Travel In Search Of Pleasure And Fun.
Chapter 10 - Cap 10
The beasts are more dangerous when they are cornered and injured, they will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to get out of that situation, so are humans, they are more dangerous when they are injured and cornered, when they are bored of abuse and want to be free, now What happens when you give them weapons, they will not hesitate to use them to get out of their situation like a wounded beast that turned its back.
A week has passed since I started distributing weapons around the world, Africa, Iran, Mexico, the United States, they are one of the countries in which it intervened, even so it is quite unknown to ordinary people, it does not even appear in the news , it is clearly trying to hide what happened, since it has no way to explain where those weapons come from or how they were stolen, the United States will not reveal that they are theirs, out of pride.
So far there are more than 500 thousand dead, as I know, because their souls will help me buy weapons from my system. I need to gather to buy the guardian angel, which are 5 million souls, one never knows what could happen, it is better to have insurance.
My relationship with Kayle took giant steps, now she is very close to me, we have no problems taking a bath together, but there are still no night activities.
Now I meet Kayle who wears her armor and covers her face with her helmet, only her golden eyes are visible, observing all the chaos that I cause by giving all that weaponry, I do not think that my actions are wrong, I am only giving them the opportunity to Being free and protecting their families is not what everyone wants, because I gave it to them, that makes me their savior, if there is karma it should be completely balanced or it should have good karma.
-You see Kayle, what do you think of everything that happens around you.
You can see many corpses in this jungle, full of trees and muddy places that are near a river that is where they took diamonds, before this area was only brown like mud, now it is all dyed red, while hundreds of people They shoot themselves without thinking who they hit, they just want to get out of this hell..
She looks at me and takes off her helmet, I can see those beautiful eyes that captivate me more every day, looking at me with a little doubt, this woman will be my Achilles heel, I have to admit that I like to pamper and please her, even more than akara and Itharia, the people who say that they can love all the women in their harem equally, it is a lie, this is always the favorite, there is no equal love.
Kayle: "many people are being killed lion, you are sure that is the right thing to do." there is still doubt on his face, although he loves me, he still has doubts about the ideal of my justice.
Leon: "Love drives away fear and, reciprocally, fear drives away love. Kayle this whole process is necessary, until these people live without fear they will not be able to find love, if they do not find love they will never know what it is like to live, tell me Kayle how do you feel now that you have someone you love and who loves you. "
Kayle: "I feel alive, happy, I think I can achieve anything." his golden eyes shine, as if showing his affection and happiness.
Leon: "and before that." I looked at her seriously, looking for her to only tell the truth and not an invented answer to search for something that does not exist.
Kayle: "I ....." I can't finish, I didn't know what to say, I don't know how to answer Leon.
León: "you were lost, you didn't know what to do, didn't you."
Kayle: "yes" is right, I can't deny that.
Leon: "you see Kayle, what we do is necessary." you need some souls.
Kayle: "There is no other way. If it is you you can find her, it is not like that Leon." there's hope on his face like he knows I can do it differently.
There are other ways, but this way helps me achieve my main goal, which is to buy items from the lol shop.
Leon: "Kayle, among those who are equally bad there is no peace if it is not imposed by the fear of someone worse."
Kayle: "then it only remains to be the villain." He told me with a hint of sadness.
Leon: "yes, but it's the best way to save people, don't forget Lelouch from code geass, he was hated by many, and called a villain, but still he saved many and everything I did for the good of the people, even if he had to die to bring a better era to the world. " But of course I will not give my life for the world, only an idiot would, of course it is not necessary to tell this part to Kayle.
Kayle: "you are right, I will no longer hesitate, I will continue my way with yours lion." he said with a smile and a confident face. Although there are still doubts, but he will try not to show them, he also wants to support me in my decisions, even if they go against his morals.
Leon: "don't worry we will save whoever is necessary, but only if we can. We will not save everyone Kayle, you understand."
Kayle: "I understand, we cannot save everyone, but I want to dispense justice if it is happening in front of my eyes." I can also let her do whatever she wants, it's not that it's going to bring problems or yes.
Leon: "Okay, if it's in front of your eyes, just do what you want, I'll be your support." I said it as I walked over and patted his head.
Kayle: "thank you." he said it while blushing. "How about we go home, I want to stretch my wings a bit, and wear your favorite outfit."
