At this time, Bert Edward was in the most prosperous bar in the city.

He stood in front of the French window of the box and looked at the center of the stage of the bar downstairs.

By his side, there are several princesses dressed like Lu Feilu.

When he got to this place, Bert Edward lost some of his interest.

But it's a little relaxed, which is true.


Mi you Ning and Xiao Chen were in the hall of Xiao's mansion.

These days, father Xiao can't help it.

He calls Xiao Chen and mi you Ning one after another to let them come back.

This is not, two people obediently came.

Xiao Chen holds mi you Ning's hand and sits opposite his father.

Instead of opening his mouth, he played with miyuning's hand.

The hands are very soft. They are well maintained.

Miyuning is idle playing with his mobile phone and brushing the latest financial news.

Seeing the attitude of these two people, Xiao's father's anger is rising.

Because miyuning is the chairman of Morse group at this time, he can't say anything serious.

Or decide to take Xiao Chen to ask a question first.

"Xiao Chen, where are you going these days? Why don't you go home?"

"I live outside. I didn't say I was going to move out before."

Xiao Chen head also didn't lift of return a way.

"Look up, is that a way of speaking, parenting?"

Father Xiao is really in a hurry.

There are some things that he can't control. He can only be dignified.

Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at his father lightly.

Xiao's father saw that there was no expression on his face, and there was no respect in his eyes.

He couldn't bear it, just like his mother.

"Father, I made it very clear that I would move out. I don't want to make trouble any more."

"Who's bothering you? How long have you been back.

You give me a hurry to go home to live, and Xiao Xiao is also, there is no home back into what it looks like

Miyuning heard about her.

That's the way to take your eyes off the phone.

She looked up at Xiao Fu and said, "er... I can't come back to live. I have a family. I don't know when I will die here."

By the opposition of one or two, father Xiao's face was already blue and white.

He could not say that miyouning was angry, so he tried to suppress himself.

That voice also lowered, "Xiao Xiao is obedient, you are our Xiao's daughter-in-law now, should live at home."

Mi you Ning said with a smile: "no, it's uncomfortable to live here. It's not as good as my own home."


Xiao's father was speechless, and his face was even more ugly.

That month, the Hun bore also fluctuated rapidly.

Xiao Chen sees Xiao Fu this appearance, the eye takes helpless.

"Father, we won't come back to live in the future. There are some things we can't go back to."

At the beginning of Xiao Chen's words, Xiao Fu Teng stood up.

"Why can't I go back?"

When he stands up, his body is still a little unsteady. It's better to hold the sofa.

Then he looked at Xiao Chen with disgusted eyes.

"It's all you. When can I save snacks! Just like your mother, she has a strong attitude and doesn't listen to people's advice at all. "

Originally Xiao Chen also facial expressionless of listen.

Until Father Xiao mentioned his mother, it made his face look ugly.


Xiao Chen took mi you Ning's hand and stood up from the sofa.

Pull people around to leave.

"You son of a bitch! You stop for me

Xiao Chen stopped as expected.

Xiao Fu was satisfied. He continued: "I'll tell you what's wrong with you. You still..."

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