Mi you Ning hears Liu housekeeper's words, picked eyebrow carelessly.


Is that restaurant worth more than the title deed in her hand.

"Oh? How greedy is it? "

"Madam, the housekeeper's offer is 800 Liang. Some time ago, a rich businessman estimated that the maximum value is 600 Liang. He said that he would buy it for 700 Liang. But the housekeeper of the restaurant didn't agree. The buy it now price is 800 Liang silver."

Han Yun listen to two people's words, gently frown, dissatisfied with the housekeeper's greed, also thought of other things.

A housekeeper, even after the leader's death, still has the eldest son in his family. He just heard what housekeeper Liu meant.

The eldest son was killed by mistake, so he was not beheaded.

If the housekeeper makes such a move to the restaurant, who will get the silver? Naturally, there is no other one.

At the same time, miyuning's face was not happy.

It's not that she can't afford 800 taels of silver, but the housekeeper's behavior makes people despise her.

The banknote in her hand is not from the strong wind, there is no need to be like a fool, to throw money out.

The restaurant is worth 600 taels of silver, and the remaining 200 taels can support many people.

Especially in times of war, they can support people in a village.

Seeing that Han Yun and mi you Ning could not see anything on their faces, housekeeper Liu welcomed them into the carriage.

"Back to the house."

It's not too late for him to decide to go back to the government first.

When they go back to the government, they can almost have dinner. It happens that they don't have to eat alone.

However, just a few meters after the carriage left, the sound of stopping came from the carriage.

"Steward Liu, go to the Yamen. I have something to ask the eldest son of the restaurant."

Hearing the girl's voice, housekeeper Liu naturally asked the groom to stop.

But he showed some hesitation on his face, "madam, do you want to go back to the house for dinner first? It's late."

Miyuning opened the curtain and took a look at the sky outside.

She looked light, "go to the Yamen first, some things can't be delayed."

Seeing this, housekeeper Liu went to see the man in the carriage.

Han Yun had heard mi you Ning say before that there is something strange about the restaurant.

So he agreed. Seeing housekeeper Liu, he nodded.

Well, the master agrees. Housekeeper Liu doesn't dare to stop him.

Make the coachman turn around immediately.

Mi you Ning puts down the curtain, and Han Yun immediately reaches out and holds the person in his arms.

"Where do you think it's weird?"

"There are strange things everywhere. You need to see this young master to know what the situation is. If it's true, saving one life is better than building a seven level floating butcher. If you think too much, it's just a trip to delay some time."

"Well, I'm just worried that you're hungry." Han Yun touched her stomach and rubbed it gently.

Mi you Ning raised his head and gave her a smile. "It won't be long if it doesn't interfere."

She wanted to go to the Yamen because she was very sure that the young master of the restaurant was really wronged.

Before she felt the housekeeper was greedy, she inadvertently used her own ability to see the course of things.

This look made her sneer in her heart.

That housekeeper is really capable.

He killed the second young master, put the blame on the first young master, and even bribed the jailer to deliver poisonous food.

The young master of the restaurant is also a man of backbone. He didn't kill his second younger brother.

But in front of the evidence, he could not refute it.

The housekeeper was the reporter, and on that day he got together with his friends and drank too much.

He had no idea how his second brother would die in his house.

The death of his relatives touched him a lot.

Where to know that this is a trap.

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