Leon: "sure honey." This woman knows how to tempt me, her wings are soft to the touch, they are very comfortable to sleep on, and in that maid outfit, which is a miniskirt, with ruffles, I will soon taste that fruit, I wonder how our children will be, they will have wings, they will take out part of my strength, we better think that in the future, not that I will have children so soon.
The weekend is over and the conquest begins, of my favorite sensei. I have not approached yet, because I wanted to see how her attitude was at this time, and I have to say that she is a lonely, anime fanatic, besides that I created the service club, I wondered why a lonely like her would create a club to help others, but apparently he only did it so he wouldn't have to join another club and watch his favorite anime, from what I see he likes the mecha style, like gundam, evagenlion and code geass.
Her information explains to me why she meddled so much with Hachiman's life, why she saw herself in oregairu's mc and, she didn't want him to end up single and alone.
It seems like a trauma, but that won't happen in this version, I don't really care what happens with the canon, I just want to do what I please.
Well, in conclusion, the best way to reach her is with someone just like her, in this case, my dear Kayle, she also needs a friend and what better than Shizuka, her future sister.
Next day.
The sun came out, and you can hear how the birds sing, at that moment you can see our protagonist coming out of his bathroom, which was remodeled by a super luxury one, also a heated pool and an 80-inch television for Kayle, no Let's forget a kitchen with all the implements for the best meals, it hurts that neither of us knows how to cook, when you have money you should enjoy life, the protagonist thought.
Nothing better than a morning exercise after a night exercise with akara and Itharia, it was a great night where I was able to have two beauties in my arms, then I came back and slept with Kayle. They also mentioned the Charsi problem, I did not think she had an inferiority complex, I think it was my fault for not paying attention to her lately, but I wanted to strengthen my love relationship with Akara and Itharia, I think I will have to talk to her, but first.
Leon: "Kayle I need you to do something for me." I said it as I walked over and stroked his wings, he likes it when I do this.
Kayle: "is looking for another girl, if so, I refuse." oy oy oy, where was my harem ability.
Leon: "how did you know."
Kayle: "I saw that perverted face you made." I have to control my desires better.
Leon: "It was because of your wings and your charm, besides, you don't want a big family."
Kayle: "It's not that I don't want to, I just want it to be later, I want to monopolize you for now." Every person has their selfish side, I can't blame her.
Leon: "how selfish you are and I saw you as an angel." I said it in a tone full of regret.
Kayle: "I won't fall for that" She stares at me without looking away.
Leon: "I just want you to make a friend for now, nothing else ok." It's not that I'm lying. I think they'll be good friends.
Kayle: "a friend, but something more true will happen."
León: "I never said that there are no possibilities, but it will be very forward, we will have a lot of time for both of us."
Kayle: "hmp, let me think, I want to see what she is like, if I don't like it, I won't help you."
León: "You will love it, something tells me that they will be good friends."
Kayle: "I hope so." you can see a bit of curiosity on his face.
School is pretty boring, as always, how many times have I been through this. The only good thing are the teachers that if they are very beautiful mature women, some even married and with children, I should try them and give them a good time, but I prefer to spoil this angel next to me, I will have time to steal married women.
Leaving my perverted things aside, in these moments we are heading to the service club, sure to be a surprise. As we walked down the hall to the second section of the building, I have to admit that this place is gigantic, miracle that I have not missed, a few minutes of walking and we arrived at the place.
Kayle: "then in that classroom is your objective."
Leon: "You make it sound like I collect them and I only have you."
Kayle: "you know I have incredible senses right?"
León: "Obviously I know, why do you ask."
Kayel: "my nose is very good." he said with a slightly angry tone, while pointing to his nose.
Leon: "...." shit, I must have used something to erase the smell of those nights of passion.
Kayle: "Exactly I can smell the fragrance of other women in you, I have not complained because you have not taken my time, to be honest I have no idea how you do it to be with other women at night, I don't even realize when you go and come back.
Leon: "...." I was easily discovered, and I thought I was good at hiding things.
Kayle: "something to say." As she stands in front of me and crosses her arms, I can see her beautiful breasts rise.
León: "I'll explain it to you another day, for now, help me with this." I look into her eyes with a serious face.
Kayle: "And you introduce them, I don't want to be in the dark about other women either."
Leon: "of course."
Kayle: "the others know about me."
