"Father! I don't want to hear from you any more about mother, because you don't deserve to mention her.

She paid the whole youth for you, and even lost her life in the end.

If you have a little conscience, you won't say that your mother is wrong! "

Xiao Chen turns to light to see to Xiao Fu, say words of export, but don't leave a bit of affection.

Because the death of his mother was caused by this man.

Over the years, the other side has never realized the mistake.

Qin Li is a third party, also has her reason.

Xiao Fu stares big eyes, he can't believe of see to Xiao Chen.

It's the first time they've talked about their ex-wife.

He thought the son had no deep feelings for his dead ex-wife.

However, today's attitude made him understand that he didn't care.

It's just... It's just buried in my heart.

Mi you Ning felt that Xiao Chen was holding her hand, which was a little tight.

She holds each other back, turns to look at him, silently comforting.

Xiao Chen takes mi you Ning's hand and turns to leave.

Xiao father looked at their back, but quickly caught up with them.

"Wait... I have something else to say.

Mi you Ning and Xiao Chen have already walked out of the villa.

Looking at the footsteps of Xiao Fu, they really have no patience.

He simply said the purpose this time.

He looked at mi you Ning and said, "Xiao Xiao, you have now taken over Mo's group and become the chairman of the board of directors. I am also idle at home.

You can arrange a position for me and let me go to Morse group to help you. It's better for my family. "

Hearing his father's words, MI Youning didn't make a sound, but Xiao Chen couldn't help it.


Xiao Fu glanced at Xiao Chen. His eyes were disgusted and disgusted.

"I didn't talk to you. Shut up!"

Seeing his father's attitude, mi you Ning immediately stood in front of Xiao Chen.

"I think you didn't wake up today. Morse group wants talented and talented people. What did you do? To be a cleaner? "

Xiao Fu clenched his lips and said, "I used to manage IELTS, and I can also manage it for you when I went to Morse group."

"Ha ha..." mi you Ning smiles.

"Yes, you used to run IELTS, but you forgot.

It was because of your management that I married Xiao Chen. "

Xiao Fu knew that mi you Ning had obviously rejected him.

He didn't look good. "Xiaoxiao, as the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family, shouldn't you take more care of her?"

Miyuning looks back at the man behind her, and she smiles happily.

"I understand what you said. I will take good care of Xiao Chen. This is the man I want to live for a lifetime."

Xiao Chen hears this obscure confession, before still have angry face, immediately soften up.

He reached out and touched miyuning's hair.

However, it's not fun yet. The mobile phone rings.

See the caller ID above, Xiao Chen frowned and picked up the phone.

"Xiao Chen, I'm surrounded by Huaxia police. Come to the rescue quickly."

That has no ups and downs of statement words, let Xiao Chen forehead of green veins exposed.

This is Bert Edward on the phone.

This big trouble, after all, is a mess.

"Where are you now? What have you done? "

The sound of gnashing teeth came out of Xiao Chen's mouth.

Miyuning also heard the voice on the phone.

I know it's Bert Edward. She's picking her eyebrows.

I'm also curious about what this Bert Edward has done.

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