.

When miyuning heard what housekeeper Liu said, his mind moved.

In the end, she chose the last house.

It's close to the restaurant, and the decoration of the house looks very exquisite, but it's not luxurious, on the contrary, it has an elegant charm.

It's very comfortable. The place is big enough.

This house is in the most prosperous area, so it's not cheap to buy it.

It cost twelve hundred silver.

The next party took the title deed to the yamen, changed the title of the land title, and left the registered residence at the bottom.

Before and after, he spent another ten liang of silver.

Housekeeper Liu gives the title deed to Han Yun.

The latter gave the title deed to miyuning.

Miyuning is satisfied with the title deed in her hand, but she looks at housekeeper Liu with a smile.

"I heard housekeeper Liu say that the business of the restaurant not far from the house is not good. I don't know if the restaurant means to sell it?"

Housekeeper Liu is also a good person. As soon as he hears mi you Ning's words, he knows what he means.

He respectfully replied: "madam, the restaurant really wants to sell, but the housekeeper is greedy."

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