Leon: "Maybe you're just suspicious, but I'll take the time to put them together, now let's put the topic aside and let's get you a friend."
and when we knocked on the door a surprised voice sounded from within.
Shizuka: "waaaah, who-who is it."
leon: "should say go ahead." What happened to the strong-willed woman in the novel, well just a teenager yet.
Shizuka: "Excuse me go ahead." still stutters, well nothing to do.
Leon: Hi, excuse the intrusion, my name is Leon and this is Kayle, this is the service club.
Shizuka: "Yes, this is the service club, Ouroboros-san and Hex-san."
León: "honorifics are not necessary."
Shizuka: "Okay, my name is Hiratsuka Shizuka, so le-leon, and kayle, how can I help you."
Leon: "sure, I need you to help find a friend for kayle." But this is the most popular girl in school because she needs help making friends. Shizuka thought.
Shizuka: "a friend, but she should be very popular."
Leon: "you're right, but they are not people with the same interests as Kayle."
While Leon and Shizuka talk, you can see Kayle thoughtful, I popular, but no one comes close to talking to me. It has to be another Kayle, for sure.
Note, they two were very popular, they were known as the prince and the golden princess, they were so popular that they did not approach them, because they believed that they were not up to meeting with the princes, that is the explanation of why that no one ever approaches and talks to the two of them.
Continuing with the conversations.
Shizuka: "what are your interests." he asks while looking at kayle.
Kayle: "leave it to my Lion" I can see the fire burning in her eyes, she's motivated. "We'll see how good it is"
"I am in the army to prevent people from dying."
Shizuka: "that contradiction will kill you one day."
Kayle: "Fake tears bring pain to those around you."
Shizuka: "A fake fake smile brings pain to oneself." (reference to cod3 geass dialogs)
Kayle: "friends."
Shizuka: "friends." And they both hold hands and look at each other as if they found their other half.
Leon: "application completed then." How fast was that, women who understand them, you just have to love them.
Shizuka: "I didn't expect us to have the same tastes."
Leon: "Well, how about you join the Kayle club.
Kayle: "you're right, they have a TV." Kayle asked
Shizuka: "of course, or else it will bore me alone." He said as he went to the blackboard, apparently behind the blackboard was the television, what a good hiding place, I wonder how he put it in that place.
León: "Well Kayle, how about you stay at the club and I'll wait for you at home, I have things to do."
Kayle: "okay."
Leon: "see you later Shizuka. I hope you don't mind calling you like that."
Shizuka: "no problem." She looks more confident, it has to be because she has a friend who shares her interests.
A few minutes later, thousands of miles away, you can see a man in a tight suit, without a jacket, and with his tie half loose, and use the massacre that Hei, from Darker than Black, uses. He is not alone, he is surrounded by a heavily armed group, but they do not see themselves as enemies but as old friends and in front of him, is the leader of these.
He is a black man, 2.10 meters, in a worn military jacket, and shorts.
Moro: "Then Mr. Black, what do we owe your presence to?"
Leon (Black): "Of course it's for a new weapon pack, I just hope it has what I asked for."
Moro: "all the diamonds are in the box, you white ones, I don't understand what value you find in these shiny things, you can't eat them."
Leon: (black): "hohoho, dear that doesn't matter, the only thing that matters are these weapons that will bring freedom to your people."
Black: "I cannot help but be grateful for everything you have done for us, we swear eternal loyalty to Mr. Black until death."
"Until death ,, x20" shouted the men guarding the delivery.
Black: "they flatter me, but I only do it for the greater good, I no longer want to see people suffer." I love to play the role of the good samaritan, I am a good actor I would say.
Moro: "He is a good man like his wife, speaking of her where she is."
Black: "I left her with a friend, from time to time it's good for her to have fun, don't forget that everything we do is for the sake of our family's smiles."
Moro "it's true, for freedom and family" was said with a tone of regret and regret.
"for Liberty." men guarding the delivery.
Finishing the conversation I go to the box, and I can easily see 25 kilos of diamonds, really beautiful. To be honest I don't even need them to look for them, but it saves me time, also, so I can justify where the weapons come from, I just tell them that I buy them with diamonds and they believe it, how naive.
Taking the diamonds and ready to go, I can feel how various presences are approaching us, I know what is coming, we were discovered, I wonder who the infiltrator is.
But it is time for the world to know about me Mr. Black, I always wanted to be famous in this way, as a mysterious man who pulls the strings, the good thing is that I can escape from here in a blink of an eye, if there is no danger.
A few seconds later you can feel the bullets approaching and penetrating the heads of some, the brains fly as well as the blood and the eyes. They had several snipers, they only aimed at the cannon fodder, they were very well informed, and panic came, they all tried to shoot but, in a second, 15 of the 20 men were killed, these guys were not a joke, they were elites, among them a woman, quite young, hohoho, can smell the jasmine, and also purity, apparently it has not been touched by a man yet, it is a good target to use later, if you do this type of mission you should know that It happens if it is captured by the enemy and more if it is a beauty. Bad luck for her, but I have no mercy on my enemies.
Other seconds later all those who were armed are dead and others disabled except me and the leader who were without weapons, I did not move at all I know that nothing would happen to me, they want me alive, after all I am the one who has been supplying weapons To many people throughout the world and not to say that they were highly respected of the law, I offered many weapons to the Italian, Russian and Chinese mafias.
Black: "I see you very calm, Mr. Moor."
Moro: "I could say the same of you Mr. Black."
Black: "It is not necessary to pretend, look, you already won, most likely they had your family."
Moro: "I'm sorry Mr. Black, I'm very sorry." I can see his sadness and regret, for the fact of betraying me, but I don't blame him, they had his family, the weak point of many people.
Black: "do not worry, everything is for the family is not like that."
Moro: "yes, thanks for your understanding-" I can't finish, when his head disappeared, questions what happened, I used telekinesis to transport it to my inventory, a trick I learned recently, magic in the real world is more versatile than when he uses it in the devil's world, it is as if in that world he is restricted by his descriptions or rules.
squad leader: "stay still, don't move." said the squad leader, he approached me and took off his mask, apparently he was already confident that only us remained.
Black: "don't worry about your informant, look at his head disappeared."
squad leader: "how is it possible, someone shot, someone saw what happened." He said it with an air of disbelief.
Fox 2: "negative sir, nobody shot."
squad leader: "well, it doesn't matter, it doesn't work anymore, we have the main character, it's not like that, Mr. Black" that little concern, and change of mind so fast.
Black: "I can't deny that, I'm the one who has given weapons to different factions in the world, I'm the one who brought chaos and a bit of fun to this world.
female soldier: "You find all the lives you have taken funny." Said the only woman in the group.
Black: "hahahaha, of course and I'm sick of pretending not to."
female soldier: "fucking psycho, lunatic." in that he raises his weapon.
Squad leader "para range 5."
Gamma 5: "sorry sir."
Black: "good dog, be quiet when your master asks, I think I will enjoy training you, in bed later."
Squad Leader "You are quite brave Mr. Black or it will be stupid."
Black: "I should be scared, why."
Squad leader: "You are surrounded there is no way to escape, you were too trusting and your arrogance has made you fall."
Black: "but I'm still standing."
Squad Leader: "I didn't know you were funny, now what if you take off your mask and put on the handcuffs, I'll give you a more pleasant trip if you don't resist."
Black: "I don't think we will travel."
Squad leader: "and why do you say that."
Black: "You brought an elite group of 30 men."
Squad leader: "how do you know." I notice concern in his voice.
Black: "of which only 2 remain, you and her."
Squad Leader: "Respond Fox 2" I immediately pick up his radio and call.
Fox 2 "....."
squad leader: "answer fox 2"
Fox 2: "....."
squad leader: "tango 5"
tango 5: "..."
squad leader: "Tango 5"
tango 5: "......."
Black: "you look calm."
squad leader: "I don't know what you did, but you had everything planned and I lost. You can spare her life, she is the daughter of my friend and gave her life for me, I promised to take care of her."
Black: "And I win."
Squad Leader: "You said it at the beginning, she serves you more alive than dead."
Range 5: "what do you say leader."
Squad leader: "we lost, just live for a new day, maybe one day you will find freedom."
Gamma 5: "leader."
Squad leader "try to find your happiness."
gamma 5: "uncle."
Squad Leader: I cut off his head and sent the c4 I had activated to my inventory.
Gamma 5: "uncle. What have you?" - I decided to knock her out, I don't want to hear her.
Black "cunning old man you wanted to make me fly, it hurts that my senses transcend those of humans."
And don't worry about your pretty niece, I will enjoy her very well, that tight ass she has, I have not had anal sex with my partners for now, we recently went for oral sex.
But now I think I will release all my fetish and pent up libido, sorry girl, but you can't help but blame your bad luck and your uncle for running into this stud.
A week has passed since I started distributing weapons around the world, Africa, Iran, Mexico, the United States, they are one of the countries in which it intervened, even so it is quite unknown to ordinary people, it does not even appear in the news , it is clearly trying to hide what happened, since it has no way to explain where those weapons come from or how they were stolen, the United States will not reveal that they are theirs, out of pride.
So far there are more than 500 thousand dead, as I know, because their souls will help me buy weapons from my system. I need to gather to buy the guardian angel, which are 5 million souls, one never knows what could happen, it is better to have insurance.
My relationship with Kayle took giant steps, now she is very close to me, we have no problems taking a bath together, but there are still no night activities.
Now I meet Kayle who wears her armor and covers her face with her helmet, only her golden eyes are visible, observing all the chaos that I cause by giving all that weaponry, I do not think that my actions are wrong, I am only giving them the opportunity to Being free and protecting their families is not what everyone wants, because I gave it to them, that makes me their savior, if there is karma it should be completely balanced or it should have good karma.
-You see Kayle, what do you think of everything that happens around you.
You can see many corpses in this jungle, full of trees and muddy places that are near a river that is where they took diamonds, before this area was only brown like mud, now it is all dyed red, while hundreds of people They shoot themselves without thinking who they hit, they just want to get out of this hell..
She looks at me and takes off her helmet, I can see those beautiful eyes that captivate me more every day, looking at me with a little doubt, this woman will be my Achilles heel, I have to admit that I like to pamper and please her, even more than akara and Itharia, the people who say that they can love all the women in their harem equally, it is a lie, this is always the favorite, there is no equal love.
Kayle: "many people are being killed lion, you are sure that is the right thing to do." there is still doubt on his face, although he loves me, he still has doubts about the ideal of my justice.
Leon: "Love drives away fear and, reciprocally, fear drives away love. Kayle this whole process is necessary, until these people live without fear they will not be able to find love, if they do not find love they will never know what it is like to live, tell me Kayle how do you feel now that you have someone you love and who loves you. "
Kayle: "I feel alive, happy, I think I can achieve anything." his golden eyes shine, as if showing his affection and happiness.
Leon: "and before that." I looked at her seriously, looking for her to only tell the truth and not an invented answer to search for something that does not exist.
Kayle: "I ....." I can't finish, I didn't know what to say, I don't know how to answer Leon.
León: "you were lost, you didn't know what to do, didn't you."
Kayle: "yes" is right, I can't deny that.
Leon: "you see Kayle, what we do is necessary." you need some souls.
Kayle: "There is no other way. If it is you you can find her, it is not like that Leon." there's hope on his face like he knows I can do it differently.
There are other ways, but this way helps me achieve my main goal, which is to buy items from the lol shop.
Leon: "Kayle, among those who are equally bad there is no peace if it is not imposed by the fear of someone worse."
Kayle: "then it only remains to be the villain." He told me with a hint of sadness.
Leon: "yes, but it's the best way to save people, don't forget Lelouch from code geass, he was hated by many, and called a villain, but still he saved many and everything I did for the good of the people, even if he had to die to bring a better era to the world. " But of course I will not give my life for the world, only an idiot would, of course it is not necessary to tell this part to Kayle.
Kayle: "you are right, I will no longer hesitate, I will continue my way with yours lion." he said with a smile and a confident face. Although there are still doubts, but he will try not to show them, he also wants to support me in my decisions, even if they go against his morals.
Leon: "don't worry we will save whoever is necessary, but only if we can. We will not save everyone Kayle, you understand."
Kayle: "I understand, we cannot save everyone, but I want to dispense justice if it is happening in front of my eyes." I can also let her do whatever she wants, it's not that it's going to bring problems or yes.
Leon: "Okay, if it's in front of your eyes, just do what you want, I'll be your support." I said it as I walked over and patted his head.
Kayle: "thank you." he said it while blushing. "How about we go home, I want to stretch my wings a bit, and wear your favorite outfit."
Leon: "sure honey." This woman knows how to tempt me, her wings are soft to the touch, they are very comfortable to sleep on, and in that maid outfit, which is a miniskirt, with ruffles, I will soon taste that fruit, I wonder how our children will be, they will have wings, they will take out part of my strength, we better think that in the future, not that I will have children so soon.
The weekend is over and the conquest begins, of my favorite sensei. I have not approached yet, because I wanted to see how her attitude was at this time, and I have to say that she is a lonely, anime fanatic, besides that I created the service club, I wondered why a lonely like her would create a club to help others, but apparently he only did it so he wouldn't have to join another club and watch his favorite anime, from what I see he likes the mecha style, like gundam, evagenlion and code geass.
Her information explains to me why she meddled so much with Hachiman's life, why she saw herself in oregairu's mc and, she didn't want him to end up single and alone.
It seems like a trauma, but that won't happen in this version, I don't really care what happens with the canon, I just want to do what I please.
Well, in conclusion, the best way to reach her is with someone just like her, in this case, my dear Kayle, she also needs a friend and what better than Shizuka, her future sister.
Next day.
The sun came out, and you can hear how the birds sing, at that moment you can see our protagonist coming out of his bathroom, which was remodeled by a super luxury one, also a heated pool and an 80-inch television for Kayle, no Let's forget a kitchen with all the implements for the best meals, it hurts that neither of us knows how to cook, when you have money you should enjoy life, the protagonist thought.
Nothing better than a morning exercise after a night exercise with akara and Itharia, it was a great night where I was able to have two beauties in my arms, then I came back and slept with Kayle. They also mentioned the Charsi problem, I did not think she had an inferiority complex, I think it was my fault for not paying attention to her lately, but I wanted to strengthen my love relationship with Akara and Itharia, I think I will have to talk to her, but first.
Leon: "Kayle I need you to do something for me." I said it as I walked over and stroked his wings, he likes it when I do this.
Kayle: "is looking for another girl, if so, I refuse." oy oy oy, where was my harem ability.
Leon: "how did you know."
Kayle: "I saw that perverted face you made." I have to control my desires better.
Leon: "It was because of your wings and your charm, besides, you don't want a big family."
Kayle: "It's not that I don't want to, I just want it to be later, I want to monopolize you for now." Every person has their selfish side, I can't blame her.
Leon: "how selfish you are and I saw you as an angel." I said it in a tone full of regret.
Kayle: "I won't fall for that" She stares at me without looking away.
Leon: "I just want you to make a friend for now, nothing else ok." It's not that I'm lying. I think they'll be good friends.
Kayle: "a friend, but something more true will happen."
León: "I never said that there are no possibilities, but it will be very forward, we will have a lot of time for both of us."
Kayle: "hmp, let me think, I want to see what she is like, if I don't like it, I won't help you."
León: "You will love it, something tells me that they will be good friends."
Kayle: "I hope so." you can see a bit of curiosity on his face.
School is pretty boring, as always, how many times have I been through this. The only good thing are the teachers that if they are very beautiful mature women, some even married and with children, I should try them and give them a good time, but I prefer to spoil this angel next to me, I will have time to steal married women.
Leaving my perverted things aside, in these moments we are heading to the service club, sure to be a surprise. As we walked down the hall to the second section of the building, I have to admit that this place is gigantic, miracle that I have not missed, a few minutes of walking and we arrived at the place.
Kayle: "then in that classroom is your objective."
Leon: "You make it sound like I collect them and I only have you."
Kayle: "you know I have incredible senses right?"
León: "Obviously I know, why do you ask."
Kayel: "my nose is very good." he said with a slightly angry tone, while pointing to his nose.
Leon: "...." shit, I must have used something to erase the smell of those nights of passion.
Kayle: "Exactly I can smell the fragrance of other women in you, I have not complained because you have not taken my time, to be honest I have no idea how you do it to be with other women at night, I don't even realize when you go and come back.
Leon: "...." I was easily discovered, and I thought I was good at hiding things.
Kayle: "something to say." As she stands in front of me and crosses her arms, I can see her beautiful breasts rise.
León: "I'll explain it to you another day, for now, help me with this." I look into her eyes with a serious face.
Kayle: "And you introduce them, I don't want to be in the dark about other women either."
Leon: "of course."
Kayle: "the others know about me."
Leon: "Maybe you're just suspicious, but I'll take the time to put them together, now let's put the topic aside and let's get you a friend."
and when we knocked on the door a surprised voice sounded from within.
Shizuka: "waaaah, who-who is it."
leon: "should say go ahead." What happened to the strong-willed woman in the novel, well just a teenager yet.
Shizuka: "Excuse me go ahead." still stutters, well nothing to do.
Leon: Hi, excuse the intrusion, my name is Leon and this is Kayle, this is the service club.
Shizuka: "Yes, this is the service club, Ouroboros-san and Hex-san."
León: "honorifics are not necessary."
Shizuka: "Okay, my name is Hiratsuka Shizuka, so le-leon, and kayle, how can I help you."
Leon: "sure, I need you to help find a friend for kayle." But this is the most popular girl in school because she needs help making friends. Shizuka thought.
Shizuka: "a friend, but she should be very popular."
Leon: "you're right, but they are not people with the same interests as Kayle."
While Leon and Shizuka talk, you can see Kayle thoughtful, I popular, but no one comes close to talking to me. It has to be another Kayle, for sure.
Note, they two were very popular, they were known as the prince and the golden princess, they were so popular that they did not approach them, because they believed that they were not up to meeting with the princes, that is the explanation of why that no one ever approaches and talks to the two of them.
Continuing with the conversations.
Shizuka: "what are your interests." he asks while looking at kayle.
Kayle: "leave it to my Lion" I can see the fire burning in her eyes, she's motivated. "We'll see how good it is"
"I am in the army to prevent people from dying."
Shizuka: "that contradiction will kill you one day."
Kayle: "Fake tears bring pain to those around you."
Shizuka: "A fake fake smile brings pain to oneself." (reference to cod3 geass dialogs)
Kayle: "friends."
Shizuka: "friends." And they both hold hands and look at each other as if they found their other half.
Leon: "application completed then." How fast was that, women who understand them, you just have to love them.
Shizuka: "I didn't expect us to have the same tastes."
Leon: "Well, how about you join the Kayle club.
Kayle: "you're right, they have a TV." Kayle asked
Shizuka: "of course, or else it will bore me alone." He said as he went to the blackboard, apparently behind the blackboard was the television, what a good hiding place, I wonder how he put it in that place.
León: "Well Kayle, how about you stay at the club and I'll wait for you at home, I have things to do."
Kayle: "okay."
Leon: "see you later Shizuka. I hope you don't mind calling you like that."
Shizuka: "no problem." She looks more confident, it has to be because she has a friend who shares her interests.
A few minutes later, thousands of miles away, you can see a man in a tight suit, without a jacket, and with his tie half loose, and use the massacre that Hei, from Darker than Black, uses. He is not alone, he is surrounded by a heavily armed group, but they do not see themselves as enemies but as old friends and in front of him, is the leader of these.
He is a black man, 2.10 meters, in a worn military jacket, and shorts.
Moro: "Then Mr. Black, what do we owe your presence to?"
Leon (Black): "Of course it's for a new weapon pack, I just hope it has what I asked for."
Moro: "all the diamonds are in the box, you white ones, I don't understand what value you find in these shiny things, you can't eat them."
Leon: (black): "hohoho, dear that doesn't matter, the only thing that matters are these weapons that will bring freedom to your people."
Black: "I cannot help but be grateful for everything you have done for us, we swear eternal loyalty to Mr. Black until death."
"Until death ,, x20" shouted the men guarding the delivery.
Black: "they flatter me, but I only do it for the greater good, I no longer want to see people suffer." I love to play the role of the good samaritan, I am a good actor I would say.
Moro: "He is a good man like his wife, speaking of her where she is."
Black: "I left her with a friend, from time to time it's good for her to have fun, don't forget that everything we do is for the sake of our family's smiles."
Moro "it's true, for freedom and family" was said with a tone of regret and regret.
"for Liberty." men guarding the delivery.
Finishing the conversation I go to the box, and I can easily see 25 kilos of diamonds, really beautiful. To be honest I don't even need them to look for them, but it saves me time, also, so I can justify where the weapons come from, I just tell them that I buy them with diamonds and they believe it, how naive.
Taking the diamonds and ready to go, I can feel how various presences are approaching us, I know what is coming, we were discovered, I wonder who the infiltrator is.
But it is time for the world to know about me Mr. Black, I always wanted to be famous in this way, as a mysterious man who pulls the strings, the good thing is that I can escape from here in a blink of an eye, if there is no danger.
A few seconds later you can feel the bullets approaching and penetrating the heads of some, the brains fly as well as the blood and the eyes. They had several snipers, they only aimed at the cannon fodder, they were very well informed, and panic came, they all tried to shoot but, in a second, 15 of the 20 men were killed, these guys were not a joke, they were elites, among them a woman, quite young, hohoho, can smell the jasmine, and also purity, apparently it has not been touched by a man yet, it is a good target to use later, if you do this type of mission you should know that It happens if it is captured by the enemy and more if it is a beauty. Bad luck for her, but I have no mercy on my enemies.
Other seconds later all those who were armed are dead and others disabled except me and the leader who were without weapons, I did not move at all I know that nothing would happen to me, they want me alive, after all I am the one who has been supplying weapons To many people throughout the world and not to say that they were highly respected of the law, I offered many weapons to the Italian, Russian and Chinese mafias.
Black: "I see you very calm, Mr. Moor."
Moro: "I could say the same of you Mr. Black."
Black: "It is not necessary to pretend, look, you already won, most likely they had your family."
Moro: "I'm sorry Mr. Black, I'm very sorry." I can see his sadness and regret, for the fact of betraying me, but I don't blame him, they had his family, the weak point of many people.
Black: "do not worry, everything is for the family is not like that."
Moro: "yes, thanks for your understanding-" I can't finish, when his head disappeared, questions what happened, I used telekinesis to transport it to my inventory, a trick I learned recently, magic in the real world is more versatile than when he uses it in the devil's world, it is as if in that world he is restricted by his descriptions or rules.
squad leader: "stay still, don't move." said the squad leader, he approached me and took off his mask, apparently he was already confident that only us remained.
Black: "don't worry about your informant, look at his head disappeared."
squad leader: "how is it possible, someone shot, someone saw what happened." He said it with an air of disbelief.
Fox 2: "negative sir, nobody shot."
squad leader: "well, it doesn't matter, it doesn't work anymore, we have the main character, it's not like that, Mr. Black" that little concern, and change of mind so fast.
Black: "I can't deny that, I'm the one who has given weapons to different factions in the world, I'm the one who brought chaos and a bit of fun to this world.
female soldier: "You find all the lives you have taken funny." Said the only woman in the group.
Black: "hahahaha, of course and I'm sick of pretending not to."
female soldier: "fucking psycho, lunatic." in that he raises his weapon.
Squad leader "para range 5."
Gamma 5: "sorry sir."
Black: "good dog, be quiet when your master asks, I think I will enjoy training you, in bed later."
Squad Leader "You are quite brave Mr. Black or it will be stupid."
Black: "I should be scared, why."
Squad leader: "You are surrounded there is no way to escape, you were too trusting and your arrogance has made you fall."
Black: "but I'm still standing."
Squad Leader: "I didn't know you were funny, now what if you take off your mask and put on the handcuffs, I'll give you a more pleasant trip if you don't resist."
Black: "I don't think we will travel."
Squad leader: "and why do you say that."
Black: "You brought an elite group of 30 men."
Squad leader: "how do you know." I notice concern in his voice.
Black: "of which only 2 remain, you and her."
Squad Leader: "Respond Fox 2" I immediately pick up his radio and call.
Fox 2 "....."
squad leader: "answer fox 2"
Fox 2: "....."
squad leader: "tango 5"
tango 5: "..."
squad leader: "Tango 5"
tango 5: "......."
Black: "you look calm."
squad leader: "I don't know what you did, but you had everything planned and I lost. You can spare her life, she is the daughter of my friend and gave her life for me, I promised to take care of her."
Black: "And I win."
Squad Leader: "You said it at the beginning, she serves you more alive than dead."
Range 5: "what do you say leader."
Squad leader: "we lost, just live for a new day, maybe one day you will find freedom."
Gamma 5: "leader."
Squad leader "try to find your happiness."
gamma 5: "uncle."
Squad Leader: I cut off his head and sent the c4 I had activated to my inventory.
Gamma 5: "uncle. What have you?" - I decided to knock her out, I don't want to hear her.
Black "cunning old man you wanted to make me fly, it hurts that my senses transcend those of humans."
And don't worry about your pretty niece, I will enjoy her very well, that tight ass she has, I have not had anal sex with my partners for now, we recently went for oral sex.
But now I think I will release all my fetish and pent up libido, sorry girl, but you can't help but blame your bad luck and your uncle for running into this stud.
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